Резюме від 22 січня 2009


QA Team Leader/ QA Lead

Повна зайнятість.

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.



DTF ICS, Odessa
Вища, з 2001 по 2006 (4 роки 10 місяців)

Додаткова інформація

02.2008 – 10. 2008Mirasoft Group Kiev, Ukraine
Quality Assurance
Team Leader
Responsibilities: manage team from 7 members, distributing tasks in the group and control results after their implementation, design testing documentation. Collaborating with a 30-member software team.
Collaborating with foreign development and management team members.
Testing: FQA, L10N, Regression, Usability (Label Archive Server, Label Archive Client, IDEAM mobile, CODESOFT, Port Watcher, Back Track, Label Comparator) etc.
Operation systems: MS Windows 2k/2k3/XP/2k8/Vista/
Participation: FQA, L10N, Script-building, WWT(Microsoft)
Languages: SQL, VB-Script

January 2006 – January 2008 Lohika inc. (Hewlett-Packard) Odessa, Ukraine
Quality Assurance (Globalization Department)
Senior QA Engineer
Testing: FQA, L10N, I18N, Regression, Rebranding Mercury to HP, Usability (Mercury Quick Test Professional, Mercury Win Runner, Mercury Quality Center, Mercury Business Availability Center, RUM, SiS, Diagnostics) etc.
Operation systems: MS Windows 2k/2k3/XP/Vista/Linux (support Asian platforms)
Participation: FQA, L10N, Script-building, DB-Administration (support 3 Asian & 5 European languages), Linux (Slackware) administration
Languages: SQL, VB-Script, TSL

OS’s: MS WINDOWS 2000 (AS, Terminal), 2k3 (EE, SE), XP, 2k8, VISTA, 2k8, Linux: Slackware, Xandross
Languages: Java, TSL (Mercury), VB-Script, HTML, SQL(Minor Knowledge), XML (Minor Knowledge)
Networks: good knowledge of network technologies: TCP/IP, 802.1/d/w/s VPN (pptp), PPPoE & etc.
QA tools: Mercury QC, QTP, WinRunner, LoadRunner, FIST, MS Visual Studio, Team Explorer, TFS, MS WWT.

Good communication and organizational skills, diplomacy skills, leadership capabilities, conflict resolution and problem solving skills.
Knowledge of software development & testing technologies, procedures and processes.
Excellent teamwork, communication and documentation writing ability.

2001 – 2006
The Odessa National Polytechnic University, German Technical Faculty
Specialty: Engineer of Computer Systems & Networks,
Degree: 01.07.2005 Bachelor of Degree; 01.07.2006 Specialist of Degree
Subject: Microprocessor analyzer of radioactive isotopes

In present I am graduate student at the Department of Automation.
Thesis: The study of nonlinear systems by Volterra Series.
Planned Degree: Ph.D

English – reading- fluent, writing-fluent, speaking- intermediate.
German - reading- fluent, writing- slow, speaking- slow (level: Grundstuffe 3-1.07.04)
Russian, Ukrainian - mother tongues
Hewlett Packard Quick Test Professional Certified Specialist

Certification ID: 0763-3569A
Company: Mercury
Date Started: 08/27/2007 12:23:56 PM (GMT-05:00)
Date Completed: 08/27/2007 3:12:11 PM (GMT-05:00)
Degree: CPS (Company Product Specialist)

Marital status: single
Interests: Online Games (WoW), Traveling, Neural Networks, Non-linear Systems, Volterra Series & Volterra Kernel, Intranet/Internet technologies.

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