
Export Manager

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
45 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Дніпро, Інші країни, Київ, Львів, Одеса, Тернопіль, Ужгород, Харків, Хмельницький

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Business Development Director

з 09.2017 по нині (6 років 10 місяців)
Top & Co Business Corporation, Serbia - Poland (Foreign Trade & International Development)

•Creation of an export product from scratch. Creation and implementation of optimal export models.
•Creating of a business plan & establishing profitable business in EU.
•Export from scratch building and finishing materials, FMCG (food, sunflower oil) to the EU, Africa, Middle East via B2B channels and industrial supply.
•Organization of E-commerce from scratch in Southeast Asia, MENA. (registration, logistics, customs, certification, Warehousing, fulfillment, COD)
•Organization of manufacturing and distribution network in the Balkans.
•Creating and implementation of an optimal export model,
•Cooperation with customs, government agencies, controlling and logistics structures.
•Marketing research and analysis of export markets.
•Determination of the strategy, foreign economic activity model, organization of export "from scratch", development and implementation of business processes and scripts.
•Creation of a database of foreign counterparties.
•Drawing up and conducting presentations in English and French. languages.
•Written, telephone conversations with potential foreign dealers. Personal meetings.
•Written, telephone conversations with retail chains. Personal meetings.
•Preparation and signing of foreign economic Contracts.
•Conducting conferences and author’s workshops on foreign economic activity, international trade and International development.

Export Department Director

з 11.2016 по 05.2017 (6 місяців)
Rainway LTD, Kyiv (PVC rainwater systems manufacturing)

•Marketing Research and analysis of export markets.
•Determination of export development strategy.
•EN certification of products for selling to export markets. (Bureau Veritas)
•Organization of export "from scratch".
•Recruiting personnel, organizing the work of the export department "from scratch", creating and implementing motivational systems.
•Creating of scripts, development of a model for the work of the foreign trade department.
•Logistics. Calculation of cost and profitability.
•Creation of a database of potential foreign counterparties.
•Drawing up and conducting presentations in English and French languages.
•Written, telephone negotiations with potential foreign dealers. Personal meetings.
•Written, telephone negotiations with retail chains. Personal meetings.

International Development Director

з 11.2013 по 05.2016 (2 роки 6 місяців)
KTD Group, Ukraine - Morocco - UAE - Tunis (Home appliance manufacturing and export.)

•Building up export activities "from scratch" in the EU, Africa & Middle East.
•Creating and implementation of an economic model for the successful work of representative offices, transshipment warehouses.
•Establishment of company branches in Africa (Tunis, Morocco) and the UAE.
•Creation of a scheme and management accounting.
•Management of the budget, profitability, cost.
•Conducting commercial and administrative activities of the company.
•Document turnover of the enterprise. Analytical activities
•Strategic planning, budgeting, marketing analysis
•Recruiting international personnel, organizing the work of the export department "from scratch", creating and implementing motivational systems.
•Management of financial and economic activities of the head office and foreign branches.
•Business optimization. Development and implementation of optimization schemes.
•Working with customs, government agencies, control and logistics structures of African countries.
•Monitoring foreign markets and gathering leads in Africa, the EU and the East.
•Creation and implementation of schemes of foreign economic activity. (export) Process optimization.
•Organization of a distribution network and promotion in Africa.
•Organization and conducting of import and export operations. (logistics, customs, storage, delivery.)

Business Development Director

з 05.2009 по 10.2013 (4 роки 5 місяців)
Enterprise Development Association, Ukraine - Congo(Kinshasa) (Construction, agriculture, foreign economic activity)

•Successful implementation of startups. (business plan - implementation - management).
•Realization of FMCG (food) export to African countries. Implementation of distribution in West Africa, Congo, Kinshasa.
•Creating a company and doing business in Congo from scratch. Management, warehouse, commercial activity, logistics, administrative activities of the company in Kinshasa and Matadi.
•Building up all the departments of the company, business processes, documents turnover
•Creation of a scheme and management accounting. Management of the budget, profitability, cost formation.
•Document turnover of the company. Analytics.
•Organization of a construction company from scratch, reaching positive dynamics with constant growing income.
•Construction, adjustment and starting of a soybean processing plant in Western Ukraine.
•Reorganization of the existing business in order to achieve positive dynamics and growing income.
•Recruiting international personnel, organizing the work of the export department "from scratch", creating and implementing motivational systems.
•Management of financial and economic activities of enterprises.
•Business optimization. Development and implementation of optimization schemes.
•Creation and implementation of schemes of foreign economic activity. (import - export). Construction of logistics process.
•Monitoring of the world market. Analysis of suppliers / buyers, negotiations, signing of contracts.
•Reaching the profitability of business in a downturn in the economy.
•Working with customs, government agencies, regulatory structures.

