Резюме від 14 березня 2024 Файл

Особисті дані приховані

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти, але йому можна надіслати повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію.

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти. Ви можете зв'язатися з ним зі сторінки https://www.work.ua/resumes/8175626

Head of Content, Editor in Chief, Betting expert (Sportsbook, Crypto, Gambling)

Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Файл містить ще 4 сторінки

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Vadym Rotar
Betting expert, Editor in Chief, Head of Content,
Copywriter (Betting, Gambling, Casino, Cryptocurrencies)

Birth Date: 06/01/1993 Location: Rivne (Ukraine) Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Telegram: @themyd
Viber/phone: +3809648593 Linkedin

Editor in Chief, Head of Content in NDA
from 03.2020 to date
Popular betting websites with localizations (UA, RU, KZ, BY)

-Organizing the working process of the remote team;
-Recruiting new candidates for ongoing projects or particular tasks;
-Setting tasks for copywriters, posters, designers;
-Proofreading, editing content, adding links and buttons into content;
-Basic SEO (collecting keywords, titles, descriptions, captions);
-Adding new sections to the websites;
-Writing news, tips, reviews, and SEO-content;
-Checking the progress of tasks and projects on the whole
-Providing payroll reports for my team.
Remote Content writer in N1 Partners (part-time)
from 02.2021 to 04.2022
N1 Partners, Minsk (Gambling, Affiliate marketing)

-SEO articles for website pages (casino, sportsbook, casino games, lobby, etc);
-Slots reviews;
-Betting articles.

Remote Copywriter/Tipster in Sportclan.ru (part-time)
from 05.2018 to date
Sportclan, Moscow (Gambling, Media)

-Writing reviews of sportsbooks and bookmakers;
-Writing articles about betting and sports betting strategies, and gambling terminology;
-Making reviews of sportsbooks’ promotions and bonuses;
-Writing news about sports and betting;
-Writing previews for future sports events with betting tips

Head of Content (Betting School) in STAVKA
from 06.2020 to 03.2022 (2 years)
STAVKA TV, Moscow (Gambling, Media)

-Creating the structure of website sections;
-Creating content plans and searching new topics for articles;
-Managing the team of copywriters;
-Setting tasks for copywriters and designers, cooperating with designers;
-Basic SEO (collecting keywords, setting right structure of articles)
-Content proofreading and editing (adding links, titles, description);
-Writing betting-related articles.

SMM-Manager in Uranbet from 12.2019 to 05.2020 (6 months) Uranbet, Iran (Sportsbook, Casino)

-Creating content plan for telegram channels and IG;
-Creating betting content;
-Cooperating with translators, posters and designers

I was basically controlling the whole process of creating content for: https://t.me/uran_bet
https://t.me/Uranbet_FR https://t.me/UranBet_PL

Remote Content Writer for ENLABS (Evora International Limited)
from 01.2019 to 05.2019 (5 months)
Enlabs (Entain), Riga (iGaming, Media)
-Content writing for gambling and betting-related projects
-Translating and adapting iGaming content from RU to ENG

Remote Content Writer for Lenningrad Agency
from 08.2017 to 12.2019 (2,5 years)
Lenningrad Agency, St.Petersburg, Moscow (Media, IT)

-Creating content for parsing samples;
-Writing reviews of sportsbooks and bookmakers;
-Writing content about betting basics, strategies, terminology.

Remote content writer for Prostocoin.com from 07.2017 to 02.2018 (7 months) Prostocoin.com, Kyiv (Media)

-Writing reviews of cryptocurrencies, wallets, ICOs, etc;
-Market and tech analysis;
-Explaining crypto terminology via longreads (what is SegWit, what is ICO, what is POS/POW and so on)
-Writing trading exchange reviews
-Step-by-step guides (how to create a wallet, how to buy crypto, etc).

