Резюме від 21 травня 2024 Файл




Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Alexey Mironov, Ph.D.
Kyiv, Ukraine: m.: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»), e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

More than 20 years of corporate, project and product experience in the field of development for making
efficient IT, marketing, management decisions. Substantial knowledge in products, payments, finance,
banking, business, marketing, advertising, products, analysis.

UkrStartup, founder
All-Ukrainian startup initiative
Co-founder Ox Transfer, C2C payments - https://oxtransfer.com/
International payment system for foreign workers
Co-founder of UMA Gate crypto B2B payments
International payment system for e-commerce
Marketing strategist TG Social Ecosystem
New type crypto social network

Professional Skills:
Project founder, Project development
- Product Owner;
- Strategical&tactical marketing;
- Digital marketing;
- Products Strategy;
- Financial & business modeling;
- Startup adviser;
- Startups research & strategy / monetization;
- ICO marketing;
- Crypto SMM, marketing communications.

Latest Projects:
- www.Tonai.org Deputy Director, CMO
- www.Tensereum.com, CMO
- www.D4X.io, CMO
- GoDeFx lab, www.godefx.com , CMO
- Eladrea, www.eladrea.io , marketing adviser
- smilers.app, marketing adviser
- TG DAO, www.tgdao.io , CMO
- Jet-bot crypto trading, marketing, adviser
- EvaPay, www.evapay.co , CMO
- UMAgate.io, nft platform, marketing adviser
- ICO marketing manager of Italian ORS Group with 11 mln fund rising
- Startup.Network, Bb.network, NewICO.Excange, Bounty.club: marketing & content
- Co-founder of crypto bot instruments;
- CROP project advisor.

Chief Marketing Officer, CMO Startup.Network
Strategic and tactical marketing management
- Branding. Building a worldwide brand;
- Digital CPA advertising;
- Supertargeting, AI-targeting FB, Google;
- Sales funnels;
- Marketing automation, the use of state-of-the-art media;
- Conducting seminars on the use of marketing automation tools;
- Trigger letters, massages, chat-bots;
- SMM settings, strategy;
- Analytics. Construction of a set of analytical reports.

March 2009-2017
The marketing partner.
Marketing & IT projects
- Projects for banks
- “AC Nielsen” research project;
- “E-city” exam system development;
- Psychological test system development;
- “MMCIS” Forex products strategy & research execution;
- Other products development & promotions on demand.

July 2008 – March 2009
«Bank Russian Standard», Ukraine
Chief of the Department of marketing for the credit products
The Basic duties:
- Marketing analysis of credit products;
- Adaptation of the Russian IT products for the territory of Ukraine;
- Marketing researching & forecasting;
- Financial & budget analytics .

April 2008 - July 2008 (The project)
«Raiffeisen Bank» The international financial group.
The Basic duties in the chief of the Marketing department
- Marketing communication and researches:
- Development and control of marketing strategy;
- Planning and distributing of the marketing budget ;
- Forecasting analysis of the budget efficiency.

January 2007 – April 2008
Head of Unit of Strategy and Development of Retail Programs and Marketing,
Head of Unit of Retail Programs Controlling.
Development and promotion of IT co-branding projects and programs. Marketing, market and financial

October 2005 – January 2007
JSC «Index-Bank» (Credit Agricole Bank group)
Manager-head of Marketing and Analytics Unit
Marketing planning, marketing system building, analytical activity, market analytics and forecasting,
reporting development, performing national level market research.

October 2004 – November 2004
Supermarkets network “Paterson”
Manager-head of Marketing and Advertising Unit

November 2003 – September 2004
Industrial News Agency
Chief Editor of branch directions,
Head of Analytical Center.
Analytics, journalism, marketing, forecasting, management consultancy on economic issues in the field
of food industry markets.

October 2002 – October 2003
Corporation «Ukrainian Mineral Waters»
President Adviser for economic matters,
Marketing Unit Analyst, Brand-manager
- Performing analytical research, elaboration of forecasts, plans, development strategies, PR and
marketing strategies development, media-planning;
- Economic analysis of the Corporation state;
- Elaboration of measures for sale volume increase and optimizing production and administrative
- Integrated creation and issuing recommendations for new brands output on mineral waters and
beverages market;
- sales statistics, analysis and forecast;
- composing monthly sales forecasts – sales plans – product filling plans for production;
- creation of system of presidential analytics indexes.

June 2002 - August 2002
CJSC “Blitz-inform”,
Leading specialist of Marketing and Analytical Unit
- Development of internal administrative documents;
- Methods development marketing research performance;
- Preparation of methodical recommendations regarding industrial markets problems, development of
plans and forecasts.

October 1998 - June 2002
Scientific-research Institute of the Ministry of Ukraine of Economy and European Integration Issues,
Senior research officer of the Unit of Economic Strategy, Forecast and Economy Regulation.
- Research of methods, key-factors and management forms under conditions of structural transformation
on the basis of current economic programming and forecasting;
- Justification of directions and priorities of efficient policy and strategy of companies;
- Adaptation of contemporary economic-mathematical methods and models for elaboration of the
companies’ development strategy;
- Forecasting, economic, logical and correlation analysis of positive and negative factors of industry
- Forecasting of the basic financial and industrial indicators ordered by the Ministry of economy and
European integration issues of Ukraine, including the following topics:
- 4-99 "Composition of documents for the project of State program of economic and social
development of Ukraine for 2000" (№ 0199U002548);
- 5-99 "Elaboration of forecasts for economic and social development of Ukraine in 2000, 2005,
2010" (№ 0199U002549);
- 5-00 "Preparation of recommendations for the forecast of economic and social strategy in
Ukraine for the short-term and intermediate periods and parameters of the system of national
accounts" (№ 0100U003638).

September 1997 - October 1998
Group of Companies “Intersoyuz”
Manager, analyst of operational management and strategic marketing.
- Analytical research in the field of operational activity and strategy;
- Computer modeling and optimizing process of procurement, storage and transportation of products;
- Providing the management with consultancies as regards advertising, financial accounting and

May 2009 - June 2009
Courses of UCE (УТО):
- an estimation of integral complexes of properties, securities, rights of properties and immaterial assets,
including rights is to the objects of intellectual property (certificate №0199);
- a property estimation is in a financial form (certificate №0670);
July 2005 - September 2005
Successful internship in the Ministry Cabinet of Ukraine (Department of the strategic planning).
Postgraduate course in the Institute of the Ministry of Ukraine of Economy and European Integration
Defended a Thesis on “Methods and modes of forecast of industry development for middle-term
Specialty: Organization of management, economy planning and regulation.
European University of Finances, Informational Systems, Management and Business. Specialty:
accounting and audit (diploma with honor).
Specialization: Management.
Qualification: Specialist of Economics.
Economic-mathematical lyceum at the State University named after T.G. Shevchenko. Specialization:
Manager of International Companies and Organizations; Accountant.

English, Ukrainian, Russian.

More than 40 scientific publications on issues of products marketing, strategic planning, business,
forecasting and modeling, finances, economics, etc.

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