Резюме від 20 грудня 2017


Product and Project Manager

Повна зайнятість.
55 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Дніпро, Київ, Харків

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Sr. Project Manager

з 03.2017 по нині (7 років 3 місяці)
247 Labs Inc., Харьков (IT)

Act as principal product manager (Chief Product Owner) for company products and services. Serve as Senior Scrum Master for up to 8 projects simultaneously. Projects ranging from e-Commerce sites and platforms to enterprise web applications to mobile applications and Augmented Reality.

Додаткова інформація


•Over 15 years of success in software product development and management
•Main skills: Leadership; Analytical, Organizational, Agile, Lean, Scrum, Javascript, Java, iOS & Android Development; OOP & OOD

EDUCATION:1992, AAS of Computer Information Systems at DeVry University
1999 BSc in Business Information Technology at University of Phoenix
2004 MBA at The George Washington University


SOFTWARE:Programming languages: SWIFT, Objective-C, Javascript, HTML 5, CSS 3
Operating Systems: Mac OS, Windows 10/8
IDE/Compilers/Tools: , Xcode, Eclipse, Git, Bugsee
Project Management Tools: Redmine, Trello, MS Project, Visio
Libraries: AVKit, UIKit, CocoaPods, Cocoa Touch, Firebase, Core Data, Express, jQuery, React (js and Native) & Redux, Bootstrap, Node.js, Apache Cordova, Multiple API’s and communications protocols (including REST, JSON, XML) others
Frameworks: MERN
DataBases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
Sample of work prepared
specifically for potential employers: https://github.com/DzhonPeppe
CERTIFICATIONS: PMI: Project Management Professional
Scrumstudy – Certified Scrum Master
FreeCodeCamp - Certified Front-End Developer
Certified Mango Developer
University of Alberta (Canada) – Product Management Professional


Mar/17 - Present 247 Labs
Sr. Program Manager
Act as principal product manager (Chief Product Owner) for company products and services. Serve as Senior Scrum Master for up to 8 projects simultaneously. Projects ranging from e-Commerce sites and platforms to enterprise web applications to mobile applications and Augmented Reality.

Dec/16– June/17DevArt
WebApp Consultant
Working on Skyvia WebApp to create back office commercial automations and reporting systems. Platform being developed using MERN stack, within a LEAN Agile Framework.

Oct/16– Mar/17Freelance
Web and Mobile Software Developer
Salsa Labs
Contribute to creation and development of iOS and Web applications. This includes contributions to the number 2 most downloaded gaming app in the iTunes app store (PokeRadar).

Aug/15– Nov/16Global Fleet Management (http://www.positrace.com/)
Mobile Application (Consultant)
Organized and managed the development and positioning of the mobile versions (iOS and Android) of the popular asset tracking system. The app is available for download on the Apple App Store and at Google Play.

Jan/10– Jul/15Scorto (http://www.scorto.com)
Product Owner and General Manager
Acted as product owner and project director in the creation of 2 new platforms/business lines (TK Lender(MERN stack)) and Credit Bureau Platform (C# / .NET) and delivering solutions to 22 countries worldwide. Helped expand the company commercially 17 new countries and 2 new business segments (elending and credit bureaus).

Nov/08– Dec/09Intetics (www.intetics.com)
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Developed and lead sales and marketing operations for large ITO.

Sep/05- Nov/08UT Starcom
Director of Engineering and Operations
Product owner and program director for all aspects of software related design and implementation / deployment in mobile handsets as well as infrastructure solutions & interfaces.

Apr/99- Sep/05Nextel Communications
Director of Handset Application Development
Project manager for first on-line mobile app marketplace (inc/sync 2001). Product owner for first group of commercially available Java Based (J2ME) mobile handset applications (tracking system, timesheets, supply chain (ordering, invoicing, etc.)

Languages:English (Native)
Russian (Upper Intermediate)
Italian (Intermediate)
Ukrainian (Lower Intermediate)


References:Available on Request

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