Резюме від 6 жовтня 2021 PRO


Керуючий проектом

Повна зайнятість.
48 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи


з 09.2020 по нині (3 роки 9 місяців)
UGV, Київ (Retail)

Regulatory Compliance Manager, HSE department

з 02.2019 по нині (5 років 4 місяці)
Schlumberger, Київ (Oil&Gas Services)

Organization of the Department's work, ensuring the work of the Company's product line (PL) in accordance with the regulatory requirements of Ukrainian law and international law;
• Methodological support and control over the observance of the company workers' requirements on occupational safety, introduction of international practice on the culture of production;
• Obtaining a license (making changes) for the use of radioactive materials (sources of ionizing radiation);
• Obtaining permits to perform hazardous work and use of appropriate equipment;
• Preparation of materials for obtaining permits for import of dual-use items;
• Supervision of the personnel training in accordance with industry requirements;
• Certification and registration of vehicles imported into Ukraine.
• Analysis of the legal framework, preparation of analytical materials and recommendations for implementation of measures for compliance of the company with regulatory requirements;
• Conduct internal and external audits on compliance with occupational safety and environmental requirements of production units and enterprises;
• Coordination in period inspections of State Regulators;
• Work on occupational injury investigations commissions, develop measures to prevent occupational injuries, monitor compliance with occupational safety requirements.

Permit Manager

з 02.2012 по 02.2019 (7 років)
Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production I, Киев (Auto business and auto service)

Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production I

Position- Permit Manager

Key responsibilities:
•Organization of business to ensure the start of the production process in Ukraine
•Selection of local staff and management of the Department
•Obtaining all kinds of the permits and their approvals at the state and regulatory bodies, problem issues solving.
•Obtaining approval and expertise for Projects of drilling exploratory wells (conventional and unconventional gas), fracking, water wells, civil engineering projects, ets.
•Organization of the development of different technical solutions, technical tasks.
•Obtaining permits for special use of water wells, permits the removal of fertile layer of soil, permits for waste disposal, etc.
•Control over the implementation the contracts, as the contract-holder, the preparation of financial statements.
•Interaction with stakeholders, public authorities, experts and state inspections.
Obtaining land use rights for drilling wells and facilities infrastructure.
•Field surveys prior to the beginning of allotment of land plots for construction of wells and gas pipelines.
•Preparation of documents for abandonment of Wells

Head of Department of Land Use / Deputy Director

з 02.2008 по 02.2012 (4 роки)
KEC Ukraine, subsidiary of Kuwait Energy Company (Kuwait / Ukraine) (LLC, Drilling company RUDIS), Киев (Добыча нефти и газа, геологоразведка)

•The lands designation for placement of drilling equipment and infrastructure, including with a change in purpose of land.
•Construction of cables and gas pipelines from the wells to GPP and from the place tie in the main gas pipeline.
•Field surveys prior to the beginning of allotment of land plots for construction of wells and gas pipelines.
•Requirements specification for the design of the features in the future ROW. The study of the existing limitations in the use of land (the presence of power lines, communications, security zones, etc.).
•Control over the implementation of project activities in compliance with the land legislation, the requirements for the removal, transport and storage of the fertile layer of soil, etc.
•Gas pipeline axis carrying over, access road or contour plot for location of wells
•Field tracing, lying moves along the route axes, fixing angles of rotation, casement points, setting benchmarks, etc.
•Working with graphics editors, layouts, etc.
•Linking project documentation for the project construction with the allotment of land (placement of the equipment within the area, compliance of the required distances, gas pipeline routing, etc.).
•Providing with project works under the building of the Company's constructions and control of the constructional works (GPP, gas pipelines trails, areas for wells constructions, etc.) implementation.
•Actions (technical and operative) for the detection of unauthorized breakouts into the gas pipelines, the elimination of such breakouts
•Getting all kinds of the permits and their approvals at the state and regulatory bodies, problem issues solving.
•Operating and public commissions under admission to operation of completed construction projects arrangement and conduction.
•Company social program support connections with the local law authorities, etc.
•Organization of the Security Department of the Company.
•Company transport work arrangement.
•Experience in conducting joint activities with the GPU "Poltavagasdobycha", SE "Ukrgasdobycha"
•Operational control of the company economic activity, the work of contractors, etc.
•Good business contacts with representatives of public administrations at different levels and regulatory authorities in the locations of the licensed areas of the company (Poltava, Chernigov region.).

Deputy director

з 02.2004 по 02.2008 (4 роки)
Cardinal Resources PLC (UK/ Ukraine) (LLC, Drilling company RUDIS), Киев (Добыча нефти и газа, геологоразведка)

•Solution of various issues with government authorities
•Implementation of social investment in local communities
•issues of land use
•commissioning of a gas processing plant (GPP Bylousyvska) - preparation and conduct of the working and the State Commission
•permits and approvals for gas condensate field, drilling wells
•security of company

Executive Director in the shopping and entertainment complex

з 02.2002 по 02.2004 (2 роки)
LLC "Dnipryinka", Kiyv (Trade, Show, Restaurant business)

Management of the enterprise with diversified directions of business. Staff-over 150 people


Киевский политехнический институт

Тепло-энергетический факультет, инженер-теплофизик, Киев
Вища, з 1985 по 1993 (7 років 5 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

National Center for Accounting and Auditing. Ministry of Statistics. Institute of Statistics of specialist training. 1994. Train


NEBOSH IGC - The International certificate of HSSE


Refresher courses. State Environmental Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural R


Basics of Financial Management, Hague, NL


Знання мов

  • Англійська — середній
  • Французька — початковий

Додаткова інформація

•Experience of management of large groups of subordinates
•Organization of business process of enterprises
•Construction and commissioning of a gas processing plant (GPP Bylousyvska) and pipeline construction project
•Obtaining the land use right of land for drilling exploratory wells, including for unconventional gas
•Obtaining all necessary permits and approvals for drilling of wells, fracking-process, pipeline construction, the construction of the GPP, arrangement of gas field
•Solution of various issues with government authorities
•Implementation of social investment in local communities
•Participated in the development of amendments to the Land Code (in part using the lands for oil, gas industries)

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати за містами