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Full stack, Web-програміст

43 роки
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.


Position: Full-stack/Frontend/Backend Web Developer

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Birthday: 11 May 1981
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Telegram: @ndalex
Skype: alex_nd
Github: https://github.com/alexnd

COMMERCIAL EXPERIENCE: 21 years (from 2001)


LANGUAGES: English, Ukrainian, Russian


Frontend: Javascript (Native JS, ES6+, Typescript), frameworks - Vue, React
HTML, CSS, creating layouts + figma/photoshop/gimp
Backend: NodeJS, PHP, SQL, noSQL, Unix/Linux
Mobile: Flutter, ReactNative, Ionic


ZigZag Trader (2022) - social network for trade on Web3 exchanges
- Fullstack developer (Vue, Typescript, Graphql, Nodejs, Flutter/Dart)
- Frontend web app, Mobile native app

Stocko.pro (2020) - Worldwide B2B textile marketplace
- Fullstack developer (Laravel/PHP/SQL/Vue/JS/HTML/CSS)

Apptown (2019) - E-commerce PWA
- Vuejs frontend
- Integration with Nodejs backend via Axios

MMO.cat (2018) - Gameboting trade platform
- Vue-storefront e-commerce solution (PWA on top of Vue.js)
- Magento+Elasticsearch as backend

Headspot (2018) - E-commerce PWA
- Vue-storefront PWA
Casino-x.com (2015-2017) - Daily support job and R&D
- React SPA
- React-Native mobile app
- Social network features, backend sync with REST + Websockets

Vlan Group (2013) - Insurance company website
- PHP framework (Customized Phalcon)
- Website + CMS

Expert.glisskur.ua (2013) - Promotion page for Schwarzkopf Ⓡ
- HTML5 app with animations
- PHP backend

Gyr-gyr.kz (2012) - Social network with video chat roulette
- PHP + Mysql + Redis + Nodejs backend
- Prototype.js + Mustache frontend

Convoy Online (2011)
Mobile client and web service for GEO-tracking security systems
- PHP + Mysql + Redis + Nodejs backend
- Deployment to Debian VPS
- Android application (Android Studio project)

Macfynd.se (2010) - Portal for trading Apple products
- PHP + Mysql backend
- jQuery app

RedGrove (2008-2009) - Social e-learning system
- SPA frontend based on Extjs
- PHP + Java + Mysql backend with SOAP service

Newstravel.com.ua (2006) - Tour operator agency portal
- PHP + Mysql backend
- Integration with CRM API

Banto (2004) - CRM for connect orders flow in saunas
- SPA on native JS
- PHP + Mysql backend

UMC.ua (2002-2004) - telecom operator official website
- frontend (JS/HTML/CSS)

Script.com.ua. (2000-2006). Developer’s portal.
- Cofounder, developer, content writer

CryptoCountries (2019) - Global World Pics Exchange
- Fullstack MEVN Web3 DAPP (Vue, Mapbox api, Nodejs, MongoDB, Docker)

SupremeBot (2018) - Ecommerce automation service
- Nodejs based CRM
- Puppeteer based web scraping bot

Rekz (2017) - Mobile game startup MVP
- Nodejs API, AWS S3, Lambda, DynamoDB, SNS, Push
- Admin CRM (Nodejs + jQuery)
- React-Native app

iBoss CMS (2010) - Framework,CMS,WebOS implementation
- PHP/Mysql backend + Extjs SPA frontend


2020 - 2022 (1.5 years)
Tech Lead at Stocko.pro
Remote. Full-stack. Textile marketplace B2B product (Laravel/PHP/SQL, Nuxt, Node, AWS)

June 2018 - August 2018 (3 months)
Full-stack developer at HLS.TV / OMEGA TV
Full-time office. (Develop OTT video player hybrid IOS app, support CI/CD)

May 2016 - Jun 2018 (2 years)
Frontend developer at Lucky Labs
Full-time office. JS developer (added ES6, React, React-Native)

May 2013 – July 2015 (2 years)
Frontend developer at Secure Technologies
Full-time office. Full-stack job (added Python, PostgreSQL, Redis, Nodejs).

May 2010 - May 2011 (1 year)
Web developer at to.net.ua web studio
Full-time full-stack office. (development of proprietary B2B CMS in PHP+Javascript).

January – May 2010 (5 months)
Web developer at LLC Aist
Full-time office. Support and development for many web sites (LAMP stack).

April 2007 – January 2010 (2.5 years)
Web developer at 2KGroup
Full-time office. Work as outstaff for contractors (Java added).
2005-2007 (2 years)
Web developer at Webmaster.biz.ua.
Full-stack remote job, over 50 websites created (PHP+HTML+Javascript with my own CMS “Builder”).

2005 (1 year)
Web developer at Realty-Comfort Agency
Full-time office, full-stack, support and development for a few web sites (LAMP stack).

2004-2005 (1 year)
Frontend developer at Internet agency Silverpoint
Develop web sites in HTML/XSLT/JS/CSS.

2001-2003 (3 years)
Frontend developer at Web studio World Web Studio.
Develop web sites in HTML/JS/CSS/PHP.


1. NTUU KPI - Bachelor in Automation and Computer-integrated Technology (2012-2017)
2. Technical school "Aviation Technical School of Kiev (Aviant)" (1999-2001)
3. Generic school of Kiev #187 (1988-1998)

Stack: GIT, NPM/Yarn, Express, Socketio, Webpack, Vue, Nuxt, Vuetify, MaterialUI, Bootstrap, JQuery,
React, React Native, Ionic/Cordova/Phonegap, Web3/Metamask, PIXI.js, Phaser.js, PHP/Composer,
Laravel, MySQL, Sqlite, Redis, Mongodb, Docker, AWS, GraphQL, Dart/Flutter.

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