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Deliberate Business Executive with 15 years of experience
collaborating cross-functionally with team members to run all

Sabura aspects of organization. Clear communicator with detail-oriented
team leadership, conflict resolution and project oversight expertise.
Lawyer Growth-minded budget manager with clarity in market-focused
planning and collaborative strategy development. Organized and
dependable candidate successful at managing multiple priorities
with a positive attitude. Willingness to take on added responsibilities

Address to meet team goals. Results-driven Lawyer with 15 years of

Odessa, 68003 Ukraine experience advising clients in civil, economic, family, administrative
cases. Proficient in drafting legal documents, negotiating
settlements and contentious issues. Poised and dedicated
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
professional with proven to thrive in complex and detail-oriented
E-mail industry.
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Work History

2021-02 - Advocate
Skills Current
Sabura , Odessa
Drafting contracts.
MS Office
Negotiation of contract according to needs of
Very Good needs client.
Pre-claim work.
Written Communication
Drawing up statements of claim in civil,
Excellent economic, administrative cases.
Representing interests of client in court in civil,
Active Listening
family, economic, criminal, administrative cases.
Providing advice on legal issues and clarification

Planning and Coordination of legislation.
Organized supporting documentation for
individuals under evaluation and coordinated
Decision-Making paperwork transfers to correct staff members.
Supported individuals with legal, physical or
mental health concerns in dealing with routine
Organization and Time needs and complex problems.
Management Worked effectively with fellow team members to
coordinate effective solutions to any question or
Problem-Solving Maintained positive relationships with community
to build and nurture dynamic partnerships.
Distributed supportive services information to help
Teambuilding individuals enhance ways of living and achieve
Conducted pre-screening activities to determine
Dependable and eligibility for supportive services.
Responsible Planned and implemented process
improvements and reporting systems to
streamline operations.
Self-Motivated Delivered friendly service and offered expert
support in every interaction.
Assisted individuals in navigating processes and
Training and Development procedures to resolve issues, understand rights

Excellent and express views.
Created business correspondence to foster clear
Teamwork and and precise communication with external parties.
Collaboration Assisted with applications and collected required

Excellent paperwork to help individuals register for
supportive services.
Clerical Support Built long-term, loyal customer relations by
Excellent providing top-notch service and detailed order,
account and service information.
Flexible and Adaptable Promoted superior experience by addressing
Excellent customer concerns, demonstrating empathy and
resolving problems swiftly.
Multitasking Abilities
Provided accurate information about
Excellent promotions, customer programs and products,
helping drive high customer retention.
Maintained and managed customer files and

English Reached out to customers after completed sales
to suggest additional service or product

2021-04 - Executive Committee Member
Basic 2022-09 Town Council, Chernomorsk
Cultivated long-term relationships through
focused effort on customer's unique needs and
finding best solutions.

Russian Managed and organized internal communication
to hold staff accountable to priorities.
Established clear and competitive goals, growth
roadmaps and strategic business plans.
Researched, proposed and implemented vendor
agreements to decrease costs and improve
Examining draft solutions.
Checking draft committee decisions for
compliance with law.
2011-12 - General Legal Adviser
Limited liability company Active Solar, Odessa
Actively listened to customers' requests,
confirming full understanding before addressing
Preparation of Contracts and contractor supply,
provision of services.
Verification and approval og all business
contracts related to construction of solar power
Negotiation of necessary terms of contracts.
Study of legislation allowing construction of solar
power plants.
Led projects and analyzed data to identify
opportunities for improvement.
Learned new skills and applied to daily tasks to
improve efficiency and productivity.
Providing services to company executives within
speechified time frame.
Developed team communications and
information for meetings.
Resolved conflicts and negotiated mutually
beneficial agreements between parties.
Exceeded goals through effective task
prioritization and great work ethic.
Identified issues, analyzed information and
provided solutions to problems.
Worked to maintain outstanding attendance
record, consistently arriving to work ready to start
Collaborated with team members to achieve
target results.
Used critical thinking to break down problems,
evaluate solutions and make decisions.
Created plans and communicated deadlines to
complete projects on time.
Handled over 50 calls per day to address
customer inquiries and concerns.
Managed team of employees, overseeing hiring,
training and professional growth of employees.
Resolved problems, improved operations and
provided exceptional service.
Participated in continuous improvement by
generating suggestions, engaging in problem-
solving activities to support teamwork.
Conducted research, gathered information from
multiple sources and presented results.
Actively listened to customers, handled concerns
quickly and escalated major issues to supervisor.
Prepared variety of different written
communications, reports and documents.

