Резюме від 26 січня 2024


Java developer

Повна зайнятість.
36 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Знання мов

Англійська — вище середнього

Додаткова інформація

General information:
Program Languages: Java (more than 6 year practice)(Hibernate, Spring frameworks, SOAP, REST services), C# (2 years practice), C++, JavaScript, PHP
Data Bases: Oracle, MySQL, Postgresql
OS: Windows, Linux (Debian, SunOS, Solaris).
Version Control System: GIT, SVN, Perforce.
Languages: English (intermediate), French (with dictionary), Russian, Ukrainian.

2021 - February 2022
Company: “TietoEvry”
Post: Middle Java Developer
Used: Java, Oracle, Maven, Docker, REST services
Responsibilities: I create and support bank backend services. Enhancements estimation and implementation, refactoring, Unit and integration test’s creation.

Company: freelance
Post: Java Developer
Used: Java 8+ (spring boot, spring security, hibernate...), Oracle, Maven, REST & SOAP services
Responsibilities: Full stack development activities for back-end services and mobile applications. I took part in new enchantment implementations and other activities.

2016 – 2018
Company: “ISD”
Post: Middle Java/C# Developer
Used: Java, C#, Oracle, Maven, Ant, REST & SOAP services
Responsibilities: Full stack development activities for automated system. Enhancements estimation and implementation, refactoring. Programming support activities: troubleshooting, solution preparation, implementation

2014 – 2016
Company: «Ampyx Development»
Post: Middle Java Developer
Used: Java, Apache Ant, GWT
Responsibilities: I create and support POS systems and administrating tools. I took part in planning architecture of programs that crypts POS terminal connections and in wrote program’s documentation.

2013 – 2014.
Company: «Orga Systems»
Post: Java Developer
Used: Java, Oracle, SunOS, Solaris, Apache Ant.
Responsibilities: I create and support server-side billing system’s programs. I am taking part in planning architecture of programs and in writing program’s documentation.

2012 - 2013
Company: «Luxoft»
Post: Junior Tester
Used: Java, Postgresql, Debian, C++.
Responsibilities: Creation and Testing Postgresql DataBases. Creation and ticket processing. Creation Java programs.

2011 – 2012
Company: «Wilson»
Post: System administrator, Web and Java developer.
Used: Java, PHP, Debian, Delphi, MySQL.
Responsibilities: Repairing and supporting computers on Windows, Linux. Creation and supporting different server’s programs on Java, MySQL and Web-sites (PHP). Taking part in development of refrigeration stations.

2009 – 2011
Company: «Progress Company»
Post: Java and Web developer.System administrator .
Used: Java, PHP, Debian, Delphi, MySQL, Flash.
Responsibilities: Creation programs and Web-sites for private persons and companies. Development and supporting game servers (Java, PHP, Flash ).

2005 – 2009
Company: IT-service.
Post: Creation programs and Web-sites for private persons and companies. ( Java, Delphi).
Used: Java, Delphi, MySQL, PHP.
Responsibilities: Repairing and supporting computers.

2005 - 2006
Company: College «Server»
Post: Teacher.
Used: Delphi, Pascal.
Responsibilities: trainings on Delphi and Pascal.

National Marine University of Odessa (2006-2012) – Programmer .
2013 – Courses of billing system’s structure.
2012 - Basic course of program’s testing (Luxoft).
2011 – courses of Java.
2002-2004 – learning the basics of programming and system administration.
Other information: I took part in mathematic, physic, development Olympiads.

I’m a responsible and quickly assimilate new information. I’m proactive and creative nature. I have experience of managing a group of people and working in team. I’m sociable, curious. I am interested in career growth. I’m ready to work in other city. Single.

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