Резюме від 26 липня 2023 Файл


Front-end developer

30 років

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Oleksii Tkachenko Gmail



1. QA Manual, Automation QA Leading design engineer
2. Net Framework
from 12.2020 until now
3. HTML5 and CSS3,
SASS, TOV Reform, Kyiv (Avtomobilebuduvannya)
BEM, - The next cycle of the project will be conceived before the
Animation, creation of the first prototypes and the launch of serial
Adaptive and cross-browser layouts production.
4. JS ES5 and ES6 - Leading engineer for the project of refurbishment of over
5. React, Redux, MUI 1800 cars from the series
- Author's vision and active participation at all stages of
IT nation 2.0 - QA Manual, Automation QA - Work at once with two SolidWorks programs and
GoIT - HTML,CSS,JS Compass.
CyberBionic Systematics - React
Design engineer
LANGUAGE from 08.2019 to 11.2020
Scientific and manufacturing enterprise Nadra, Kramatorsk
English - Pre-Intermediate - Development of 3d models and documentation,
- Planning
EDUCATION - The author's vision of the layout of the free installation
and in the production, the author's vision.
Donbas State Machine-Building Academy
Qualification: researcher (mechanical engineering), Design engineer
teacher of a higher educational institution from 12.2018 to 07.2019
PC Elteko, Kostyantynivka, Kostyantynivka
Degree: Master "Lifting and transport, road, construction, - Development of 3d models and documentation
reclamation machines and equipment" - Planning, stp, dxf, posters, robots in 1C
- The author's vision of the layout of the free installation
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kramatorsk (NKU) and in the production, the author's vision.
Higher, from 2011 to 2017 (5 years 4 months)

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