Резюме від 21 грудня 2019 PRO


Director, deputy

Повна зайнятість.
65 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Director, Management Consulting Professional

з 01.2010 по нині (14 років 5 місяців)
Private Person - Entrepreneur, Private Consulting Company, Kyiv (Qualitative and effective optimization of business-processes)

Completed successful projects:

Optimization of business processes
V “Ordering, receiving, recording, processing and traffic of goods in retail chain"
(the result was 10% saving of wages fund for retail stores stuff)
V “Planning, preparation, launching, carrying out and completion of promotion event in retail chain”.
Company Standards were developed and implemented (necessary changes and training were carried) for both processes.
Customer – "Sumatra" Company, Ukraine, Kyiv, ("Kosmo" Retail Chain)

V "Specification, optimization and tuning of production and other business processes"​.
Customer – "Sokolivskii Dairy Plant", Ukraine, Kirovograd, (butter and spreads production, part of "Creative" Industrial Group)

V "Hame"​ brand (PL) of pasta launched to Ukrainian market.
Customers – "Hame", Czech, Prague, and "Overseas Distribution Company", Belgium, Antwerp, (owner of one of two biggest in Eastern Europe pasta producers, "Paste Baneasa", Romania, Bucharest)

V Victory in Parliamentary Elections 2014 - No 119 Majority District, Ukraine, Brody city, Lviv Region - 11,3% breakaway,
Head of majority candidate HQ.
No customer - voluntary project

V "Creation, printing and free of charge supply of topographic maps to Ukrainian Military" (Armed Forces, National Guard, Border Troops, Security Service Ukraine, Ministry of the Interior, Volunteer Battalions, Partisan Groups). We do it on our own money and collected donations. Several times we delivered maps directly to units in war zone. Thus far we have supplied already more than 600 thousand sheets of maps (A0, A1 and other formats),
No customer - voluntary project


з 03.1995 по 06.2005 (10 років 3 місяці)
"Smachnyi Swit” (Tasty World) JV, Kyiv (Exclusive import and countrywide distribution: world-known brands of foodstuff; bakery and confectionary ingredients; home and personal care products from numerous countries.)

•The company was 10 years on the market,
•One of market leaders in some goods
•High reputation with clients, partners, suppliers and State bodies
•Optimization of goods flow, delivering from suppliers and supplying to clients
•ISO Certification experience
•Creating a strong team


Swinburne University of Technology

GCBA – Graduate Certificate in Business Administration, Melbourne, Australia
Вища, з 1994 по 1994 (7 місяців)

Kyiv State University

Foreign Affairs and International Law Department, M. of Economics (Foreign Trade), English interpreter, Kyiv
Вища, з 1980 по 1985 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Знання і навички

MS Excel MS Word Пользователь ПК Користувач ПК PC User MS PowerPoint MS Project MS Visio SMM

Знання мов

Англійська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Managing companies experience – 14 years.
Management technologies practical experience – 11 years.
Skilled in project management, in optimization of business-processes.
Foreign trade experience – 18 years.
Voluntary activities experience – 4 years.
Drafting of laws experience – 1 year.
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian - native, English - fluent.
Full CV, Letters of Recommendation, Customer Feedbacks, contacts of Referees are available upon request.

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