Резюме від 23 травня 2024



Повна зайнятість.
26 років
Інші країни

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту, Facebook, Instagram та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Project Manager

з 10.2023 по нині (8 місяців)
Murka Games, Дніпро (IT)

My main responsibilities:

- Arranging the launch of all live-ops according to the plan designed by the live-ops manager;
- Operating the resources to cover the volume for the whole sprint (month);
- Managing the team of 17 people (game designers, artists, animators, sound engineers, unity integrators, qa) to deliver the event/feature/slot launch from the TS stage to launching on prod the tested version;
- Hosting all the meetings, such as daily stand-ups, 1:1, Retrospective, etc;
- Managing the administrative stuff such as vacations, sick leaves, urgent matters, etc.
- Communicating with various teams (product, slots, tech, HR, etc) to ensure clear communication and issues resolution;
- Planning the work for the whole team and adjusting to possible schedule changes;
- Creating the agenda for the typical feature relaunches, such as gathering the resources, planning the whole thing according to the collected estimates, and assigning the crew for the delivery process;
- Creating a backlog of all events for the whole month and consequently planning the Gantt chart for the whole month beforehand for the whole team to ensure on-time delivery and exclude the possibility of asaps, overtimes, and tight deadlines;
- Creating the project structure in Jira and assigning all the tasks to team members to ensure the full-day volume for each specialist;
- Keeping up to date the bugs backlog and ensuring bug fixes for the upcoming relaunches;
- Gathering the logged time with Tempo to track the team activity, optimize the work volume, and collect the estimates for the typical tasks and assignments.

Technical support specialist

з 01.2022 по 10.2023 (1 рік 9 місяців)
Murka Games, Київ (IT)

Murka Games focuses on mobile games development (Social Casino & Casual).

My main responsibilities:

- Consulting on products-related questions: in-game mechanics, games, features, bonuses, events, LiveOps promos, etc.;
- Resolving all possible in-game problems: starting from misfunctioning and ending up with in-game payments;
- Tracking the in-game issues and fixing them using the Admin panel;
- Extracting events (both client and server) with SQL using BigQuery to analyze them and find inconsistencies during the gameplay;
- Doing the first stage of manual testing to deliver the problem to the product team with an extensive report using Jira;
- Daily cooperation with QA, Product, and Marketing teams to ensure on-time resolutions and keep a high satisfaction rate;
- Keeping up-to-date inner projects documentation both on the product and admin panel to ensure the technical proficiency of the team;
- Updating FAQ sections in accordance with in-game updates;
- Optimizing the FAQ search engine by analyzing the keywords and phrases to engage users in the FAQ section and help them to find answers faster;
- Translating documentation to adjust the Confluence environment for international employees;
- Performing a full cycle onboarding of the new team members (including VIP managers) on various projects;
- Participating in the creation of the workflow for collaborating with VIP users to increase revenue and user engagement;
- Implementing automations in HelpShift to reduce the workload for the team;
- Conducting online educational lectures to increase IT literacy within the team (specifically about databases, SQL, and admin panels);
- Performing a monthly KPI report of the work of colleagues (including the team leader) with detailed feedback to improve the quality of the service provided;
- Gathering feedback from players to create reports and generate ideas for possible improvements.

Impact & Results:

- Keeping the highest A category according to the KPI system within the team (with an average result of 98%) during the whole assessment period;
- Passed several tests on products & technical tools knowledge with an average score of 94%;
- Passed corporate complex English tests with the result of B2+ level;
- Passed the "Resolving Conflicts" workshop by Savvy.

Project Assistant (remotely)

з 09.2020 по 06.2021 (9 місяців)
Stroller AB, Stockholm (IT)

Stroller AB mainly focuses on creating the mobile app "Preggers" for parents-to-be.

My main responsibilities:

Assistance to Marketing Coordinator and Partner - which includes various tasks such as:

- Online research;
- Supporting and filling up databases in admin (both on staging and prod);
- Developing minor scripts using Python to automate routine operations such as translations (the app was represented in 11 languages at that moment);
- Analyzing the market of competitors to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction rate;
- Generating new ideas for the mobile app and helping with implementation;
- Content planning (Instagram) strategy assistance + content creation using Figma, Canva, Photoshop, and minor SMM functions (posts, stories, contacting influencers to create shared content, app promotion);
- Manual app testing before release (staging phase).

Impact & Results:

- added a vast volume of articles to the app for moms-to-be, partners, etc. (in 11 languages) provided by certified midwives;
- extended the food recommendation tool with information from Swedish Food Agency to help women to shape their diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
- added a new baby-names tool and created a selection of the most popular names for more than 10 countries (both boys and girls) for the last 10 years to help parents-to-be choose a name for a future baby;
- helped and guided users through any issues and questions they might have faced while using the "Preggers" app.

Consulting Manager

з 05.2018 по 10.2018 (5 місяців)
Favor IT, Kyiv (IT)

The main products and activity of the company go under NDA.

My main responsibilities:

- Representation of the product division for American and European customers through emails and calls (mostly calls);
- Determine eligibility by comparing client information to requirements;
- Confirming the final orders using CRM and tracking the delivery process;
- Performing upsells to increase revenue;
- Developing complex solutions to resolve customers' inquiries;
- Gathering and organizing client information using Excel;
- Creating reports on the most common issues (based on feedback from customers) and providing possible solutions to management.


National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"

Faculty of Informatics, Computer science and Information technologies, Kyiv
Вища, з 2016 по 2020 (4 роки)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Таргетолог з нуля (Facebook Ads), курс Валерії Тернової

2021, 2 місяці

Basics of Trading (cryptocurrency market)

2021, 7 days marathon

Знання і навички

Administrative work Work with clients SQL Facebook Ads Manager Canva Adobe Photoshop Figma Project management Sales management Educability

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Німецька — початковий
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

After trying myself in IT, fintech, gamedev, health care and lots of others - I gained significant amount of experience and understood that you can learn anything as long as you're diving into the subject. It also gave me an understanding that I want to do something meaningful, inspiring and guide others while learning from them. Synergy is important, and the next place I am settling for is for sure a spiritual environment with open-minded people. I am driven by purpose and meaningful changes.

Invest your time, energy and experience in me - and you'll get 1000% ROI.

Some insights:
HD - 6/2 Generator
Leo Ascending, Aries Moon (in the 9th house)

Current location - Warsaw, Poland. Ready for relocation & constant business trips.

Offline only or remote with a constant connection and possibility to meet personally.

Схожі кандидати

Project manager
67000 грн, Інші країни, Дистанційно

IT Project Manager, керівник проєктів
Інші країни, Дніпро , ще 6 міст

Project-manager, head of product, development, team-lead, сценарист, директор
Інші країни, Львів , ще 2 міста

Junior/trainee project manager
Інші країни, Київ, Львів

Project manager (IT, FinTech, banking), Head of Department, CEO assistant
90000 грн, Інші країни, Київ, Дистанційно

Директор з розвитку, керівник проєкту
100000 грн, Інші країни, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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