Резюме від 16 травня 2024 PRO


Senior Flutter Developer, 150 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
43 роки
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Досвід роботи

Senior Flutter Developer

з 08.2022 по нині (1 рік 10 місяців)
Patient21, Дистанційно (Медицина, охорона здоров'я, аптеки)

Project Development:

Spearheaded the development of the NDA mobile application tailored for dental clinics using Flutter.
Collaborated closely with stakeholders to understand requirements and translate them into scalable and efficient technical solutions.
Led the implementation of key features such as NFC integration, working-time tracking, overtime-requests, calendars, and server API integration.
Technology Integration:

Integrated NFC technology to enable seamless patient identification and data retrieval within dental clinics.
Utilized dio for making network requests, ensuring reliable communication with the server API.
Implemented freezed for immutable data structures and enhanced code safety.
Leveraged local_notifications for timely reminders and notifications to both patients and staff.
Developed animations to enhance the user experience and provide intuitive navigation within the application.
Cross-Platform Development:

Developed and optimized the application for various platforms including iOS mobiles, iPads, and Android devices.
Ensured consistent user experiences across different device types and screen sizes.
Team Collaboration and Leadership:

Mentored junior developers and provided guidance on best practices, architecture, and code quality.
Collaborated with cross-functional teams including designers, QA engineers, and product managers to ensure timely delivery of features and enhancements.
Conducted code reviews and enforced coding standards to maintain code quality and consistency.
Robust Application Architecture:

Designed and implemented a scalable and maintainable application architecture using rebase_core and other relevant technologies.
Ensured modularity and extensibility to accommodate future requirements and feature enhancements.
Enhanced User Experience:

Developed intuitive user interfaces and seamless navigation flows, resulting in positive feedback from users and increased user engagement.
Implemented features such as calendars and overtime-requests to streamline operations within dental clinics, improving efficiency and productivity.
Reliable Data Management:

Integrated server APIs for seamless data synchronization and retrieval, ensuring real-time access to patient data and clinic information.
Implemented working-time tracking features to facilitate staff management and optimize resource allocation within clinics.
Timely Delivery and Continuous Improvement:

Successfully delivered key features and milestones within project timelines, meeting or exceeding stakeholder expectations.
Proactively identified areas for improvement and optimization, driving continuous enhancement of the application's performance and usability.
As a Senior Flutter Developer at Patient21, your expertise and leadership have played a pivotal role in the development of the NDA mobile application.

Middle Flutter Developer

з 12.2021 по 08.2022 (8 місяців)
ZUBI, Дистанційно (IT)

Feature Development:

Contributed to the development of the Handy Library - Book Organizer mobile application, focusing on categorizing books within the user's library using Flutter.
Implemented new features and functionalities based on project requirements and user feedback.
Worked closely with the design team to ensure the implementation of UI/UX designs using Android Studio and Xcode.
Project Management:

Collaborated with team members using Google Docs for documentation and project planning.
Managed source code and version control using Gitlab, ensuring code integrity and collaboration among team members.
Participated in code reviews and provided constructive feedback to peers for code quality improvement.
Technology Utilization:

Implemented the MVVM architectural pattern to separate concerns and improve code maintainability.
Leveraged design patterns and best practices to ensure scalable and robust application architecture.
Utilized bloc for state management, enabling efficient data flow and synchronization across the application.
Integrated Google Fonts for consistent typography and branding across the application.
Leveraged rebase_core, rebase_storage, and rebase_auth for seamless integration with Firebase services.
Integrated Google Books API for accessing book data and metadata, enhancing the functionality of the application.
Utilized Lottie for animations and enhancing user interaction.
Feature-rich Application:

Contributed to the development of Handy Library, resulting in a feature-rich mobile application for organizing and categorizing books in the user's library.
Implemented intuitive user interfaces and smooth user experiences, resulting in positive user feedback and engagement.
Scalable Architecture:

Implemented a scalable architecture using MVVM and design patterns, allowing for easy integration of new features and enhancements.
Ensured code maintainability and extensibility, facilitating future updates and improvements.
Efficient Data Management:

Integrated Firebase services for efficient data storage and synchronization, ensuring seamless access to user data across devices.
Leveraged cloud_firestore for real-time data updates and synchronization, providing users with up-to-date information.
Enhanced User Interaction:

Utilized animations and interactive elements using Lottie and scan, enhancing user interaction and engagement within the application.
Implemented features such as book scanning to streamline the process of adding books to the user's library.
These responsibilities and achievements demonstrate your proficiency as a Middle Flutter Developer at ZUBI, contributing to the development of a user-friendly and feature-rich mobile application for organizing books in the user's library.

Flutter Developer

з 05.2021 по 11.2021 (6 місяців)
Dev-Better, Київ (IT)

Feature Development:

Developed and maintained features for the FitTrack mobile application, focusing on tracking real-life achievements and health using Flutter.
Collaborated closely with the design team to implement user interface designs using Android Studio and Xcode.
Utilized Google Fonts for typography and consistent branding across the application.
Project Management:

Managed tasks and workflow using Jira, ensuring timely delivery of features and updates.
Communicated effectively with team members through Slack, facilitating collaboration and problem-solving.
Maintained project codebase and version control using Bitbucket, conducting regular code reviews and merging branches.
Technology Utilization:

Implemented the MVVM architectural pattern to separate business logic from presentation layer.
Leveraged design patterns and best practices to maintain scalable and maintainable codebase.
Utilized bloc for state management, enabling efficient data flow and UI updates.
Integrated Dio for making network requests, ensuring reliable communication with backend services.
Employed shared_preferences for local data storage and management.
Conducted unit and integration tests using appropriate frameworks to ensure code quality and reliability.
Enhanced User Experience:

