Резюме від 17 січня 2023 Файл



42 роки
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Контактна інформація

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Viktor Stashko

Personal details



Viktor Stashko

Date of Birth


Marital Status


Phone No
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)


Data from 01.09.1999 – till 15.02.2006
University: Odessa Nationality Marine Academy
Faculty: “ Automatic ”

Specialty: “Technological Process Automatic Management”
Data from 01.09.2006 – till 10.07.2009

UNIVERSITY (other): Odessa National Marine University

Faculty: “Transport Management”
Specialty: “Transportation Organization and Transport Management”
Work Experience

Data from 15.11.2006 -- till 26.02.2007 Company name – “CONCERN ALMI”

Position - trade representative
Responsibility - work with new clients, database maintenance, and execution of a plan distribution.
Data from 05.03.2007 – till 19.10.2007 Company name – “DELTA MEDICAL”
Position - Sales Manager
Responsibility - work with new clients, database maintenance, and execution of a plan sales.

Data from 10.12.2007 – till 01.07.2008 Company name – LLS”TST”
Position – Forwarder in port Odessa
Responsibility – Freight Forwarder Company, checking positions of containers, work with customs clearance of goods, checking and convoy to cargo owners, sampling of cargo for compliance, mutual works with port services.
Working with leading Lines agency. Inspection of cargo at the observation deck plate.

Data from 05. 07.2008 – till 27.03.2009 Company name - “Imperior Groop”
m/v «Golden Princess” (passenger ship)
Position – third engineer – watch keeping according to company schedule, repair work of mechanism, pumps, compressors, oil hydraulic pipes, boilers, fuel equipment, maintenance of cargo deck crane and other ships systems.

Position – second engineer
Responsibility – watch keeping and repair works, overhaul of diesel generators, main engines, repair of ships systems, dry dock works, repair works in engine room with crew.
Data from 10. 07.2009 – till 28.02.2013 Company name - “MD-SHIPPIN CO.”
Position - Assistant of Technical Department
Responsibility - database maintenance, checking orders of spare parts, supply delivery, special instructions guide, organization of extra repairs. Consultations in carrying out of repair work. Checking and photo reports. Organization of extra works and repairs, under water survey.
Date from 15.03.2015 – till 20.01.2020 Company NAME - “SE SEA COMMERCIAL PORT OF CHORNOMORSK” DEPARTMENT of fleet port.
Position - Group superintendent of Technical Department Fleet Port
Responsibility – organization of repair works on fleet port tugs and water-crane 100tonns, dry dock repair, annual survey, class survey, work with RSU (Register Ship of Ukraine). Checking works condition of four tugs and one cargo crane 100t. Emergency repairs, underwater survey and extra works. Other works with statement authorities.
Date from 01.02.2020 – until this moment Company NAME - “BSSM (Black Sea Shipping maritime) Company” TECHNICAL Department.
Position - Superintendent of Technical Department
Responsibility – organization of repair works on group of vessels, dry dock repair, annual survey, class survey, work with RSU (Register Ship of Ukraine) and RMRS (Russian Maritime Register of Ships). Tuzla shipyard “Desan” – repair of mv “Alice” – bottom renovation, installation of Ballast Water Treatment system Alfa Laval. Checking of work condition of vessels (type Volga-Don general Cargo). Periodical inspections + photo reports of vessels. Organization of emergency repair and other repairs. Other works with statement authorities.
Additional activities, awards, certificates
Executive and hardworking person, work well in a team, purposeful.

Other information:

Ukrainian passport: seria № КК 210 547
Trans border passport: seria № GA 355203
Driver license № 451110 from 27.05.2003
Odessa July 2022

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