Резюме від 9 червня 2021


Спеціаліст з email-розсилань, 30 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
38 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of email marketing department

з 05.2020 по 12.2020 (7 місяців)
TradersAdvertising.com, London (Fintech, marketing agency)

Manage the team of email marketers (improve their efficiency)
Manage projects and email marketing
Improve Deliverability
Generate click
Increased sending volumes to 3 mln letters per day.

Head of email marketing department

з 06.2019 по 06.2020 (1 рік)
HedgeMyWay.com, Київ (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Creation of the team of email marketers, copywrighters and designers.
Setting up ESP and SMTP servers and basically all the infrastructure.
Manage projects and email marketing.

Marketing director assistent

з 01.2018 по 06.2021 (3 роки 5 місяців)
Memoglobal.com, Telaviv (Immigrational services)

Helping to find out the best possible decission for head of marketing.
Marketing campaigns analyse and improvement.
Continuous negotiations with ESP's, software providers, other companies etc.
Manage the team of email marketers (improve their efficiency)
Manage projects and email marketing
Improve Deliverability



Computer science, Миколаїв
Вища, з 2003 по 2008 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Master degree in computer sciense and psychology

Economic liceum 1

Середня, з 1998 по 2003 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Management and marketing of enterprises and organizations

Знання і навички

Push.House EvaDav.com Eidos Network DatsPush.Com Kadam.Net Rollerads.Com Adeum.Click BidsPush.Com PropellerAds.Com ByMyAds.Com Adsterra.com Popcash.net Plugrush.com Hilltopads.com Popads.net Clickadu.com

Додаткова інформація

I have a lot of experience in handling different esp’s and crm systems.
Over 10 years in e-mail marketing. And can help you to manage everything in Klaviyo, Active Campaign, infusion soft, hubspot, omnisend or many other esp platforms. Ready to help you with your project on all the stages. Can help you to run a powerful email marketing department if you need it ;) Hope for mutually beneficial cooperation.

I’m really highly skilled in all the technical stuff you need.
I can be available in your time zone, without any difficulties.
I've done a lot of projects connected with settings of different ESP platforms such as ontraport, klaviyo, ethermailer, infusion soft, keap, emercury, phplist, sparkpost, moosend, sendpulse, pepipost, sendinblue, mailchimp, inboxroad, netatlantic, getresponse, active campaign.

I can even set up your own sending solutions based on such kinds of scripts like mailwizz, mumara, mautic, interspire.

I read your job description and it is clear for me in general. I can accomplish this project successfully and can guarantee your satisfaction. Also I'm interested in long term relationships. However, I would like to learn more about your services/products and customers.

Here is a little bit about myself. My name is Oleh Lytvynenko. I am an email and marketing automation consultant. I specialize in strategy, automations, list building, list cleaning, email deliverability, integration, drip campaigns, funnels, segmentation and marketing automation.

You can start working with me and you'll see that i’m a skilled professional, who will help you to move your company to the next level.
I can help you to create best email marketing department you need.
Almost 3 years I’m working as a head of marketing/email-marketing department. I used to know how it must be done in the best possible way.

I have a lot of skills and knowledge’s to do it by my own. So, I could explain in very simple way or control tasks to your existing email department. I have a lot of experience in cooperation with different it teams includes designers, copyrighters, programmers and system administrators.

I know how to set up a platform for you to send letters to customers in bulk in best possible way. Do you want to build quality email marketing in a company? I will help you build a powerful platform for sending millions of emails. Do you want to send spam? I have for you the best solution for any volume of sending emails.

I can take all the headache from setting up servers, connecting ip addresses, setting up a platform for sending letters and server software. I know how to set up for you personal email sending platform step by step. I can install and configure the following platforms for you: Mailwiz, Mumara, Interspire, PMTA 5.0, Sendgrid, Sendinblue, Mailgun.

I will set for you All-in-one email marketing, autoresponder, survey and CRM software. You will get fully featured software that was built specifically to help automate your follow up marketing, giving your sales team more motivated leads in the process. I will help to send a series of personalized email messages to new leads at intervals you define. It's like having your own dedicated sales team working for you around the clock. I can help you to optimize your email click thru rates with split testing. Let me help you to send a few variations of your email to a sample of your list and have the best performing one sent to the rest automatically. You will have possibility to automate your list management with triggers. Automatically convert leads to opportunities when they open a specific email, remove inactive leads from your list or even send a follow up email when a particular link is clicked - automatically. You'll keep your lists clean and up to date: with automated bounce processing. Invalid email addresses can be removed from your list automatically based on "smart bounce rules", helping keep your deliverability rate high. You'll see the complete activity of a lead with event logging. Every time a lead opens your email, clicks a link or performs any other activity, it's logged against their history making it easy for you sales team to qualify their desire to purchase.

You will be on a step forward from the typical way of sending generic newsletters to remind your customers that you still exist.

Use my service to explore new possibilities of business communication, relationship marketing, prospect nurturing and closing sales.
Stay on the top by using my professional skills! I will provide you a bunch of features and tools to send customized emails that the recipient cannot ignore.

Thank you, Oleh.

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