Implemented new features and improvements to the FitTrack application, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
Received positive feedback from users regarding the intuitive user interface and seamless navigation.
Scalable Architecture:

Designed and implemented a scalable architecture using MVVM and bloc, allowing for easy integration of new features and modules.
Ensured code maintainability and extensibility, facilitating future updates and enhancements.
Reliable Data Management:

Implemented data storage and management solutions using shared_preferences and cloud_firestore, ensuring reliable data synchronization and accessibility across devices.
Maintained data integrity and security, adhering to best practices and industry standards.
Robust Testing Practices:

Conducted thorough unit and integration tests, identifying and resolving bugs and issues before deployment.
Ensured application reliability and stability across different device configurations and platforms.
These responsibilities and achievements showcase your proficiency as a Flutter developer at FitTrack, contributing to the development of a feature-rich and user-friendly mobile application for tracking real-life achievements and health.

Flutter developer

з 09.2020 по 04.2021 (7 місяців)
HexyDev, Київ (IT)

Feature Development:

Developed and expanded functionality for the "Voronka" food delivery mobile application on the Flutter platform.
Implemented user interface designs using Figma and Sketch tools.
Integrated localization to support multiple language options.
Project Management:

Managed project workflow through the Jira project management system.
Planned and estimated time using Clockify for effective time management.
Collaborated with development and design teams via Bitbucket and GitHub platforms.
Technology Utilization:

Implemented architectural patterns, including MVVM and bloc.
Utilized various libraries such as equatable, hive, and shared_preferences to ensure development speed and convenience.
Integrated advertising solutions through admob.
Interacted with the server using the http package.
Increased Functionality:

Successfully expanded the capabilities of the "Voronka" food delivery app, providing a more convenient and attractive user experience.
Enhanced Development Efficiency:

Use of Design patterns improved code structure and maintenance, leading to increased development productivity.
Integration of New Features:

Successfully integrated various components and libraries, adding new features for users and contributing to the app's popularity growth.
Successful Release on Google Play Store:

Conducted a successful release of the "Voronka" app on the Google Play Store, expanding the audience and attracting new users.
These achievements demonstrate your ability to effectively work on Flutter projects, collaborate with teams, and deliver high-quality results.


Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Hystory, Odesa
Вища, з 1998 по 2007 (8 років 9 місяців)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Successfully completed courses Java OOP (prog.kiev.ua); HTML/CSS (Logos); JavaScript(ITgid)


Знання і навички


Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Болгарська — просунутий
  • Турецька — середній
  • Арабська — початковий

Додаткова інформація

Ivanov Yevhen Senior Flutter Developer [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Viber, Telegram) [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
As a utter developer with almost 4 years of experience I have a passion for developing applications with Flutter and adhering to their best practices and design patterns.
Senior Flutter Developer | Patient21
August 2022 - Now | Remote
Project name: NDA
Project description: mobile application for dental clinics.
Tools and technologies: nfc, dio, freezed, local_notications, tracking working-time, anomations, overtime-requests, calendars, server API, rebase_core, developing for IOS-mobiles, IPads, Android devices
Middle Flutter Developer | ZUBI
December 2021 - August 2022 | Remote
Project name: Handy Library - Book Organizer (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.handylibrary.main)
Project description: mobile application for categorizing of books in user's library. Tools and technologies: Google Docs, Android Studio, Xcode, Gitlab, MVVM, Design patterns, bloc, google_fonts, rebase_core, restore, rebase_storage, rebase_auth, cloud_restore, lottie, scan, google books API.
Flutter Developer | Dev-Better
May 2021 - November 2021 | Remote
Project name: FitTrack (https://play.google.com/store/search?q=ttrack&c=apps) Project description: mobile application for tracking In real life achievements and health.
Tools and technologies: Jira, Slack, Google Docs, Android Studio, Xcode, Bitbucket, MVVM, Design patterns, bloc, Dio, google_fonts, rebase_core, restore, rebase_storage, rebase_auth, cloud_restore, moor_utter, shared_preferences, unit/integration tests.
Flutter Developer | HexyDev
Septemer 2020 - April 2021 | Remote
Project name: Voronka (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.voronka.voronka_front_mobile)
Project description: food delivery app
Tools and technologies: Jira, Clockify, Figma, Sketch, Xcode, Bitbacket, Github, MVVM, bloc, Design patterns, localization, equatable, hive, shared_preferences, webview, admob, http.
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
English - C1, Bulgarian - C1, UKRAINIAN - native
mobile technology business consulting creating road-maps for projects developing features
estimation of tasks
consulting business for project
strong experience and understanding of Flutter structure and cycle;
ability to estimatе of features and work planning;
experience with layout building, RESTful API, Bloc, Cubit, Provider, DB, bugs fixing; implementation of localization and routing;
adding of functionality;
using Figma/Sketch, Jira;
unit/integration tests;
github workow;
code review.
Android development related to Flutter IOS development related to Flutter
Android development related to Flutter IOS development related to Flutter
Relevant skills:
clean architecture uter_bloc injectable
dio json_serializable google_fonts rebase_core restore shared_preferences rebase_auth date_picker cloud_restore get_it webview_utter utter_svg

Схожі кандидати

IOS, Mac OS X, Android Senior Software Developer (Objective-C, Swift, Flutter, Dart)
127000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ

Програміст 1С, flutter angular developer (junior)

Senior Mobile App developer (Flutter)
75000 грн, Дистанційно, Дніпро , ще 4 міста

.Net-програміст, C++ developer, front end розробник
Дистанційно, Дніпро

Flutter Developer
40000 грн, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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