Резюме від 9 вересня 2023 PRO


Lead/Senior Front-End Engineer

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
27 років
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Досвід роботи

FrontEnd Lead

з 01.2022 по 06.2023 (1 рік 5 місяців)
30Capital, Дистанційно (IT)

Client location: USA, Charlotte
Technologies: [React.js, TypeScript, GraphQL, Material UI, REST API]

As a seasoned tech leader, I assumed the helm of the project, driving its development from its inception and meticulously architecting the entire solution from the ground up. Throughout the entire process, from initial concept to final implementation, I spearheaded the project's architecture, ensuring seamless integration and scalability.

Efficiently managing a team of 8 individuals using the Scrum methodology, I maintained a strong focus on optimizing productivity and collaboration. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and adhering to industry best practices, I successfully brought the project to fruition.

I take great pride in this project's accomplishments, particularly due to its high-traffic nature, serving up to 50,000 daily visitors. This serves as a testament to the robustness and reliability of the platform, even under heavy loads. It has been a gratifying experience to be part of this endeavor, which showcases the successful fusion of advanced technology and effective team leadership.

FrontEnd Lead

з 08.2020 по 12.2021 (1 рік 4 місяці)
LuckyVoice, Дистанційно (IT)

Client location: UK, London
Technologies: [React.js, React Native, Electron, JavaScript, GraphQL API]

As a seasoned professional with a profound grasp of React.js, React Native, Electron, and TypeScript/JavaScript, I have excelled in team leadership and driving project architecture evolution. During my tenure at Lucky Voice, I undertook the challenge of delivering a cutting-edge React Native app while ensuring the smooth operation of the Electron app.

Additionally, my team and I adeptly managed various websites, consistently introducing novel features to enhance user experiences. Beyond technical contributions, I took on the role of a client consultant, offering invaluable insights to shape pivotal functionalities that align with their business objectives.

My commitment to client success is evident in my ability to deliver solutions that optimize budgets and timelines. With a proven track record, I take pride in my expertise in handling complex infrastructures and delivering exceptional results.

Middle FE Engineer

з 01.2020 по 08.2020 (7 місяців)
OneClick, Дистанційно (IT)

Client location: Germany, Berlin
Technologies: [React.js, JavaScript, REST API]

As a proficient software developer at OneClick, a leading outsourcing company headquartered in Berlin, I specialized in leveraging cutting-edge technologies, particularly React.js, JavaScript, and REST API. My primary focus revolved around proficiently scaling, implementing new features, and optimizing the performance of the existing robust applications, Ruptly and Nurburgring. Furthermore, I took a pivotal role in architecting and developing dynamic Single Page Applications from inception to completion. Following a Scrum methodology, our collaborative development team ensured streamlined project delivery and enhanced productivity.

Full Stack Engineer

з 03.2018 по 01.2020 (1 рік 10 місяців)
Flex, Mukacheve (IT)

Client location: Ukraine, Mukacheve
Technologies: [React.js, .NET Core, JavaScript, C#, REST API]

As a Full Stack .NET Developer, I successfully spearheaded the creation of innovative solutions catering to internal customers using a robust stack of .NET/Core framework. These internal customers mainly comprised employees, including accountants and manufacturing production personnel, seeking process optimization and automation. My primary focus was on crafting systems that facilitated storage, calculation, and data reporting in highly efficient formats. These solutions primarily involved CRUD operations with authentication, although we also ventured into exciting projects involving IoT integration, such as cameras, Raspberry Pi, RFID systems, and more. Each project had a typical duration of 3-6 months, and I consistently met the challenge with precision and excellence.

Front-End Engineer

з 03.2015 по 12.2017 (2 роки 9 місяців)
Ciklum, Kyiv (IT)

Client location: Ukraine, Kyiv
Technologies: [React.js, JavaScript, WordPress, REST API]

In this role, I leveraged a diverse skill set encompassing cutting-edge technologies, including React.js, JavaScript, WordPress, and REST API. With a comprehensive understanding of these tools, I adeptly executed various tasks related to the development and enhancement of websites. My proficiency in React.js and JavaScript enabled me to deliver dynamic and responsive user interfaces, while my expertise in WordPress allowed me to efficiently manage content and implement customized functionalities. Additionally, I seamlessly used REST API, enabling seamless communication between different software components and facilitating the creation of feature-rich web applications.


KNEU Institute of Information Technologies in Economics

Computer sciences, Kyiv
Вища, з 2017 по 2020 (3 роки)

Master’s degree

College of Information Systems and Technologies

Software development, Kyiv
Середня спеціальна, з 2013 по 2017 (4 роки)

Junior Specialist

Знання і навички

TypeScript React React Native GraphQL REST API Material UI CSS Flexbox CSS Grid Layout Git Jira Figma HTML JavaScript CSS Electron Webpack

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно

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