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Контактна інформація

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Alevtyna Sedochenko

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Kyiv, Ukraine

Work experience
Expert on career guidance methodology and tools at EU4Skills Program, Solidarity Fund PL
Mar 2020- current
- conducted analysis of the current state of the career guidance in educational institutions of Ukraine
- as a member of the working group worked out a concept of career guidance and professional orientation in educational institution
- as a member of the working group developed a plan for all-Ukrainian educational experiment “Professional orientation in New Ukrainian School”
- as a member of the working group under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, contributed the state standards of education for 5-9 and 10-12 grades in proforientation component
- co-author of the Model educational program for 5-6 grades “Health, security, wellbeing” (the program is approved and recommended by the Ministry for use in educational process)
- co-author of the textbook “Health, security, wellbeing” for the 5-6th grade, cross-cut professional orientation and entrepreneurship (the textbook is approved and recommended by the Ministry for use in educational process)
- co-author of the series of proforientation textbooks “I discover the world of professions' (11 items) https://kariera.in.ua/uk/courses/?tags=371
- trainer and lecturer for educational programs conducted by the Program

Coordinator of Central Reforms Office (CRO of the Donor Board under the Ministry of regional development) and Expert in education, Program "ULEAD with Europe"
Apr 2018-Dec 2021
coordination of the group of educational experts working on decentralisation in education and coordination of the respective Working
Group on Education under the Donors' Board
coordination and monitoring activities between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of regional development, international organisations, NGOs, civil society, opinion leaders
development and maintenance of effective collaborations with CRO partners
strategic planning, monitoring of working-plan activity, analysis of the CRO project's indicator data
- analysis of legislation, analytic and reference materials
- work as a trainer, consultant, instructor for capacity development of educational managers at the local level, conducted educational programs, trainings and seminars for local self-government bodies, education network members, teachers, trainers and mentors (200+ online and offline trainings conducted for 1000+ participants)
- author of training programs "Strategic planning in education. Participative approach", "Participative instruments for education management" and "U-Lead EduLab" (interactive brainstorming and problem-solving format)
- mentor in the best practises Poland-Ukraine exchange program "Decentralized education" (secondary and high schools, VET)
- preparation of informational, analytical, methodological, reference materials for local self-governance and education management bodies for decentralisation in the field of education
- co-author and co-editor of methodic recommendations "Creating of Capable Education Networks in hromadas" (the recommendations were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Regional Development)
- co-author and co-editor of methodic recommendations "New Educational Space" (4 thematic volumes). The recommendations were approved by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Regional Development

Project coordinator, "New Education Space", Ministry of Regional Development
Nov 2016 – Mar 2018
development of recommendations for local authorities and self-governance regarding the project implementation in schools and VET
- coordination between the Ministry of regional development, local executive authorities, local self-government bodies and educational establishments (schools, VET)

Advisor on education to a Deputy Governor, Kyiv Region State Administration
Feb 2015 - Nov 2016
development of projects on educational innovations and career development in schools and VET institutions of Kyiv region
- development and coordination of the project "New Educational Space" with the state administration, local government and executive authorities

Career counselling and lifelong learning consultant
Certified trainer MBTI (Step I та Step II)
Member of the International expert group on lifelong learning
Jan 2010 - current
conducting training, seminars, sessions on career counselling, lifelong learning and strengthening of the human resources potentials
(200+ sessions conducted for schools, VET institutions, local communities and business companies)
- author of a collection of practical activities in career guidance and professional orientation "Exercises for career counselling: MBTI activities for individual and group sessions" (book in English).
- the following training courses were developed:
"IStart - successful start" - proforientation project for school and VET students
"Soft skills for high school" - training program for school and VET students
"Soft skills in integrated education" - integrated training program, developed for a private school (http://www.athens.kiev.ua)
“Career development for temporary displaced persons" - training program developed for an independent employments service (http://www.czvl.org.ua)
“Lifelong learning and modern skills for capacity building of temporary displaced persons" - training program developed for an independent employments service (http://www.czvl.org.ua)

Member of the Public Council under Kyiv Region State Administration member of the working group on education modernization and professional orientation under the Department of education and science of Kyiv Region State Administration
Nov 2012 - Nov 2016

Member of the working group on Professional orientation and Vocational guidance under the Ministry of Education and Science
Dec 2019 - current

Operational director, Digital communication and internet marketing agency Branberry
Jan 2011 – Dec 2012

Marketing and Media consultant, Multimedia Group
Sep 2009 – Dec 2010

Marketing and Media communications: communications manager, brand manager,
JT International
- management and organisation of projects and teams;
- consolidation, processing, analysis and presentation of information;
- organisation of effective collaboration and communication with all stakeholders;
- strategic and operational planning;
- products development;
- monitoring and reporting.
Aug 1998 – Apr 2009

National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine 2018 - 2019
Master of Public Management and Administration
Drahomanov National Pedagogical University 2013
Psychology, business psychology (postgraduate course)
Central European University (Hungary) 1997 - 1998
MA in Nationalism Studies
Central European University (Czech Republic) 1992 - 1993
Society and Politics (postgraduate program, diploma with Merit)
Donetsk State University 1989 - 1997
BA in History

Additional information
Ukrainian, English, Russian

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