Резюме від 5 червня 2023 Файл


Java engineer

30 років

Контактна інформація

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Andrew Miroshnikov
Java Developer
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Odessa, Ukraine
Ready to work remotely High-motivated Java Developer with 1 year of studying and
practicing, and completed several projects. I have good knowledge
Tech Skills of Java Core, Java 8, Collections, OOP, SOLID, Design Patterns,
etc. Can work with Spring, Hibernate and familiar with Scrum and
Agile. Also, I have a technical education and a rich experience in
OOP, SOLID, TDD, Java Core,
sales and gadgets repair and a bit of management. I am looking for
Java8, Collections, Multithreading,
Design Patterns
an opportunity to gain invaluable experience on exciting and real
JDBC, Servlet API, JPA, projects in a friendly team to realize my ambitions.
Design patterns
Hibernate Training Projects
Maven, JUnit, Mockito
JSP, Tomcat, HTML/CSS, XML, Taxi-Service Link
simple web-application that supports registration, authentication and
MySQL, PostgreSQL, H2
other CRUD operations. Application compiles with SOLID principles,
Dependency Injection and other OOP principles.
Scrum/ Agile
Technologies used: JDK11, JDBC, Servlet API, JSP, MySQL, Tomcat

Soft Skills Cinema-app Link

simple web-application that supports registration, authentication and
Problem-solving skills.
other CRUD operations. Application compiles with REST architecture
Communication skills.
style, SOLID and other OOP principles. Application supports Role access
People and interpersonal skills.
for endpoints, JSON content-type.
Technologies used: JDK17, Hibernate, Spring(mvc, web, security),
Self and Easy-learning.
Servlet, MySQL
Time management. Work Experience
Emotional intelligence.
Critical thinking. Service Senter
Sales Manager, Master of repair, Manager
Education Skills/Responsibilities: sale phone/accessories, gadgets repair,
responsible for the availability of goods and spare parts, Manager
Odessa National
responsibilities etc.
Maritime Academy 2017-2021
Masters Degree - Mechanic
2010-2017 Additional Education
Mate Academy
graduated from musical school (piano class) despite the fact that i don’t
Java developer
have the instrument while studying also play the guitar - amateur
active football player: every Sunday play on the base of Chornomorets
Languages club
learned how to fix devices from minor to the most advanced problems
English - Intermediate less than in a six months
Ukrainian - Native CodeWars [80+ Kata Completed]
Russian - Native Books: Bruce Eckel, “Thinking in Java”

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