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Marketing Executive

26 років
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Дистанційно, Тернопіль

Контактна інформація

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Alina Terebetska
Marketing Manager

Profile Details
Experienced marketing executive, with profound expertise in PPC, [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
SMM, SEO, copywriting, analytics, target, etc. Fast learner with 3+ years [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
of experience in digital marketing, always eager to discover new things,
keen on reading and traveling. Links

Employment History Skills
Junior Marketing Manager at MagneticOne Group (Cart2Cart) Communication Skills
May 2018 — September 2019
• Coordinated mailings, marketing materials, and website content. Effective Time Management
• Introduced scheduled targeted email marketing programs.
• Researched keywords relevant to marketing efforts of a company.
• Developed unique content for a variety of clients sites to improve Microsoft Excel
presence and brand awareness.
• Effectively communicated and collaborated with other marketing Computer Skills
team members.
Ability to Multitask
• Planned and supervised online presence efforts.
• Managed content strategy, on-page efforts, and social media Microsoft Office
Fast Learner
Executive Marketing Manager at Apiko , Ternopil
September 2019 — May 2021 Ability to Work in a Team
• Assisted in the creation of graphic materials for the use of the
Time Management Skills
marketing department.
• Researched keywords relevant to marketing efforts of clients. Adaptability
• Organized and analyzed data and marketing results.
• Managed a team of marketing professionals to ensure the success Problem Solving Skills
of marketing campaigns.
• Worked alongside marketing specialists and graphic designers.
Communication Skills
• Introduced scheduled targeted email marketing programs.
• Coordinated mailings, marketing materials, and website content. Multitasking Skills
• Analyzed past marketing initiatives and revamped the company's
marketing efforts to keep readers and attract new ones. Social Media Management
• Performed thorough field research, leading to more effective
Content Creation
advertisement strategies.
• Continually brainstormed new and creative growth strategies. SEO Copywriting
• Attended events, training programs, and seminars to stay
educated and current. Excellent Communication
• Applied effective management strategies to achieve team success. Skills
• Collaborated with key marketing department members to ensure Creativity and Problem
optimal success. Solving
• Created and tested marketing hypothesis to investigate new
market segments. Digital Marketing
• Maintained ongoing communications with sales reps and
Google Analytics
• Put forth carefully planned strategies to improve company Digital Marketing Strategy
Facebook Advertising
• Assessed the strategies of competitors, while avidly working to
increase our own productivity. Google Adwords
Head of Marketing at Apiko , Ternopil Google Suite
May 2021 — November 2023
• Coordinated mailings, marketing materials, and website content. Hypothesis Testing
• Organized and analyzed data and marketing results.
Technical, on-page and
• Managed a team of marketing professionals to ensure the success
off-page SEO
of marketing campaigns.
• Introduced marketing strategies and plans to the Link Building Strategy
• Analyzed past marketing initiatives and revamped the company's Competitors' Backlink Profile
marketing efforts to keep clients and attract new ones. Analysis
• Planned marketing budget and KPIs for marketing specialists.
Effective Team Leader
• Created ICPs and aligned marketing efforts with a target audience.
Leadership Skills
Director of SEO, Marketing Strategist at Apiko , Ternopil
December 2022 — Present
Developing and implementing effective search engine optimization Languages
(SEO) strategies English
Coordinating content, design, social media, link-building, outreach, Ukrainian
marketing, and other activities

Conducting keyword research to guide content teams

Reviewing technical SEO issues and recommending fixes, working
closely with website developers

Directing off-page optimization projects (e.g. link-building)

Collecting data and reporting on traffic, rankings, and other SEO

Creating outreach and link-building strategies, managing teams

BA in Translation Studies, Ternopil National Pedagogical University
September 2015 — May 2019

MD in Translation Studies, Ternopil National Pedagogical
September 2019 — February 2021

HubSpot Inbound Marketing
June 2019 — July 2021

Advanced Google Analytics
May 2020 — March 2020

SEO Specialist , Digital Marketing Institute
December 2022 — December 2022

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