Резюме від 26 вересня 2007


System administration

Повна зайнятість.
39 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Educational establishment:National Aviation University
Bachelor’ degree:Computer Science Faculty (pre-served in English)
Master’s degree:Faculty of Project Management

Work experience
Period of work:May 2004 – December 2006
Position:Database editor
Company:ICEcat.biz, Holland, Amsterdam
Position requirements :- searching the information in the Internet
- adding information to the database
- editing the database
- drafting of reports
- working with client’s requests

Period of work:From January 2007 till now
Position:System administration
Company:Holding company «Национальный Оператор Торговых Автоматов» (National Operator of Vending Machines)
Должностные обязанности:Maintenance of three carried offices, and one production area
- Maintenance of three servers on «Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 Server»
- Service of 60 computers (setting and tuning of the operating systems (Windows Vista/XP/2000), installation of office software, connecting/sharing of network printers, training personnel of necessity)
- Terminal access of users to 1C database
- For ease of network administration specific remote monitoring and computer management software were used – rAdmin 2.1/2.2/3.0
- Setting up and tuning of three different telephone mini-ATS:
- Alcatel OmniPCX Office
- Panasonic PSLP1206
- LG GHX-616A
- Setting, tuning and support of GSM Gateways so users could dial numbers starting with “80..”
- For each mini-ATS was set up and tuned VoIP gateways for calls between offices
- In every office were set up and tuned software on control of arrivals and cares of employees on finger-prints – Biolink «Bio Time»
- Maintenance of VPN of channels between three offices
- Installation and tuning of MDaemon e-mail servers (on each server)
- Also there was inculcated into a company electronic document turnover system on the basis of «Евфрат – Документооборот v11/12» software.
- Setting and tuning of software for control on using up of paper on printers – «Printer Activity Monitor v2»
- Maintenance of MSSQL 2003/2005 Server (were used only to keep BioTime database).
- Maintenance of «1C – Предприятие 7.7» (company had about 20 of 1C databases)

Functional duties:
- Account of GSM and CDMA mobile telephones
- Control of payments for services and software/hardware purchase
- Control of purchases of print paper and priming of cartridges/toners
- Repair of defects is in a network/network equipment, integrating of SCN (Structured Cable Networks)
- Light hardware maintenance

Additional Info
English:Upper intermediate (technical reading and writing)
Additional knowledge:Programming languages:
- C/C++, Pascal
- MS Visual C++

- Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL

- MS Office XP/2003/2007
- UML (Rational Rose)
- SureTrak
- Project Manager

Personal qualities:Purposefulness, responsibility, punctuality, ability to work in team, quickly and easily taught and show particular interest to all new.

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