Резюме від 17 вересня 2015


Junior/Middle Python Developer

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
28 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

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Додаткова інформація

Artyom Migda
Full­stack python developer
04.04.1996 (19 years old)
Kyiv, Tcitadelna str., 7/92
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
skype: artyom.migda
linkedin: ​
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


Python: Advanced level. 3 years of commercial development experience on python.
Have a practice in web scratchers using beautifulsoup and browser emulators like
phantomjs; web services, back­end systems for various type applications, API`s using
Django, Django Rest Framework, Tornado etc.; image processing tasks, using
OpenCV. Follow PEP8 principles and rules. Took a part into development of marketing
systems and advertising platforms on python. Used python in data analysis tasks.

Databases: Intermediate level. Working with SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) and
no­SQL (MongoDB) database management systems. Have an experience in
architecture design of complex databases.

Javascript: Intermediate level. 2 years of development experience on javascript.
Working with AJAX, jQuery, have some of experience in AngularJS. Have a practice in
development of browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Opera). Also, took a part in
development photoshop extension using JS and Photoshop API.

HTML/CSS: Basic level. 2 years of experience in typeset using HTML/CSS. Working
with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation.

Speech and presentation: Have a full of experience in presentation own projects, took a
part in scientific conferences and contests, business presentations etc.

Software and operating systems: ​ some of experience in UNIX­based systems.
Used git in projects as version control system. Have an experience in management
systems (JIRA, basecamp).

Other: Deep understanding OOP concepts, MVC and some of other design patterns;
algorithms and data­structures. Working with LaTeX and markdown.

Working experience:

Developed an automatic multithreading comments­poster for youtube with captcha
recognition (using Wolfram Mathematica image processing).
Developed a multithreading highload parser of liveinternet statistics.
Developed a system for recognizing car numbers (Russian Federation pattern) using
Python and OpenCV.

Cayugasoft technologies:
Working as a full­stack python developer from November 2014 to date.
Take part into development a system for context targeting ads and platform for user
data collection using Python/Django, angularjs.
Also, take part into development photoshop extension for ad designers.
Developed a twitter geosearch service (​
http://wherehtag.com​ ) using Django, jQuery,
mapbox. Also, developed an analytical system based on requests to wherehtag.


Ukrainian: ​native.
Russian: ​ native.
English: ​pre­intermediate.
French: ​intermediate.

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