Резюме від 4 червня 2022


Sales manager, 10 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
42 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Personal Info:
Name/Surname: Denys REBREI
Date/Place of birth: 05.02.1982, Mariupol, UKRAINE
Nationality: Ukrainian
Address: Ukraine, Mariupol
Mob tel.:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Skype: marker285

Summary of Objective:
A driven, enthusiastic and proactive person who is seeking a dynamic career in a professional organization.

•Russian, Ukrainian – native
•English – good
•German – elementary level

Education History:
•Donetsk National University, 1.09.2004 /30.06.2009, Economics

Driving license: Driving license category “B”
Employment History:
Period (month, year): 5.2003 - 7.2007_
Position: Barmen
Company’s name (City/Country): Pub" Stoyka"/Mariupol/Ukraine
Main Duties: Cocktails, compiling the menu-bar, workplace managing

Period (month, year): 6.2007 - 6.2010
Position: Barmen
Company’s name (City/Country): Dikanka, Steak House /Mariupol/Ukraine,
Main Duties: Cocktails, compiling the menu-bar, workplace managing

Period (month, year): 7.2010 -8.2011
Position: Customer Manager
Company’s name (City/Country): METRO Cash&Carry/Mariupol/Ukraine
Duties: providing assistance/advice to customers using organization’s products or services, contacting customers by phone, email, letter and face to face.

Period (month, year): 9.2011 - 10.2013.
Position: Security guard, Shift Supervisor
Company’s name (City/Country): Security Corporation "AВT", Mariupol , Ukraine
Major Duties:
•Patrolling premises, entrance-exit monitoring, face controlling;
•Responding to the guest/visitor requests for assistance or information, handling complaint to ensure guest satisfaction;
•Ensuring that quality standard of service are met;
•Produce daily/situation reports, other paperwork and administration of the security shift.

Period (month, year):11.2014-1.2019
Position: Barmen
Company’s name (City/Country): restaurant BBQ-City /Mariupol/Ukraine,
Main Duties: Cocktails, compiling the menu-bar, workplace managing

Period (month, year): 3.2019 - 1.2020
Position:Barmen, Bar -waiter
Company’s name (City/Country): River Advice /Basel/Switzerland
Main Duties: Cocktails, compiling the menu-bar, workplace managing

Period (month, year):4.2021 - present
Position: marketing advertising manager
Company’s name (City/Country): KAUCHUK PJSC/Mariupol/Ukraine
Main Duties: Communication with current and potential customers, contract drafting and negotiation, participation in international exhibitions, business correspondence.

•Good in communication and presentation, having abilities can deal with people in a multicultural environment and take decisions in high-pressure environment.
•Strong team player with a personal integrity and professional loyalty, ready for a long term association where acquired skills and knowledge, able to make a substantial contribution to the company's objectives and bottom line profitability.
•Optimistic, result-oriented, physically fit and motivated.

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