Резюме від 28 березня 2024 PRO


Chief financial officer

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
44 роки

Контактна інформація

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Досвід роботи

Chief financial officer

з 08.2020 по 05.2023 (2 роки 9 місяців)
Sharikava coffee chain, Житомир (Готельно-ресторанний бізнес)

Companys' financial flows coordination and control.
ERP systems - Iiko, 1C Enterprise 8.3. "Accounting for Ukraine".
ERP system audit and adjustment: automatic salary accrual, daily cash and banking transactions, payment calendar, financial statements.
Planning, analysis and control over the implementation of operational activities (sales, costs, cash flows, pricing, cost of finished products).
Development and implementation of the company's accounting policy.
The departments of accounting and management accounting (5 people) are subordinated.
Development and automation of ad hoc reports.
Daily / monthly sales monitoring, implementation plan / fact introduced.
Accelerated submission of management reports.
Optimized and simplified the use of cash flows from current accounts.
Cash flows are distributed and structured, the use of working capital in the form of applications for cash flows is established.
Salary accrual is automated.
The process of accrual and payment of wages takes place exclusively in the ERP system.
Due to the peculiarities of the Iiko ERP system, the company's debts in the form of receivables, payables and debts on turnover within the system were analyzed and distributed.
The financial model of the company is structured: the plan-fact analysis of sales in the ERP system is adjusted; the structure and logic of the financial model in Excel were developed, the transfer of the financial model (plan-fact analysis) to the ERP system was started.
The main indicators of business efficiency are derived.
Software cash register Checkbox is installed on the entire chain.
Mobile inventories have been introduced throughout the chain.

Virtual Chief financial officer

з 10.2018 по нині (5 років 8 місяців)
Smart finance, Житомир (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

Financial analysis, consultations, ad hoc reports development according to the needs of the owner, management, mission and values ​​of the company.
My working tools are MS Excel, Power Query, ERP system, modern and proven means of communication, professional skills and a constant desire to learn more.
Mission - financial literacy of every business participant.
Financial management system creation:
Planning Creation of a financial business model, where all components are planned: money, income, expenses, profit.
Introduction of a unified accounting policy that establishes the basic rules of business operation.
Management reporting templates (income and expenditure report - P&L, management balance sheet - Balance Sheet, cash flow statement - budgeting - Budget, payment calendar).
Analysis and control of business activity using management reporting templates.
Profit management and understanding the consequences of the result.
Development and automation of ad hoc reports (reports at the request of management), monthly reports for divisions.
Consultations and further support.
Vision - Knowledge. Management. Profit.
Personal site: https://sites.google.com/view/smartmfinance

Chief financial officer

з 03.2017 по 02.2020 (2 роки 11 місяців)
Salad restaurants chain, Житомир (Hotel and restaurant industry)

Management of the Company's financial flows: control of expenses and ensuring the efficient use of resources, control of income and providing the Company with financial resources.
Analysis and reduction of possible financial risks.
Control of the Company's activities in accordance with current legislation.
Preparation of financial statements based on activity results.
Development and practical application of new forms of reporting, improvement of existing ones (P&L, Cash Flow, Balance, Budget). Financial modeling.
Formation and strategic planning of the company's financial policy.
Formation and implementation of the Company's accounting policy, regulations on the financial service, internal job instructions for financial service employees.
Management of accounting and management accounting teams. Automation of processes at all stages of the Company's financial services.

A monetary planning system has been introduced:

-scheduled settlements with creditors have been resumed. The level of deferred liabilities is 0%;

- established automatic process of daily data collection on cash receipts;

-a treasury department was created.

A unified form of management reporting was developed and implemented: P&L, BS, CF, the Company's financial model was created:

- deadlines for submission of management reports are accelerated, management decisions are made more quickly;

-forecasting the Company's activities for the future, managing today's results.

A motivational system of KPI's was developed and implemented for employees of the accounting and managerial accounting departments.

Automation of manual and production processes is being actively implemented:

- a structured, automated and interconnected source of obtaining information on trade revenue according to management accounting data,
- bookkeeping in the ERP system has been established in accordance with the rules of the accounting policy;

-automated transactions for the posting of trade revenue;

- automatic creation and implementation of implementation documents based on primary source data;

- automatic data exchange between sales, production and the accounting department has been established.


Institute of business and modern technologies

Economic cybernetics, Житомир
Вища, з 1997 по 2002 (5 років)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

IFRS. Basis

2018, 1 month

Business constructor. Workshop on building a system business

2018, 2 days

L.A.B.A educational platform, CFO course

2019, 6 months

L.A.B.A educational platform, Advanced Excel course

2020, 3 months

Знання і навички

Фінансове планування PnL calculation Balance sheet Cash flow Trello MS Excel Водійські права кат. B ERP Power Query Конфігурування Syrve Саморозвиток Управлінський облік Poster Qiuncefin Планування бюджету Впровадження системи KPI Управління підприємством Користувач 1С

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно
  • Польська — початковий


Третя група.
Цукровий діабет інсулінозалежний.

Додаткова інформація

I am responsible, disciplined, work for results, analyze what happened, look for technical errors, learn from my own and others' mistakes.
In December 2020, entered the TOP-10 financial directors of Ukraine according to the CFO Club Ukraine rating.
Life motto: if you won't try, you won't know!

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