Tipster/Author for Bazasport.com
from 05.2017 to 12.2019 (2.5 years)
Bazasport, Kyiv (Media)

-Writing previews of sport events:
-Making betting picks;
-Creating content for Bazabet (sportsbook);
-Statistical analysis.

Remote Content Writer for Gaminators999.com, Partnerskie-programi.com,
from 05.2017 to 02.2018 (9 months)
Gaminators999.com, Partnerskie-programi.com, Avtomati-igrat.com – Content Writer, Aluksne (Gambling)

-Searching and adapting news of Gambling and iGaming industry;
-Writing in-depth analysis of industry;
-Writing articles about gambling;
-Writing SEO content for website pages.

Author, Content editor for gammabet.ru
from 11.2016 to 06.2017 (7 months)
Gammabet.ru, St. Petersbourg (gambling)

-Writing reviews of sportsbooks and bookmakers;
-Writing articles about betting and betting strategies sports, and gambling terminology;
-Making reviews of promotions and bonuses of sportsbooks;
-Searching and editing photos, publication articles in WordPress;
-Writing previews for future sports events with betting picks;

Content editor for Hockey-world.net
from 11.2016 to 03.2017 (4 months)
Hockey-world.net, Moscow (Media)

-Posting results of NHL matches (protocols)

Author, news feed editor at GOTENNIS from 08.2016 to 12.2016 (4 months) gotennis.ru, Mostow (Media)

-Writing tennis news;
-Writing reviews, analysis and previews for matches, tournaments, etc;
-Translating articles and news from ENG;
-Working with social pages (FB, VK);
-Adding photos to the website gallery.

Remote copywriter for Web-Studio Tochka-Zrenija (tochka-zrenija.com)
from 11.2015 to 05.2016 (6 months)
Web-Studio Tochka-Zrenija (tochka-zrenija.com), Kiev (Content)

-Writing description of products;
-Creating content for landings and sale pages;
-Writing articles for Miralinks;
-Writing articles for wide-range of topics.

Content Editor/Copywriter for postavil.com
from 11.2015 to 03.2016 (4 months)
Postavil.com, Moscow (betting)

-Making reviews of sportsbooks and bookmakers;
-Writing articles about betting, betting strategies, sports and gambling terminology;
-Making reviews of promotions and bonuses of sportsbooks;
-Searching and editing photos, publication via WordPress.

Remote copywriter at WriterOK from 05.2015 to 11.2015 (6 months) WriterOK, St.Petersbourg (content)

-Writing content with anchors for Miralinks/Sape;
-Writing LSI and SERM texts;
-Creating content for landing pages;
-Writing descriptions of diff. production.

Remote news editor for ufanotes.ru
from 02.2015 to 07.2015 (5 months)
Ufanotes.ru, Ufa (News, Media)
-Writing and rewriting news with publication via CMS DLE;
-Translating latest news and relevant articles (World, Russia, region);
-Working with news aggregators;
-Re-linking articles;
-Searching and editing photos.

Remote blog author for Unibet.com
from 02.2015 to 06.2015 (4 months)
Kindred PLC, Malta (gambling)

-Sports tipping;
-Writing previews and reviews of sports events;
-Re-linking articles;

Remote writer for Free-Soft.net (soft-ok.net)
from 12.2014 to 06.2015 (6 months) Free-Soft.net (soft-ok.net), Moscow (IT)

-Writing descriptions of Android and iOS apps;
-Writing descriptions of Windows and OS X based programs;
-Rewriting news and press releases;
-Proof editing;

Part-time writer
from 03.2012 to 07.2014 Isport.ua, Kiev (Sport Media)

