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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Serednii Vasyl (30.12.1991)
Uzhgorod. Single.
Private entrepreneur.
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»), skype: svyat6868
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Desired position – iOS developer.


April 2019 – Present. theMakeApp (iOS developer, remotely).

● My Water
My Water is a free mobile application for fast and convenient ordering of drinking
water for such trademarks as "Аляска", "Старий Миргород", "Моршинська",
"Миргородська", "Боржомі", "Аква-Няня".

Developed this project from zero, as a part of a team. And I was the team
lead in it. Main task was to create project architecture. Project was small but
with an awful backend part. So, for correct work of its processes we had to write
a local base. Payments were made through the Portmone service. Also added
Facebook and AppsFlyer analytics.

Paying for gas is even easier and more convenient with ETG.UA. You currently do not
need to go to a bank, visit a site or call a call center to pay for gas and for send gas meter
The ETG.UA mobile application will help you save time and control your personal
account balance around the clock.

Small project for business. I developmented this project on iOS and
control development on Android. We connected Ukrainian payment systems:
Portmone and Ipay. Both payment systems have some problems with
documentation for development.

● Koral
An application for salons that provide services to change the appearance.
Big project for business. This project is still under development.

Jun 2018 – March 2019. Appuchino (iOS developer, remotely).

● Flipdish
Flipdish powers successful restaurants & takeaways globally.
Flipdish powered ordering apps are the fastest on the market. Your restaurant will
have a beautiful and intuitive ordering app that allows your customers to place orders in
seconds rather than minutes.

Project was created by another team. I got it for support, including many
interesting tasks with creating new modules. Tasks mostly associated with
search of addresses in some area in the world. Worked with Google SDK,
Facebook SDK, Sentry(analytic) and others frameworks during the development

● Phorest Go
Phorest Go is the application used by Salon owners and staff to manage appointments
and more on the go, both on iPhones and iPads.

As a part of a big team, my main goal was creating a module to calculate
stocks of products. Whole project was written in Objective C and I integrated an
additional module in Swift. An unusual task was creating a unique parser for big

Feb 2017 – Jun 2018. Boost Solutions (iOS developer).

● Metaltis
Metaltis is an app for calculating cargo fasteners

Interesting but not a big project. Architecture was MVVM, but without
"binding" inside. It was interesting to create enter forms where all necessary data
came from the server.

● Comfy Assist
Application with lottery’s, that handled by Comfy company

Project developed as an additional part to the main Comfy product. It was
small and it didn't have any special architecture - everything was nice and easy.
Used LGSideMenu in it.

● Comfy
Comfy is an online mobile shop for Ukrainian market.
I was the team lead on this project. Main task was to create project
architecture and mentoring over the rest of a team. Project was massive, so
different design patterns were used in it.

● LineKing
LineKing is a fast pass for everyday life. With LineKing, you get same-day access to
your favorite businesses! Choose your role and start a way.

Project developed for business. It uses Firebase database, so all backend
functions were implemented by app side. As a necessary payment system - we
used Stripe.

● GifitAway
GifitAway – interesting and stylish photo collage maker! It’s simple and smooth to
remix your photos and create amazing collages!

Project was written by another team member but the main "Collage"
engine was working badly. So I re-wrote that code and had a lot of work with 2
dimensional images.

Aug 2016 – Oct 2016. Devlight (iOS developer).

● exrates
Exrates is an application for financial exchanges.
Exrates was developed over 4 months and when its creation took into account all the
errors and omissions of third-party services, so as not to repeat their sad experiences. The
best experience of our colleagues, users recommendations and of course our personal
experience to the service - turned out to be the most complete, high-quality, reliable, safe and
convenient for everyone.

Whole iOS code work was done by me. Our team configured the server
for the best performance of a mobile application. User data is encrypted and
stored in a keychain. Our team had implemented input/output funds through a
variety of services(webmoney, Liqpay and others). The project was successfully

● Gloobar
Choose the best restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and shops in your city and use
their services directly through the mobile app.
Communicate with its visitors through Live Chat and meet new people.

This project was written in Swift. My main goal was to implement logic
about order at a table in a restaurant and create inverse logic with order for
menus. Created different custom elements for booking table, date and time in the
restaurant. This project uses user beacon location for welcome push notification.

Dec 2014 – July 2016. ThinkMobiles (iOS developer).

● sparkd!
sparkd! – a lifestyle platform & messaging app that enables lightning-fast
communication and awakens exciting feelings. The digital messages are called “sparks”. You
can create them in a flash and share them publicly via the Inspire feed or privately with

The project was developed by me and other team members, but after some
period of time it became necessary to rewrite all developed elements of the
mentioned person, because of code quality. The project used RestKit, Social
(facebook) and other frameworks, added possibility for data cache of displayed
info(except video). Also used framework for video and image processing and
adaptation. Project often changed structure and logic, because of client whims.

● Scrum Poker for JIRA
A mobile application for interactive agile estimating and planning with offline
Scrum Poker functionality

As a part of the team, I was developing the interface for part of the project
and created logic, which was responsible for the offline working state.
Interesting moments from the project – paging for vote maps and online state
implementation based on sockets.

● Karma Platform
Karma is a platform where business users can turn lists – stored in spreadsheets – into
customised business applications with a simple drag & drop to simplify complex everyday
business administration duties. Karma combines the powerful flexibility of simple lists with
the rigid robustness of enterprise business administration systems. Karma is a unique
platform using lists in spreadsheets for modeling business logic and defining the UI of

In this project I was working with developing custom dynamic cells, also
as with custom pop-up’s for displaying different kinds of info. In logic we
created a custom parser and unit-tests for it. And for data save we used
CoreData, that was changed a lot of times, that’s why migration was also.

● OpelHu
Project is for Opel auto dealers and regular customers, who can view new
propositions from dealers.
My main task was to develop the whole user interface. Some specific
work was with custom camera implementation, drop-down lists and other
non-native interface elements. For API logic we used the AFNetworking
framework. It was not a difficult project.

Feb 2014 - Apr 2014. TONDACH (System administrator).

Additional info about skills:

- Experienced in Obj-C and Swift;
- Working with Xcode v.5 and higher;
- Working with Socket.IO, WebSocket;
- Using Frameworks like UIKit, Foundation, Social, etc;
- Used SDKs like Google, Facebook, Firebase, SCRecorder, etc;
- Wrote app with support of iOS 7 and higher;
- Wrote apps based on both – storyboards and .xibs;
- Worked with MVC, MVVM project architectures;
- Used Unit and OCMock tests;
- Understand design patterns;
- Bitbucket/GitHub;
- Project management tools – JIRA, Trello, ERP;
- Study experience with С/С++, C#, Delphi and Java

Education (higher technical):
2009 – 2014
Uzhgorod National University. Speciality - Computer engineer.
Academic degree – Specialist.

Jul 2014 – Oct 2015
Thinkmobiles. Uzhgorod. (http://thinkmobiles.com/). iOS development

- Ukrainian (fluent);
- English (Intermediate).


- Driving experience - 6 years (category B);
- Working experience on PC - 16 years.

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