Резюме від 20 лютого 2024 Файл


Front-end разработчик

37 років

Контактна інформація

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Prystupa LinkedIn
Kyiv, Ukraine
Full Stack Developer Ready to work remotely

About Me Work Experience
I am a passionate Full Stack Full Stack Developer | WebJS.tech
Developer who loves to create
products that help people in their 2022- Building react applications using Turborepo, Nextjs,
everyday lives. I believe that Nestjs, Prisma ORM, tPRC, expo, mongo.
technology can make the world a
Initiated authorization, created and configured
better place, and I strive to be a part
middleware, created and configured models in Prisma.
I have experience working with a
Creating Pixel Perfect, responsive, webpages based on
variety of technologies and
Figma grid layout, design using HTML, CSS, SASS, and JS;
frameworks, including TypeScript,
JavaScript, Redux Toolkit, HTML5, Handling code reviews, investigating, reproducing, and
CSS3, SCSS, BEM, Bootstrap, Bulma, fixing bugs.
Material UI, Fetch, REST API, 2011-2022 Manager is event agensy | Magic Factory
Websockets, Node.js, Express, Nest.js,
Next.js, tRPC, Prisma ORM,. I also Planning and organization
have experience working in an Managing multiple events with different teams
international team, which has given Fixed price contracts
me the opportunity to work with Conducted negotiations with clients and concluded
people from different cultures and contracts
learn from them. Managed a team of about 10 people
I am a quick learner and I am
always up for new challenges. I also
love to help others and I am always Education
willing to share my knowledge
National Aviation Uneversitet
Environmental engineer
Front-End Development: Additional Education
- TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Front-end course is Prog Academy
Redux Toolkit, Next.js
- HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, BEM Projects
- Bootstrap, Bulma, Material UI WebJS.tech:
Back-End Development: Worked on Mobile and web application for booking services built using
Nextjs, Nestjs, expo, tRPC, REST API, mongodb.
- Fetch, REST API, GraphQL, Apollo,
Configured the environment, initiated authorization using jwt-token and
Websockets, Prisma ORM, tRPC,
Drizzle ORM, using session. Building models in Prisma ORM, configuring REST API and
- Nest.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB. tRPC, configuring the environment in NEXTjs.
Python(basic) Created npm packages for Nextjs and Nestjs, wrote user stories for other
- Django, Fast Api, noSQL developers, tested jest.
Project Methodologies and Tools: Initialization of the project using React library and Vite framework.
- Scrum, Agile
Сreated buttons for controlling video progress. Display frames when
- Trello, ClickUp
hovering over the progress bar using hooks.
Design and Prototyping: Code
- Figma, Photoshop Personal project:
Development Tools: Nextjs project
- Git/Github, VS Code, NPM, PNPM, the project is built using Nextjs. setting up the environment, creating
Webpack authorization pages, creating npm packages
- Advanced Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP) understanding

Language Proficiency:
- English: Upper Intermediate

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