-Writing articles (biographies, previews, reviews) for tennis section

Editor, Content manager, copywriter, journalist

from 01.2012 to date
FREELANCE, Kiev (Media, News, Gambling, Betting)

from 01/2012 to date
Profiles at copywriting resources

http://telegra.ph/Portfolio-03-22 http://telegra.ph/Kriptovalyutnyj-kopirajting-Portfolio-03-26 https://freelancehunt.com/freelancer/MaestroN.html
Also worked with http://opensharing.ru/ http://megogo.net/ http://kinokrad.net/ http://super-slots.com.ua/ http://investor100.ru/
http://tuzemun.com/ http://bukmekerov.net/ https://howtobuycoin.com https://ttrcoin.com/ https://www.masters-bet.com https://leon.ru https://ru.leonbets.net/ https://betnbet.ru https://bestbet.com/ru/
www.casinoz888.com https://smartgambling.ru https://affgambler.com https://slotsmegacasino.com

National University of Food Technologies

Marketing, Kiev

Higher, from 09.2010 to 05.2015

Master's Degree, average mark - 4.6 (out of 5.0), participant of English language conferences.

Additional education

◦ "Курсор" - Web-Design (HTML/CSS) (2014, 69 hours)
◦ "Переспектива", Javascript (DOM, Jquery, Ajax) (2014, 33 hours)
◦ «Центр Іноземних мов Аякс», Language course (Polish) (2015, 40 lessons)

◦ Working with MS Office, Google Docs;
◦ Managing working process in Trello, Asana, Google Spreadsheet;
◦ Converting PSD to HTML-pages (HTML5/CSS3/jQuery);
◦ PHP/SQL - novice;
◦ Working in PhpStorm, SublimeText;
◦ SEO - novice (Working with tags, making SEO description, adding keywords, alts, titles (SEO)), searching keywords in wordstat and adwords;
◦ Working with antiplagiarism software;
◦ Using Gimp and Online PS (graphic editors);
◦ CMS: WP, WebAsyst, DLE, Joomla, OpenCart, autonomous CMS.

Can produce from 1000 to 1400 words of unique text in an hour (RU, UKR), around 800 in English.
Additional skills:

◦ Managerial role (2 years experience) Intermediate
◦ Editor in Chief (3 years experience) Expert level
◦ Copywriting (10 years experience) Expert level
◦ SEO-copywriting (10 years experience) Expert level
◦ Trading (crypto, Betfair) (5 years experience) Intermediate level
◦ SMM Telegram (1 year experience) Novice
◦ Content management (6 years experience) Expert level
◦ Proofreading (5 years experience) Expert Level
◦ Tipping, betting (11 years experience) Expert level

◦ English — B2
◦ Ukrainian — native
◦ Polish — A2
◦ Russian — native

Additional info

I have the mentality and skills to analyze information. I can easily learn new things, methods,
and algorithms; make routine work fast after a short session of practice. I’m fine with responsibilities and respect deadlines.
I’m always open to good advice and constructive criticism. Always trying to improve myself and improve my overall work efficiency/ethic. Bonuses as motivational tools are welcome too.
I have a big experience managing small teams (10-15 workers) and recruiting:

● organizing the working process of the team,
● setting goals for workers;
● managing the project according to budget;
● finding suitable candidates for ongoing projects and local tasks;
● checking the progress of tasks and projects on the whole;
● cooperating with different divisions (design, writing, SEO);
● making payroll reports.

My speaking English is a bit worse than writing as I lack practice in that area. Writing is B2/C1 due to chatting on English-speaking forums and content writing.
I've been in touch with gambling/iGaming industry for years, and one of my goals is to work for a big company in the Industry.
My hobbies are sports, betting (I created my own betting systems based on data) and trading (traded on Betfair before), watching sports and playing sports (football, basketball), and data science. Also, I like history, TV-Shows and appreciate nature.

Теги: head of content, iGaming, букмекерская контора, прогнозист, редактор, копирайтер, аналитик, лайнмейкер, менеджер проектов, журналист, теннис, футбол, баскетбол, расчет коэффициентов, спортивный аналитик, маркетолог, криптовалюта, гемблинг, беттинг,
казино, betting, tipping, стратегии ставок, ставки на спорт

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