Резюме від 26 грудня 2017


Oracle PL/SQL developer, 60 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
43 роки
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Контактна інформація

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Додаткова інформація

Email : [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Contact No: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Candidate Name
Position Applied for
Oracle PL/SQL Developer
Total Years of Exp.
12 ( years )
Relevant Years of Exp.
PL/SQL stored procedures, Triggers, functions, and packages, Tuning ( 10 years )
PL/SQL and SQL development (10 years )
Technical Analysis (9 years)
System Analyst (8 years)
Oracle 11g (9 years)
Unix Shell Scripting (8 years)
Highest Qualification
Bachelor of Engineering
Current Location
Shenzhen, China
Any plans overseas
Not now
Current Salary
20,000 RMB
Expected Salary
30,000 {negotiable)
Reason for leaving
Career growth
1 Month

EPAM Systems, Inc. (Shenzhen), China. www.epam.com.

Highly motivated, result focused Oracle Developer with 10+ years of experience in programming as an Oracle and PL/SQL Development, Designing and Implementation, troubleshooting of SDLC, AGILE methodologies.
To Developed Business architecture using requirements such as Scope, Processes, Alternatives, and Risks.
Analyzed client’s Business requirements and processes through document analysis, interviews, workshops, and workflow analysis.
Assisting with the Business case, Planning and monitoring, Eliciting requirements, Requirements organization, Translating and simplifying requirements, Requirements management and communication, Requirements analysis.
Good Experience in Oracle SQL & PL/SQL development and implementation & Production support 24/7.
Creating the databases and database objects such as the tables, tablespaces, synonyms, views, indexes. Developed Complex database objects like Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages and Triggers using Oracle 11G, Cursors and Exception handling, Scheduling jobs with Autopsy’s.
Good knowledge of SQL performance related features such as Query Optimizer (CBO), table partitions, Explain Plan, SQL Trace & Generating & Analyzing TKPROF & AWR reports, Gathering Statistics, hints, SQL Profiler, Automatic SQL Tuning adviser.
Good Experience in Database and Business Intelligence Technologies with expertise on ETL process and Reporting using SQL Server 2008/2005, Created SSIS and SSRS Packages.
Implemenrtation of Error Logging & Handling, Data Flows, Reporting Services, Advanced SQL Querying & Program DB Security and Encryption, SSIS Package Deployment/Managements using SQL Server 2008.
Created Various Reports according to the Business requirements, Created Ad-Hoc Reports, Summary Reports, Sub Reports, and Drill-down Reports using SSRS.
The responsibilities of a Database Administrator include Physical database design, Database maintenance, Backup and recovery, Participation on the Decision support steering committee, Data Replication, Repository Management, Security administration, Database loading, Performance Monitoring and Summary table creation responsibilities between the support group and the user community.

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