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Android developer

50 років
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Android Developer with 20 years programming experience and 7 years managerial experience:
• Fast learner in any programming language and adaptable to diverse work environments
• Superior analytical skills and detail-oriented; accurate and efficient completion of duties
• Able to work both independently and collaboratively in a team environment
• Experience across a wide range of platforms/applications, including AndroidStudio, Intellij IDEA, XCode,
Microsoft Visual Studio, Anylogic
• Experience with Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, REST API, Coroutines, Retrofit, Picasso, OkHttp, XML, JSON,
SQLite, Room, Google OR-Tools, Google Map

Java Developer (Anylogic modeling), X100 Holding - Cyprus 2021 - 2022
• Developed logistical tools for optimal delivery zones for distribution warehouses and routes for order
deliveries to clients
• Worked in the AnyLogic software environment with Google OR-Tools library, Google Map,
OpenStreetMap; use of Java and Kotlin Programming
Business Analyst / 1C Developer/ Implementer, Freelance - Ukraine 2019 - 2021
• Analyzed key aspects of the business to assess factors influencing processes and results for >10 clients
• Compiled recommendations to choose a 1C software product for all business processes and accounting
• Documented requirements for improvements to the software accounting system
• Performed the modifications on the 1C software product configuration wanted by client
• Application of the 1C software product to the client’s business processes
Developer / Project Manager, Hankuper - Slovakia 2017 - 2019
• Planned and monitored software development to manage and configure pre-sale mobile devices
• Managed a team of 4 developers in the project, including assignment of tasks
• Participated in writing a desktop application in the C# programming language
• Participated in writing a mobile android application in Java programming language
• Used Visual Studio / Android Studio / C# / Java / ADB utility
Developer, Android and iOS App's, Freelance - Ukraine 2014 - 2017
• Worked on the following Android and/or iOS applications:
o 'Election Analytics' - Android application for parallel counting of votes in elections
o 'Parents Control' - Android application for parental control
o 'Conflict journalism' - Android and iOS application covering this topic
o 'EgoStudio' - Android application for presenting and ordering massage therapy services
o 'Everyone is Capable' - Android application for the 'All-Ukrainian Concert Tour', including audio,
photo and video content
• Participated in the development of business requirements for software development
• Performed the full cycle of software development, including documentation
• Placed apps on Google Play and the App Store
• Used Android Studio / XCode / Java / Swift / REST API / SQLite / XML / JSON / Google Play / App Store
Director, Avial Service LTD (Microsoft cloud and 1C Enterprise services) - Ukraine 2011 - 2014
• Strategized and implemented the company's development strategy
• Defined and approved the technologies used to provide high-quality cloud services to customers
• Communicated with external clients using the company's services
• Supervised the work of 10+ employees to ensure the efficient operation of the company
Leader of IT Group, IRITA LTD - Ukraine 1999 - 2011
• Managed technical department of 5 employees that ensured efficient operation of IT equipment
• Participated in budget planning and stewarding expenses to the IT department budget
• Supervised the installation of workstations and provided software technical support
• Selected the appropriate software for automating enterprise tasks
• Oversaw quality control and corrective actions for hardware and software
• Used Windows Desktop, Windows Server, ActiveDirectory, Exchange server, Terminal server, Hyper-V, ISA
server, MS SQL Server, Interbase, SQL Anyware, Analysis Service, WSUS Server

• Master's Degree of IT Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipro, Ukraine Graduated 1999

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