Резюме від 6 лютого 2024 Файл


Full-Stack Software Development Engineer (React, .NET)

25 років

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Alexander Taburov
LinkedIn | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») | [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
• C# | .NET | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | SQL Server | Node | React | Redux | TypeScript | Git | Jenkins | Redis | RabbitMQ | Nlog | ElasticSearch
| SonarQube
• Microservices | Distributed Systems | Frontend | Backend | Full-Stack
• English - reading/writing - B1, speaking - A1 | Ukrainian - C2 | Russian - C2
A bit about me__________
Driven by my dedication to the craft, I'm a detail-oriented developer with over 2 years of experience. I take immense satisfaction in
improving people's lives and streamlining tasks through my software development contributions. Proficient in translating design mock-ups
into responsive user interfaces and integrating them with server-side logic. My hands-on experience includes developing, testing, and
maintaining web applications, collaborating with cross-functional teams. I developed high-load enterprise applications in the medical field,
emphasizing detail and rapid feature delivery. I'm eager to take on new challenges and contribute effectively to innovative projects.
Full-Stack Software Intetics Inc. (Practice Kharkiv, Ukraine 12/2021 - 11/2023
Development Engineer Compass project)
• Maintain codebase, develop new features, fix bugs for digital healthcare platform designed to centralize and streamline patient
management for doctors, encompassing appointment scheduling, electronic health records, and real-time consultation data.
• Integrated and configured a logging system across all applications (over 30), which positively impacted code maintainability and reduced
the time required for bug detection.
• Migrated a portion of the applications to utilize .NET 6, which enhanced performance, improved security, and streamlined the
development process.
• Developed an employee expense tracking system, which enabled the client to more conveniently reimburse costs, manage, and monitor
their workers' expenditures, leading to increased financial transparency and optimized budget allocation.
• Refactored a substantial module involving customer surveys during the registration process. This overhaul allowed for more flexible
survey configurations and simplified code maintenance, leading to faster feature rollouts and reduced debugging time.
• Migrated the email templates used in our applications to the database. This transition simplified code maintenance, reduced system
coupling, and made it easier for the client to configure email templates, streamlining the overall process and enhancing adaptability.
• Integrated a mechanism into most of our scheduled job modules that automatically retries jobs in case of errors, while also sending email
notifications detailing the issues encountered. This innovation streamlined our error-handling process, reducing manual intervention,
improving system reliability, and providing developers with timely insights into potential problems.
• Participated in the dockerization of our applications and the configuration of Jenkins pipelines. This initiative enhanced our deployment
process, increased application portability, and streamlined our continuous integration and delivery workflows, ultimately leading to quicker
releases and more stable environments.

Full-Stack Software Tesseris Pro Kharkiv, Ukraine 08/2021 - 12/2021
Development Engineer (Intern)
• Development of a web application infrastructure designed for creating and customizing single-page real estate sales websites.
• Set up the register and login system of web application with multiple roles using Identity and JWT authentication system.
• Implement the foundational elements of the user interface using ReactJS and Redux (different admin-role pages - tables of users with
ability of crud operations on them, and user-role pages).
• Integrate database interaction (MySQL).

Doctor of Philosophy Kharkiv National Automobile and Road Kharkiv, Ukraine 2022 - Current
(Computer Science) University

Master’s Degree (Industrial Kharkiv National Automobile and Road Kharkiv, Ukraine 2020 - 2022
Machinery engineering) University

Bachelor’s Degree Kharkiv National University of Radio Kharkiv, Ukraine 2016 - 2021
(Cybersecurity) Electronics

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