Business Development Director

з 09.2008 по 06.2013 (4 роки 9 місяців)
Intertrade Holding, Netherlands - Ukraine (Foreign Trade & International Development)

•Development of a business plan for the opening of foreign representations in EU countries.
•Export from scratch of building and finishing materials, FMCG (food, sunflower oil) to the EU, Africa, Middle East.
•Analytics of foreign markets and development of an optimal economic model for export, building an export department from scratch, setting up business processes, writing scripts.
•Manufacturing of FMCG products under "private label" for African markets.
•Work with B2B channels, (building a dealer network, cooperation with grocery and DIY networks), B2C, B2G, industrial supplies)
•Development, customization and systematization of all business processes of the company;
•Working with customs, government agencies, regulatory and logistics structures.
•Research and analysis of export markets.
•Determination of the strategy, model of foreign economic activity, organization of export "from scratch", development and implementation of business processes and scripts.
•Creation of a database of potential foreign counterparties.
•Drawing up and conducting presentations in English and French languages.
•Written, telephone conversations with potential foreign dealers. Personal meetings.
•Preparation and signing of foreign economic agreements.
•Conducting conferences and workshops of foreign economic activity and international development in Europe, CIS, Africa.


Kyiv Economical Institute of Management

Faculty of Economics ( International Trade Manager), Kyiv
Вища, з 2008 по 2012 (4 роки)

Institute Internationale de Rambouillet

Economics, Paris, France
Незакінчена вища, з 2003 по 2004 (1 рік)

Kirovohrad State University

Foreign Languages Faculty (English & German), Кропивницький
Вища, з 1996 по 2001 (5 років)

Знання і навички

  • Побудова експортного бізнесу з нуля
  • Відкриття бізнесу в ЄС / Африці / Азії
  • Вивід бізнесу за кордон
  • Розробка та реалізація експортної моделі
  • Організація E-commerce з нуля
  • Жива база клієнтів (дилери-дистрибутори)
  • Побудова відділу продажу
  • Розробка та реалізація бізнес-процесів
  • Написання скриптів
  • Оптимізація експортної діяльності
  • Робота під Private Label
  • B2B
  • B2G
  • Продаж B2C
  • Управлінські навички
  • Стратегічне планування
  • Впровадження системи KPI
  • Побудова інтернаціональної команди
  • АПК
  • FMCG.
  • DIY.
  • Планування бюджету
  • Антикризовий менеджмент
  • Робота з фін інструментами (LC BG RD факторинг)
  • Ведення перемовин
  • Підписання договорів
  • Ділові зустрічі
  • International Development
  • Відповідальність

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Французька — вільно
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Хорватська — просунутий
  • Сербська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

•Business Development management, new projects management.
•Business globalization, international expansion and reorganization within the company.
•Methods and models of export widening. New export sales possibilities development.
•Creating a product for the domestic and foreign markets from scratch. Creation and implementation of optimal export models. Building up and management of international teams.
•Identification of staff weaknesses, training and motivation of international teams. Building optimal motivational schemes for employees at all levels.
•Adaptation of export product according to target region.
•Conducting commercial activities of the company in the domestic and foreign markets (private label manufacturing in China, SEA, CIS, export sales worldwide)
•Export via various channels: B2B, B2C, B2G, Industrial Export, e-commerce.
•Building up branches network and distribution network worldwide.
•Strategic planning, budgeting, marketing analysis.
•Drawing up financial schemes, cooperation with financial institutions, (LC, BG, RD, factoring, insurance, etc).
•Business expenses optimization. Implementation of optimization models.
•Building up the logistics schemes worldwide.
•Building up and optimization of all the departments of the company, business processes, documents turnover, anti-crisis management.
•Establishing interaction with customs, state authorities, surveyors, certification bodies.
•Conducting conferences and author’s workshops on foreign economic activity, international trade and International development.
As I am situated outside of Ukraine, preferable contact number: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Tel/WhatsApp/Viber).

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