Резюме від 13 квітня 2023 Файл


Game developer

21 рік

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Shydenko Yaroslav
Languages: Ukrainian, English (B2)
Phone/Telegram/WhatsApp: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Github: https://github.com/elleyer

Skill Set
● Experience in game profiling and ● Experience with Reactive
optimization (PC, Mobile) in context Extensions (Rx);
of Unity3D Engine; ● Experience with multithreading;
● Great knowledge of OOP and ● Experience with networking and
common design patterns; multiplayer games;
● Experience with DI/IoC ● Experienced in VCS (Git);
● Fluent in C# programming language; ● Experienced in MySQL;
● Knowledge of different data ● Basic understanding of graphics
structures and algorithms; rendering pipeline.

● Light Games as Game Developer (Unity Engine)
January 2022–February 2023
As a Game Developer I worked on different projects, mostly on hyper-casual games. In
this job I had all the control over the projects I was working on, and this allowed me to
gain more experience and grow faster as a professional. I played a key role in developing
new game prototypes and also managed to optimize existing projects on WebGL and
Mobile platforms.
● Scellecs as Software Developer (Unity Engine)
March 2021–December 2021
As a Programmer, I worked on a big project, directly related to the Unity3D Engine. My
main role was to develop a custom inspector to be used by the Morpeh ECS framework
that replaces the default one with much more features. I had the ability to implement
everything from scratch and control the whole process. Available on GitHub.

The list below doesn’t describe all projects and everything about them in detail. Feel free to
ask for additional info about my experiences as a developer.
1. Elemental Runner and Robot Runner
Role: Unity Engine Developer
Links: Robot Runner, Elemental Runner

Using Unity Engine, I worked on hyper-casual games implementing them from scratch,
including game logic, graphics, integration of the analytics and publishing to the store. Those
projects were challenging and very interesting to develop.

2. (NDA) Match-3 game
Role: Unity Engine Developer (optimizations/bug fixes)

In this project my main responsibility was to optimize the whole game for mobile platforms
and fix all existing bugs. I rewrote some code to make it run faster and use less memory with
the help of the Unity Profiler.

3. (NDA) Casual game
Role: Unity Engine Developer (optimizations/bug fixes)

In this project my main responsibility was to optimize the loading time on the Android
platform. The application was too slow because it was loading and parsing lots of
configuration files from Firebase on each startup. In the end, I rewrote the whole JSON
parser and implemented a caching system.

4. Educational platform
Role: Unity Engine Developer (porting/development/optimizations)
Link: https://web.3dl.no

I worked on an educational platform for students that allows you to inspect different 3D
models and interact with them in many ways. My main responsibilities were porting the
currently working application to the WebGL platform and adding Microsoft Teams
authentication to it. I’ve gained lots of experience with networking and client-server
communications. One more thing that I’m proud about is a cross-browser screen recorder,
which allows users to record their screens in Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox (this
feature was a bit hard to implement because of different APIs in each browser).

5. (NDA) Battleship game
Role: Unity Engine Developer (development)

I worked on a Battleship-style game, where two players can play together using video chat.
This project was challenging because of its client-server communication model. Here we
used StrangeIoC as a DI container. One of my main responsibilities was to implement
adaptive UI for both iPad and iPhone.

6. Shooting simulator
Role: Unity Engine Developer

I worked on a shooting simulator in a 3D environment. I had a lot of responsibilities, including
implementation of the new features, project optimization and bug fixes. The biggest thing
that I’ve implemented in this project was a screen splitter for multiple targets in 3D space
which duplicates all the targets and handles them as individual entities.

7. (NDA) VR model inspector
Role: Unreal Engine Developer (optimizations/porting)

In this project I had to develop a VR model inspector from scratch, where you can fly around
3D models and read their descriptions when you click on them. My main responsibility was
to create the whole app. Here I used Extenject as a DI Container and DoTween for UI
animations and object movement.

● Ternopil State 'Ivan Pul'uj'​Technical University, software engineer, 2020–Present

Схожі кандидати

Unity Game Developer
Київ, Кропивницький , ще 2 міста

Гейм developer
Київ, Дніпро , ще 7 міст

Game developer
70000 грн, Київ, Львів

Unity Game Developer
50000 грн, Київ, Харків, Дистанційно

Game developer
Київ, Львів , ще 2 міста

Game developer

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