Резюме від 29 травня 2024 PRO


Engineering Manager, Solution Architect, Lead DevOps

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
43 роки
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Engineering Manager/Solution Architect/Lead DevOps

з 06.2019 по нині (5 років)
IinIs, London (IT)

Engineering Manager:
Communicate system requirements to software development teams
Oversee assigned programs (e.g. conduct code review) and provide guidance to team members.
Assist with solving technical problems when they arise
Ensure the implementation of agreed architecture and infrastructure
Address technical concerns, ideas and suggestions
Controlling solution development and change management

Solution Architect:
Understand company needs to define system specifications
Defining the principles, concerns, and requirements for a future architecture
Design the MicroServices Architecture
Desing RestFull API for All Services (~5000 endpoints)
Defining the main steps towards changing current architecture to the target
Plan and design the structure of a technology solution
Evaluates and select appropriate software or hardware and suggest integration methods

DevOps Engineer:
Implement Micro-Service Cloud and Infrastructure (~100 services)
Implement API Auto Generate Docs and Testing scenarios for API endpoints
Implement Multi-API-Gateway (Aggregation/Injecting/Rewrite) API Requests/Responses
Create and maintain fully automated CI/CD pipelines for code deployments
Actively manage, improve, and monitor cloud infrastructure
Managed repositories and permissions, including branching and tagging
Implement automatic scaling based on monitoring system
Global Identity and access management Service
Key featured Technologies:
Cloud: (ECR, ES2, S3, RDS, EKS, Lambda)
Database: MySql, PosgreSQL, ElasticSearch
Cloud Management: Kubernetes, Helm Charts, Ansible PlayBooks
Code version control system: Git, Bitbucket, SVN
Code Deployment: Bitbucket, Github -> Build -> Deploy
Monitoring System: Prometheus + Grafana, Exporters, API Analytics Systems
Auto Scalers: Monitoring -> Scripts -> Scale Kubernetes or Docker Hosts
Log management: Exporters - > ElasticSearch -> Kibana


Kvazar micro

It, Киев
Вища, з 1995 по 2000 (5 років)

Знання і навички

Python Terraform Kubernetes AWS Docker Ansible Linux Containers Jenkins Zabbix MySQL PostgreSQL SQL BASH VMware Git

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Англійська — середній

Додаткова інформація

20 years of working experience in IT areas
Engineering and software architecture design
Interpretation and analysis of security
Infrastructure and cloud solutions(Google Cloud, Amazon Cloud, Private Cloud)
Implementing best DevOps practices
Architecture and design high availability and fault tolerance
Design Cloud and Network Infrastructures
Project and Product Management

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

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Дистанційно, Київ

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Lead generation manager

PPC-спеціаліст, менеджер з контекстної реклами, Project manager
20000 грн, Дистанційно, Одеса

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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