Резюме від 10 травня 2024 Файл


Customer Service Quality Manager (Portuguese, English Language)

37 років
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Контактна інформація

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Iryna Koretska
Senior Customer Relationship Manager (Russian, Ukrainian or
Portuguese Speaker);
Customer Support Trainer (Coach);
Sales Support / Sales Assistance / Sales Service Representative:
Key / Vip Account Manager.
Quality Control Manager (Remote)
EvoPlay (March 2022 to now)
Quality control of English and Portuguese-speaking
chat, email, and telephone operators
CONTACTS Managing customer complaints via email
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Customer Satisfaction Tracking

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Translator, editor, coordinator (Remote)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Content Team(January 2021 to March 2022)
-koretska-0707/ Copyediting, translation, and proofreading of articles
in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
EDUCATION Training and supervising of copywriters team.
Odessa national low academy
Hotel receptionist (Portugal)
Mixe hostelry activities' (December 2012 to February
Post Graduate Degree in Law
Specialty "Civil Law and Business"
Booking, check-in, check-out, billing
customer service

ON JOB trainings The secretary of the case management (Ukraine)
Customer service, solving of State executive service (June 2010 to April 2012)
clients claims and resolution of Reception of citizens and correspondence,
problems Document drafting and registration
English - Customer service Quality Control and Training Manager (Ukraine)
Working in a team and
Beeline Telecommunications (June 2008 to July 2010)
nonviolent communication
Recruiting and training of new call center operators
Online curse Quality control and Development of Service
Business Assistance and Digital Customer Satisfaction Tracking
Marketing (2022) Writings scripts and working manuals for operators

Customer Service Management Business Assistance and Digital Marketing
Quality control Helppy in the International Freelance School (2021)
Customer Service Training
A training program covered how to build an inbound
Complaint Management
marketing strategy and identify new sales prospects.
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
Critical thinking and problem- English Language - Customer Service
solving The Institute of Employment and Professional Training (2021)
Teamwork and collaboration Customer Service in English
Oral and written communication
Self-motivation, time and task Russian and Ukrainian - Native
management; Portuguese - C2
Web copywriting and translating English - C1
Spanish B2

Cover My name is Irina. I graduated as a lawyer, but I did not work in the specialty but found
Letter myself in customer service.

Аpril 2024 My professional journey began in the call center of the telecommunications company
Beeline in Ukraine, where I started as a customer service agent. After a year of dedicated
work in customer service, I was promoted to manager of quality control of staff training.
In this position I:

conducted interviews,
trained new coworkers,
wrote scripts and working manuals for operators,
gave feedback based on call monitoring,
conducted customer satisfaction surveys and analyses.

This experience honed my skills in effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving,
planning, goal-setting, and achievement. The interviewing experience I gained was also
invaluable to my professional development.

In 2012, I immigrated to Portugal. Worked in the hotel industry until 2020. During the
pandemic and quarantine, I changed to a remote work format.

From January 2021 to March 2022, I worked remotely at the Content Team. My
responsibilities initially included translating, editing and proofreading articles for
websites of affiliate partners about crypto/blockchain and gambling in English, Spanish,
and Portuguese. Then I passed to supervising, training, and supporting copywriters and
translators. You can see my texts in my portfolio: http://portfolio-irinakoretska.tilda.ws/7.

Also, I participated in two projects of Data moderation, annotation and Labeling. In one, I
had to label audio files in Russian and Ukrainian. In the second one, I had to read articles
from news websites and mark those about the war between Russia and Ukraine.

In addition, throughout 2023 I have been giving online lessons of Portuguese language
for refugees from Ukraine in parallel with my main activity.

From February last year to the present time I have been working as a Quality Control
Manager in a Customer service outsourcing company, where my responsibilities include:
checking operator’s chats and correspondence in Portuguese and English and
providing feedback,
answering customer complaints,
perform customer satisfaction surveys.

Over the years of customer service, I have learned how to listen to people and
understand their needs, calm them down when they are angry, express empathy, and
convert dialogue into constructive dialogue. I understand the difference between great
live human customer service and a chatbot and know how to teach it to others.
Cover Among my key skills, I can name the following:

Letter Great communication skills written and verbal: good listening, empathy, and ability
to understand people's needs;
Аpril 2024 Comfort with digital tools;
Self-motivation, time and task management;
Open to learning and upskilling;
Customer success, and customer satisfaction surveys;
Quality control, training, and onboarding;
Writing web articles, scripts, and manuals;
Administrative assistance;
Teamwork and collaboration.

In my career, I have demonstrated professionalism and competence. As a lifelong
learner, I strive to improve myself every day. In my person, you will meet a responsible
collaborator and co-worker, as well as a team player you can rely on.

My expectations of my future position:

I wish to work in a company with a worthy socially beneficial mission and useful
product, where I can more fully disclose my professional qualities and develop them,
as well as increase my income.

I will be glad to cooperate if you are interested in my candidacy. Please, feel free to let
me know your questions or concerns. Thank you for your attention.

With best regards,
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
(WhatsApp, Viber)
Telegram: @IrinaKoretska

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