Резюме від 29 січня 2024 Файл


Team Lead, 2D and 3D Artist

28 років

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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Olga Demianok
Team Lead + 2D and 3D ARTIST
Kyiv, Kyiv region , 04205 [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Innovative and resourceful 2D and 3D Artist with 4+ years of experience creating and delivering world-class 2D and 3D models for clients in digital media, technology, and gaming industries. Seeking to leverage my technical, creative, and design animations consistent with their specific requirements. Portfolio contains range successful projects that are both commercially and artistically innovative. Ready to work as part of a team or independently.
• Professional Experience
“Prof it”, Development of nft for the weway.io
2D and 3D Artist
• Design and customize a variety of 2D and 3D assets, models, textures, animations, and skeletal meshes
• Analyze client requirements and collaborate with concept artists to create initial drawings that help us and the client better visualize the intended end product
• Maintain 100% client satisfaction by delivering consistent aesthetic and technical quality throughout the asset pipeline
• Designed a variety of hard surface and organic models, ensuring proper scaling of assets and models in line with real world standards

Team Lead +2D and 3D Artist
As a 3D Artist Team Lead in a company collaborating with real artists and creating NFTs, my responsibilities included:

• Team Management: Successfully managed and mentored a diverse team of 10 talented individuals, providing guidance and support to ensure their professional growth and development.
• Collaboration: Fostered a collaborative environment that encouraged creativity and innovation, working closely with real artists to bring their visions to life in the digital realm.
• Project Coordination: Ensured timely project delivery by overseeing the planning, scheduling, and execution of tasks, while consistently meeting the highest quality standards.
• NFT Development: Played a pivotal role in creating unique and captivating NFTs, leveraging my expertise in 3D art and staying current with the latest trends and technologies in the rapidly evolving digital art landscape.
• Quality Assurance: Implemented rigorous quality control measures to guarantee that all 3D assets and NFTs adhered to the company's artistic and technical standards, resulting in exceptional end products.
• Client Communication: Acted as the main point of contact between the 3D art team and clients, ensuring smooth communication and understanding of client expectations and requirements, leading to high levels of client satisfaction.

• Education
1) National Technical University of Ukraine | Sept 2013 - June 2018,
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
2) ArtCraft School: Course “Digital Drawing”, Course “ZBrush”, Course “3D Basic”
• Additional Skills
• Constant reeducationin trends and tech, easily coordinates with artistic teams
• Design and generate characters, logos and organic models
• Expertise in 3D modeling, 3D Visualization, high and low poly 3D modeling, 3d prototyping, texturing, rendering, and animation
• Technical skills: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Zbrush, Blender
• English (Intermediate)
• Ukraine

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