Резюме від 9 січня 2024 Файл


Head of SMM

26 років
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Контактна інформація

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Alyona Kuranda
Head of SMM/Digital Specialist/SMM manager/Pr manager

Employment History Details
Strategist at Iden.Team Branding Agency, Kyiv, Ukraine Kyiv
November 2018 — March 2019 Ukraine
My first job as a strategist. Working at the agency on a part‐time basis [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
(combined with graduation from university) [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Worked on the following projects: Date of birth
• Organic Farm. Creating a branding strategy (I was a junior 7.12.1997
strategist on the project, paired with a senior strategist)
• Yeppi! Creating a branding strategy (paired with a senior strategist) Links
• We Are. Create a marketing strategy (paired with a senior Linkedin
• Mriya. Creating a branding strategy (paired with a senior strategist) Skills
• HobbyDom. Copywriting (case description). Working with Facebook Ads

SMM specialist at 111Room (design studio), Kyiv, Ukraine Working with Google
March 2019 — August 2019 Analytics
First job as SMM specialist. I changed my profession because the
Excel, Word, Keynote, Google
sphere of social media marketing seemed to be more interesting and

Projects: Maintenance of brands in
social networks
• Odessa International Film Festival. Creating a content strategy
and content plan, briefing a creative team to create content, Creating
paid promotion in social networks (used Facebook Ads), monthly SMM/digital/communication
reporting on costs and promotion. strategies
• InterSchool. Creating an SMM strategy, creating a content plan,
briefing a creative team to create content, paid promotion in social Setting up targeting ads on
networks (used Facebook Ads), monthly reporting on costs and Instagram
Project Management Skills
• D2Digital. Working on a ready-made SMM strategy, creating a
content plan, briefing the creative team to create content, paid Excellent Communication
promotion in social networks (using Facebook Ads), monthly Skills
reporting on costs, and promotion.
• Fontegro Ukraine. Working on a ready-made SMM strategy, Сopywriting
creating a content plan, briefing the creative team to create
content, paid promotion in social networks (using Facebook Ads),
monthly reporting on costs, and promotion.

Head of SMM at elvisPelvis agency, Kyiv, Ukraine
September 2019 — January 2020

• Ukraine WOW. Creating a communication strategy, creating a
content plan, briefing the creative team to create content,
promoting the project (using Facebook Ads and Google Analytics),
monthly reporting on costs and promotion.
• Borjomi Ukraine. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing
the creative team to create content, social media management,
moderation, monthly reporting on costs, and promotion.
• Borjomi New Year Parade. Creating a communication strategy,
creating a content plan, briefing the creative team to create
content, social media management, moderation, monthly
reporting on costs, and promotion.
• Biscotti. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing the creative
team to create content, social media management, moderation,
monthly reporting on costs, and promotion.

SMM specialist/PR specialist at McCann Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
September 2020 — February 2022

• Unicef. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing the creative
team to create content, social media management, moderation,
promoting the project (using Facebook Ads and Google Analytics),
monthly reporting on costs, and promotion.
• Sadochok. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing the
creative team to create content, social media management,
moderation, promoting the project (using Facebook Ads and
Google Analytics), monthly reporting on costs, and promotion.
• Mastercard. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing the
creative team to create content, develop and supervise activations
in social networks, social media management, moderation,
promote the project (using Facebook Ads and Google Analytics),
a monthly report on costs, promotion.
• Kyiv Pride. Creating an SMM strategy, media plan preparation.
• Tuborg. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing the creative
team to create content, develop and supervise activations in social
networks, social media management, moderation, promote the
project (using Facebook Ads and Google Analytics), a monthly
report on costs, promotion.
• Sanofi. Briefing of the creative team for the creation and
development of Telegram-bot and Viber-bot.
• Torchyn. Work on a ready-made SMM strategy, briefing the
creative team to create content, develop and supervise activations
in social networks, social media management, moderation,
promote the project (using Facebook Ads and Google Analytics),
a monthly report on costs, promotion.

Head of SMM (Freelance) at Mr.Pops, Dnipro, Ukraine
June 2021 — February 2022
Work on the client-side.

Development of digital strategy, support in social networks, briefing
the creative team to create content, conducting and supervising
activations, promoting the project (using Facebook Ads and Google
Analytics), a monthly report on costs, promotion.

Digital strategist at Workademy, Kyiv, Ukraine
November 2021 — January 2022
Work on the client-side.

Development of digital strategy, preparation of media plan.

Bachelor's degree Ukrainian folk art, Kyiv National University of
Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
January 2015 — December 2019
Specialty: vocalist-instrumentalist

Direction: Ukrainian folk art

Схожі кандидати

Таргетолог, начальник отдела таргетинга

Керівник інтернет-магазину, Head of Ecommerce (Internet Marketing, PPC, SMM)
Дистанційно, Вінниця , ще 8 міст

Head of SMM
65000 грн, Дистанційно, Київ

PR-директор (SMM)
Дистанційно, Дніпро

Head of SMM, PR Department (Affiliate Networks)
46000 грн, Дистанційно

Дистанційно, Полтава

Усі схожі кандидати

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