2010-05 - Lawyer
2011-11 Legal Bureau, Chernomorsk
Prepared and reviewed contracts and other
legal documents following applicable
Analyzed and applied legal principles and
performed legal research to support litigation
Monitored state and federal regulations to keep
company up to date with changing laws.
Studied Constitution, statutes and ordinances of
quasi-judicial bodies to determine ramifications
for cases.
Presented evidence to defend clients or
prosecute defendants in criminal or civil litigation.
Evaluated findings and developed strategies and
arguments in preparation for case presentations.
Used knowledge of legal precedents to analyze
probable outcome of cases.
Advised clients to settle cases in lieu of
protracted litigation.
Negotiated with opposing groups or individuals to
reach resolutions, avoid litigation and accomplish
goals of clients.
Gathered evidence to formulate defense or
initiate legal actions.
Directed and supported staff with business
registrations and other legal requirements.
Interpreted laws, rulings and regulations for
individuals and businesses.
Collaborated with human resources and outside
counsel to protect company from legal claims.
Developed compliance best practices for
Researched, wrote and filed motions, writs and
briefs for each case.
Drafted motions, petitions and waivers.
Communicated with clients and collected
information to research cases and prepare
settlement offers.
Questioned and cross-examined witnesses
throughout course of trials.
Apprised clients of potential risks and costs
associated with each course of action.
Researched and wrote contracts, agreements
and proposals.
Presented key evidence and exhibits during civil
Oversaw average of 10 cases each month.
Minimized risk exposure through careful advice
on business operations and strategic plans.
Explained available courses of action and
possible repercussions of cases to clients.
Formulated trial techniques specifically pertaining
to each case.
Drafted demurrers and replied to oppositions.
Analyzed probable outcomes of cases using
knowledge of legal precedents.
Interviewed witnesses and gathered public
record research relevant to each case.

2008-04 - Managing Director
Limited Liability Company Polimetservice,
Assessed performance management structures
and implemented enhancements to improve
frameworks and strengthen results.
Established personnel performance metrics to
encourage efforts toward common goals.
Performed statistical analyses to gather data for
operational and forecast team needs.
Implemented process improvement to shape
organizational culture, optimize procedures for
higher efficiency and help company evolve and
Aligned department vision, goals and objectives
with company strategy to achieve consistently
high results.
Fostered work culture of collaboration and
inclusion to increase morale and reduce
Documented processes and drafted SOPs to
comply with regulations and company policies.
Evaluated suppliers to maintain cost controls and
improve operations.
Monitored sales forecasts and projected financial
planning for organization to achieve revenue
Introduced new methods, practices and systems
to reduce turnaround time.
Evaluated service contracts and collaborated
with legal counsel on negotiated improvements.
Negotiated new annual contracts and service
agreements with vendors to achieve prime
Monitored and coordinated workflows to
optimize resources.

2007-07 - International Transport Manager
Limited Liability Company Result-99, Odessa
Developed team communications and
information for meetings.
Exceeded goals through effective task
prioritization and great work ethic.
Improved operations through consistent hard
work and dedication.
Completed paperwork, recognizing
discrepancies and promptly addressing for
Resolved conflicts and negotiated mutually
beneficial agreements between parties.
Developed and implemented performance
improvement strategies and plans to promote
continuous improvement.
Delivered services to customer locations within
specific timeframes.
Monitored company inventory to keep stock
levels and databases updated.
Maintained energy and enthusiasm in fast-paced
Worked within applicable standards, policies and
regulatory guidelines to promote safe working
Increased customer satisfaction by resolving
Participated in continuous improvement by
generating suggestions, engaging in problem-
solving activities to support teamwork.
Drove operational improvements which resulted
in savings and improved profit margins.
Actively listened to customers' requests,
confirming full understanding before addressing
Carried out day-to-day duties accurately and
Created plans and communicated deadlines to
complete projects on time.
Handled over 50 calls per day to address
customer inquiries and concerns.
Learned new skills and applied to daily tasks to
improve efficiency and productivity.

2005-12 - Legal Adviser
2007-06 Ukrainian-American joint venture Rostverk,
Advocated for clients before court in oral
argument by presenting facts and evidence in
most favorable light.
Developed strategies to resolve cases in client's
best interest.
Filed timely case pleadings to meet firm
Collaborated with human resources and outside
counsel to protect company from legal claims.
Monitored state and federal regulations to keep
company up to date with changing laws.
Directed and supported staff with business
registrations and other legal requirements.
Analyzed probable outcomes of cases using
knowledge of legal precedents.
Minimized risk exposure through careful advice
on business operations and strategic plans.
Resolved post-judgment litigation settlements
and default judgment orders in favor of clients.
Tracked and researched developing precedent
and legislation in
in economic, administrative and civil processes
law to maintain expertise and best advise and
advocate for clients.
Attended hearings as representative of
corporate entities and firm clients.
Managed high-volume caseload in most
populous and demanding circuit.
Worked with management and staff to resolve
pre-litigation disputes.
Conducted legal research and conferred with
colleagues with subject matter expertise to
develop strategies and arguments in preparation
for presentation of cases.
Proposed requests for admission and requests for
production of documents.
Provided legal advice to variety of small and
mid-sized businesses involved in multiple types of
Interviewed witnesses and gathered public
record research relevant to each case.
Conducted legal research and conferred with
colleagues with subject matter expertise to
develop strategies and arguments in preparation
for presentation of cases

2005-11 - Legal Assistant
2005-12 Law firm "Lotsman", Odessa
Prepared for trials, conducting legal research
and drafting pleadings.
Worked alongside attorneys, administrative
assistants and fellow legal assistants on complex
cases and legal processes.
Managed accounts and client records of clients,
observing confidentiality and extreme discretion.
Registration of enterprises of different
organizational and legal forms


1989-09 - High School Diploma
2001-05 Secondary School Number 7 - Chernomorsk

2001-09 - Master of Science: International Legal
2006-05 Relations
Odessa National Law Academy - Odessa

2012-09 - Ph.D.: Civil And International Private Law
Odessa National Law Academy - Odessa
Embroidery and jewelry production

Making jewelry is my hobby in my spare time. I
create exclusive bracelets, earrings and necklaces
and sell them on my website, where I also sell
bedding sets. On this site www.babellezza.com.ua -
the result of a family business.

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