Резюме від 5 лютого 2023


Manual QA specialist

24 роки

Контактна інформація

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Досвід роботи

Manual QA

з 01.2022 по 12.2022 (11 місяців)
FlexyChain (IT)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати


2022, 4 months

Знання і навички

MS Office PC User Jira Trello English Впевненість SQL HTML CRM Письмовий переклад Старанність Багатозадачність Усний переклад CSS Project documentation Project management Project planning

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

I am a highly motivated, competent and literate worker, who has always been eager to develop my skills and knowledge in the different projects, and who has the ability to work both in team and individually. I appreciate acquiring new ideas and experiencing challenging tasks. I have great and strong organizational and communicative skills, so i can easily acquire different working approaches and try myself in numerous projects.

SQL and databases
bug-tracking system JIRA
Experienced at creating Test-Cases and
Have knowledge for testing theory
Understand the Software Development Life
Cycle (SDLC)
Understand the client-server architecture

Analytical and critical thinking
Attentive to the details
Ability to solve the problems and to
document the errors
Strong organizational skills
Communication skills
Competent and literate
Ability to assimilate the information
Good team player
Result driven
Desire to learn and evolve

An English Teacher
My responsibilities were to prepare the educational programmes for students and to have regular lessons according to the plan, to give daily reports, to create tests for establishing the level of knowledge of the students, to organize the group and the individual lessons.

Manual QA Junior
My duties were to analyze the quality of the project, to maintain the process of web-testing,cross-browsing testing,manual testing, to have the regular check-ups, to review the test results, to evaluate the changes of the projects according to the customer's request, to maintain the structural test of the project, to create bug-reports, to track and document the testing process, to create and develop the strategies and plans with the engineers, to monitor all the stages of the project development.

Customer Support Manager
My duties were to help, to inform and to consul clients in case they contact us. It was OnlineCasino, so i had to credit the bonuses and inform the custumers on their activity on the website, such as transactions, progress in games etc.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

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