Резюме від 24 травня 2023


Designer, 35 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
39 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи


з 02.2022 по нині (2 роки 4 місяці)
LLC "SMARTSERVICE", Kyiv (Production and Retail)

Publications for marketplaces.
Graphic content for a web site.
Layout packaging for smartphone accessories.
Catalogs & brandbooks.


з 05.2020 по нині (4 роки 1 місяць)
Dialog Press Ltd., Київ (Printing industry)

Design of new types of packaging.
Prototyping with a plotter or manually.
Design of POS materials. Layout design.
Layout design, packaging design and construction for companies such as: Philip Morris, Coca-Cola, British American Tobacco, Altavia, Sandora, PUMB, Royal Canin and many others.

Graphic designer

з 07.2018 по 05.2020 (1 рік 10 місяців)
Mida Group Ltd., Київ (Printing industry, advertising agency)

As a designer:
Layout for all types of printing services.
Creating 2d digital content.
Prepress preparation.
Working with a extra large format printing.

As a manager:
Work with existing clients and search for new ones.
Meetings with customers and assistance in the formation of the terms of reference.
Estimation of cost of works.

Direct acquaintance with various printing equipment.
Work with foreign clients.
Using Adobe packages plus CoralDraw

SMM designer

з 05.2018 по 07.2018 (2 місяці)
Dream Mashean Ltd., Київ (Import and sale of cars)

As a designer:
Creating content for social networks and layouts for printing.

As a marketer:
Search for brand promotion channels. Market analysis.

As a Smm:
Conducting advertising campaigns on social networks.

As a sales manager:
Pre-sales to potential customers.

Web development:
Website creation, seo content, contextual advertising settings

Art decorator

з 01.2018 по 03.2018 (2 місяці)
Slovo Publishing House, Київ (Publishing House)

Development of comic sketches in the weekly.

Creating a pilot comic.

Coloring. Text design.

Prototyping of an online magazine.

Marketing Director

з 03.2013 по 05.2018 (5 років 2 місяці)
Varenichna Katysha Ltd., Київ (Hotel and restaurant industry)

Creating digital materials.
Prepress preparation.
Layout of periodicals.
Create 2d and video content.

Management (crisis):
Launch of the site, extension from the "business card" format to the "online store".
Search engine marketing in general as well as SEO.
Development of menus and all types of advertising.
Action planning.
Promotion on social networks: SMO and SMM.

Photography and decoration of dishes and interiors.
Content management.
SERM management.
Digital Signage Management.
Introduction of corporate style elements.
Creating a brand book for 3 TM.
Work on corporate video.
Graphic design and layout (web-graphics, menu layout, POS-materials, etc.)

System administration.

Work with contractors in publishing houses, outdoor indoor advertising, application development, event agencies).
Implementation of advertising campaigns.

Service support for employees of the office and restaurant chain in technical matters. Security system administration.

SMM designer

з 03.2013 по 09.2013 (6 місяців)
LuxBoulevard Ltd., Київ (Retail)

Creating an online store.
Digital design.
SEO optimization, SMM.
Product photography (watches, jewelry, accessories)

IT project manager

з 12.2011 по 03.2013 (1 рік 3 місяці)
Optima Group Ltd., Київ (Business services)

Digital design.

Launch of Internet projects of different types:
floristic services;
home staff;
sale of real estate;
legal services;

SEO optimization, SMM

Designer, Content manager

з 11.2011 по 03.2012 (4 місяці)
Love Coutre aka Alena Lurdes, Київ (Fashion Blogger, Retail)

Managed by Love Coutre aka Alena Lurdes.

Edit and create image content for the site.

Creating image advertising.

Photographer, content manager

з 03.2011 по 01.2012 (10 місяців)
Red Ltd., Київ (Retail)

Selection of fashionable goods (clothes, shoes, accessories) for sale.

Product photography and image processing for the site.

Website and social networking.

Сreated Content department.


Academy of Municipal Administration

Legal, jurisprudence, Київ
Вища, з 2002 по 2007 (5 років)

Master (theory of state and law), full-time

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати


2012, 2016



Знання і навички

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator CorelDRAW Graphic editors ZBrush Design Unity Java Водійські права кат. B SMM CMS SEO Android Google Google Ads Content management Google Search Console Відеоконтент Конструктор упаковки Водійські права кат. C SMM маркетолог

Знання мов

  • Англійська — середній
  • Німецька — початковий

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати


3D-візуалізатор, дизайнер інтер'єру
40000 грн, Київ, Житомир , ще 3 міста



Дизайнер, менеджер
15000 грн, Дистанційно

22000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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