Резюме від 19 лютого 2010


Junior Brand Manager Assistant, 6 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
38 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

junior brand manager in the Orangina-Schwappes Group (trademarks: Rosinka, Capri-Sonne)

з 09.2008 по нині (15 років 9 місяців)
Orangina-Schwappes Group Company, Kyiv (Production plant)

Since September 2008:
•Research of market development tendencies: analysis of non-alcoholic, low-alcohol, mineral water and juice market; research of market shares and trade-shelf shares, research of weighted and quality distribution, research of sale shares in ТРТ (data on the base of Neilsen, State Statistic Committee of Ukraine);
•Participation in the designing and production of a preview trailer: sampling of ideas, analysis of the perception by consumers of the preview trailer ideas for the trademark Rosinka (focus- groups);
•Participation in designing of a new bottle and label of trademark Rosinka, repositioning of the trademark;
•Taking part in organization and implementation of a promo activity for the Capri-Sonne brand: control of task performance by agency (development of POSM designs,control of a promo activity conditions, accounting, analysis of effectiveness of providing national promo activity; control of appointment of winners);
•Work with agencies that deal with creation of a Capri-Sonne game: target setting, tender conduction’s project, development control;
•Development and control of marketing budget;
•Organization and control of project Hotline: testing of operators, information gathering and analysis of Hotline‘s data effectiveness;
•Participation in corporate site development, corporate site support (management): preparation , allocation and updating of information on a site, selection and allocation news, answers to the customers questions;
•Collection and analysis of weekly accountability on the Price’s Monitoring Project;
•Organization and control of conducting degustation by consumers with further analysis results;
•Organization of promo-degustation on the VIP channel, control of work and promo-staff testing;
•Conclusion of contracts with contractors (work with law department);
•Control provision of documents circulation, planning and payment control (work with subdivision of control and treasury);
•Participation in a social events connected with charity;
•Checking of effectiveness of sponsor activities

Specialist in a work with clients in OranginaSchwappes Group Company

з 05.2008 по 09.2008 (4 місяці)
OranginaSchwappes Group Company, Kyiv (Production plant)

May-September, 2008
•Work in company’s programme;
•Work with event client base (VIP-networks and distributors): order and legalization of production, updating of orders;
•Negotiation, documents circulation with clients and control of accounts receivable;
•Daily (monthly) accountability of product realization;
•Analysis of realization (dispatch) of products from plant.


Sumy State University, 2002-2008

Speciality is marketing, master degree, Sumy
Вища, з 2003 по 2008 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Sumy State University, 2003-2008

Speciality is marketing, master degree, Sumy
Вища, з 2003 по 2008 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Знання і навички

MS Excel MS Word MS PowerPoint Adobe Photoshop MS Outlook Outlook Express HCL Notes Express

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Англійська — середній


Slusarchuk Oksana

Slusarchuk Oksana

Brand Manager , Orangina-Schwappes Group

Контактні дані приховані

Додаткова інформація



Date of birth: April 25, 1986
Salary expectation: 6000 hryv.
Position: junior brand manager
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Telephone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

EDUCATION: Sumy State University, 2002-2008
Speciality is marketing, master degree.

CAREER OBJECTIVES: to get a position of junior brand manager.
Constant improvement of skills in training courses and practical activity, obtaining a new knowledge with the view of my further professional development and career development in company’s marketing subdivision.

JOB EXPERIENCE: junior brand manager in the Orangina-Schwappes Group (trademarks: Rosinka, Capri-Sonne).

Since September 2008:
Research of market development tendencies: analysis of non-alcoholic, low-alcohol, mineral water and juice market; research of market shares and trade-shelf shares, research of weighted and quality distribution, research of sale shares in ТРТ (data on the base of Neilsen, State Statistic Committee of Ukraine);
Participation in the designing and production of a preview trailer: sampling of ideas, analysis of the perception by consumers of the preview trailer ideas for the trademark Rosinka (focus- groups);
Participation in designing of a new bottle and label of trademark Rosinka, repositioning of the trademark;
Taking part in organization and implementation of a promo activity for the Capri-Sonne brand: control of task performance by agency (development of POSM designs,control of a promo activity conditions, accounting, analysis of effectiveness of providing national promo activity; control of appointment of winners);
Work with agencies that deal with creation of a Capri-Sonne game: target setting, tender conduction’s project, development control;
Development and control of marketing budget;
Organization and control of project Hotline: testing of operators, information gathering and analysis of Hotline‘s data effectiveness;
Participation in corporate site development, corporate site support (management): preparation , allocation and updating of information on a site, selection and allocation news, answers to the customers questions;
Collection and analysis of weekly accountability on the Price’s Monitoring Project;
Organization and control of conducting degustation by consumers with further analysis results;
Organization of promo-degustation on the VIP channel, control of work and promo-staff testing;
Conclusion of contracts with contractors (work with law department);
Control provision of documents circulation, planning and payment control (work with subdivision of control and treasury);
Participation in a social events connected with charity;
Checking of effectiveness of sponsor activities;

Specialist in a work with clients in OranginaSchwappes Group Company:

May-September, 2008
Work in company’s programme;
Work with event client base (VIP-networks and distributors): order and legalization of production, updating of orders;
Negotiation, documents circulation with clients and control of accounts receivable;
Daily (monthly) accountability of product realization;
Analysis of realization (dispatch) of products from plant.


Natural languages: Russian, Ukrainian.
Foreign language: English (Intermediate level).
PC: skilled user (World, Excel, Power Point, Outlook Express, Lotus, Accsess, Neilsen).

Personal quality:
Accurate execution of assigned task;
Responsibility for each assigned task;
Prompt perception of new information;
Creative approach to problems solution;
Strong will to learn something new, desire for professional development.

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