
Front-end разработчик, HTML-верстальщик (Junior), 5 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
38 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Краматорськ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Знання і навички

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • SASS
  • jQuery
  • Git
  • Gulp
  • BEM
  • Adaptive layout
  • AJAX
  • JADE

Знання мов

Англійська — середній

Додаткова інформація

Career Objective

To attain a position front­end developer, where I can apply existing knowledge and expertise in the
development of interesting projects.

Technical Skills

• Adaptive design
• Methodologies: BEM
• CSS­frameworks: Bootstrap
• GIT, Github
• Automated task runner: Gulp
• Sprites, graphic optimization, Retina support
• Client optimization (csso, svgo, imgo)
• Knowledge of object­oriented programming (SOLID)
• Prototyping in Javascript, creating classes
• jQuery, AJAX
• Integrating and creating own jQuery­plugins
• Experience with LocalStorage
• Microtemplating on UI
• Command line on basic level
• Node.JS, working with NPM
• Basics of Photoshop for coder


• Share Your Holiday Dreams​ I created web page from PSD file. I made page cross browser
compatible, include IE8 and retina devices. Absolutely identical to the design in psd for chrome
last and gracefull degradation for others. Applying the approach "Mobile first" and BEM. All files
are collected by the Gulp. I used jQuery AJAX request in this project. All pictures and png/svg
sprites optimized Gulp. ​GitHub

• Build Home​ Created HTML5 markup with using SCSS, BEM. Created jQuery plugin. Used Gulp
for minification and copying of all JavaScript files, optimisation static images, include SVG on page

• Pingbuller ​ Webpage to convert from PSD to HTML5 + CSS3, responsive design, I used BEM
methodology in naming classes. Maintains​ ​IE8+, Firefox 5+, Opera 15+, Chrome latest. Slider bar
implemented on CSS3 without using JavaScript.

• Convert PSD mockups to HTML5/CSS3: ​Asia­Holidays​, ​Fitnes​, ​Zazor​, ​Cadastre​;

• TodoList ​an example that implements the technology used in large and complex projects. MVC
architectural pattern, loading modules ReqireJS. Use Jade template for create HTML5 markup
(modular assembly page). Use SASS, SVG sprites to optimize the number of queries to the
server, project assembly Gulp. I used read / write methods in localStorage to write / read the
JSON objects for to save the todo list. ​GitHub

• Tabs​ HTML5 markup , CSS3 animation, scripting has done through pure jQuery without the use of
third­party plugins and jQueryUI ​GitHub

• Timer​ scripting with using OOP in a functional style by principles SOLID. HTML5 markup with
using Bootstrap ​GitHub

English ­ working proficiency


September 2014 ­ February 2016 ­ repair center “​Mobiservis​”, Kramatorsk.
Cell Phone & Tablet Repair Engineer.
Electromechanical and software repair phones, tablets and other equipment of all kinds of

October 2012 ­ July 2014 ­ “MC­ART”, Donetsk.
Electronics engineer.
• The solution of various problems in coordination of various automotive multimedia systems,
protections and interlocks;
• The development of electronic circuits, manufacture of printed circuit boards, microcontrollers
• Developing applications with MS Access database for storehouse;
• The management of the warehouse.

August 2012 – September 2012, Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Plant, Avdiivka.
Engineer of automatic control systems
Сontract job.

May 2011 – July 2012 ­ “UkrMetiz”, Donetsk.
Engineer of automatic control systems
• Support software for the control portion of the production line of production (Delphi). Fix "bugs",
modification, expansion opportunities. Making the operator manual (user manual).
• Installation Supervision of automatic control systems dust extraction installation of coke
production. Programming logic controller siemens.
• The development of electronic devices based on Atmel microcontroller. Preparation of technical
specifications, the development of the functional and circuit diagrams, printed circuit board
layout, writing programs in Win AVR development environment in the language C for AVR
programming, debugging devices.

October 2009 ­ февраль 2010 ­ ​AMI Ltd
PC & Acoustic Systems Repair Engineer.

October 2008 ­ September 2009 ­ Vinet, Donetsk.
LAN Technician

August 2008 ­ October 2008 ­ OJSC «Donetsk metallurgical plant»
Engineer of automatic control systems


2003 – 2008 ­ Donetsk National Technical University, master degree in Computer Science.

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