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Embedded engineer

39 років
Іванків (Вишгородський р-н)

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Contact Information:
name: Sichkaruk Victor
tel.: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail address: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Aspiration: Developer of embedded systems (C Embedded Developer)

Practical experience:

Programming languages— C, C#, Basic, Java
Software development for Windows, Android, STM32, ESP8266/32, AVR.
Development tools IDEs - Keil uVision for STM32, CubeMX for STM32, CubeIDE for STM32, MS Visual Studio, Microchip Studio (Atmel Studio) for AVR, MS Visual Studio and Delphi for Windows and also Android Studio and Unity for android devices.
Creating schemes and landing with AltiumDesigner
Practice with such peripherals: UART, I2C, SPI, 1Wire, DMA, TIMER, FSMC, PWM

Development of automation at woodworking enterprises. I implemented automatic devices for control of production lines and information collection.
I developed a system of automatic control of a pneumatic conveyor and other conveyors that distribute the products of sawing wood at a woodworking enterprise. The production volume of which exceeds 1000m³ per shift. Which helped significantly reduce electricity costs. While developing this system, I gained extensive experience in using the USART interface and the RS485 protocol. As well as protection of the microcontroller from electromagnetic interference.
I developed a system of automatic supply of raw materials (wood chips) to the drying chamber, at a woodworking enterprise specializing in the manufacture of wood fuel (pellets). Where I gained experience in using PID control and protection of analog inputs of the microcontroller from electromagnetic interference and nanopulses.
I developed a packaging machine for wrapping with stretch film, finished products stacked on a pellet pallet for further transportation. While developing this machine, I gained experience using the RS485 industrial communication interface and the Modbus-RTU protocol, as well as the ASCII protocol such as $ AAN, $ AASi6, #AAN, which is used to communicate with DCON I / O I-7000 / modules. 8000 / 87K.
Developed a controller for the control of an electric thermal camera with a link to the hourly rate of payment for electricity used. The controller consisted of two parts: the actual temperature controller with a real-time clock and Windows software that monitors the temperature in the camera, as well as the constant storage of data in an Excel spreadsheet. Also, when the computer is turned off, the controller saves the data to a flash card and sends it when the software on the computer reappears on the network. Thanks to the development of such a system, I gained experience working with the interface I2C, 1Wire, RS422, SPI, FSMC and analog temperature sensors. I gained experience in creating computer software. As well as protection of the controller board and information line from static voltage.
Developed firmware for the infrared cross-section sensor and the volume of the part placed under the sensor. The purpose of software development for this device was to study the logic chips on the SPI sensor boards (shift registers, multiplexers, LED drivers). I also gained experience in using the hardware peripherals of the STM32 microcontroller, which includes work with timers and SPI chips of various exchange protocols. I also achieved the required uninterrupted operation of the information line (RS422) at a speed of 1,000,000 baud / sec between transmitter and receiver, and RS485 - 115200 baud / sec between transmitter and operator panel. And using flash memory as an EEPROM.
Developed a system for sorting colored parts into three components of RGB color for a school group. The aim was to study the TCS230 sensor, and learn to work with stepper motors and servos.
Language skills:
Ukrainian - above average
English - elementary

My Youtube channel, where I cover some of my ideas:

My Google Play Market profile where I teach my own Android: apps https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Si_LaB&hl=fil

My Facebook page:
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

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