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Risk manager


Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

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Kseniia Bernyk
Risk and Compliance manager
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») / [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Poland, Krakow (willing to relocate or work remotely)

As a highly­motivated and results orientated Individual within the Compliance and Enhanced
Due-Diligence domain, I have a proven track record of providing exemplary levels of Due-Diligence (KYC)
process, dealing with a broad range of counterparties, including PEPs and high­profile individuals.

Work Experience
Conflicts of Interest Analyst, Officer, State Street Bank International
Krakow, Since May 2022
◦ Leading monthly Conflicts of Interest Forum.
◦ Leading the review of all Private Transactions Requests in line with the Personal Investment and
Conflicts of Interest Policies.
◦ Distributing workload between Conflicts team, delegating tasks.
◦ Responding to any due-diligence queries / request for proposals assigned to the Conduct Risk
Management Office ensuring to meet SLA’s.
◦ Responding to any ad hoc Conflicts of Interest queries / escalations.
◦ Coordinating and executing the Business Unit Conflicts of Interest Program.
◦ Receiving and reviewing any cross-business unit conflicts and maintaining the process to add such
conflicts in the corporate register.
◦ Assisting in the writeup and distribution of Conflicts of Interest And Private Investments
consultations to compliance and business unit senior leadership.
◦ Assisting in the Conflicts of Interest Policy review and content edits.
◦ Participating in various initiatives to support risk identification, risk assessment, risk monitoring of
Conflicts of Interest within the Conduct Risk Management Office.

Leading Compliance Officer/Acting Supervisor, Ukrtransgaz
Kyiv, September 2019 - April 2022
◦ Conducting risk assessment, contragent and new employee due-diligence/background check.
◦ Coordinating junior specialists' workflow, reviewing documentation as to completeness and
compliance with internal Code of Conduct, Conflict of interest Policy, Anti-Corruption Program and
◦ Reviewing and approving junior specialists' work is done properly before submitting the results to
the relevant department or higher management, conducting four-eyes reviews.
◦ Initiating internal investigations received through the Hotline according to the Company’s
Whistleblowing Policy.
◦ Periodically evaluate existing counterparties on the subject of sanctions watchlists, being engaged
in higher management discussions in sanctions and complicated KYC cases.
◦ Reviewing and approving draft contract agreements, processing client sensitive information,
sanctions watchlists and PEP screening alerts, providing recommendations/conclusions to all the
departments, implementing controls and overseeing any resulting corrective actions.
◦ Preparing recommendations/conclusions for Conflict of Interest resolutions, implementing controls
and overseeing any resulting corrective actions.
◦ Keeping up-to-date both internal and international compliance and regulatory changes, identify
emerging compliance risks and give recommendations for risk mitigation.
◦ Conducting compliance consultations and trainings for all the departments to ensure the business
activities comply with Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest Policy, Anti-Corruption Program,
Compliance Program.

Compliance Advisor, Herbalife
Krakow, July 2017 - June 2019
◦ Delivering compliance coaching to clients, implementing the Company’s Code of Conduct and
mitigating risks of violations.
◦ Monitoring clients’ content on social media and websites on the Russian/US/Greek markets and
ensuring its compliance with the Company’s regulations and corporate policies.
◦ Identifying problem items and escalating cases of non-compliance to the manager together with
recommendations for improvement.
◦ Ensuring that the required compliance reviews and researches are conducted within the set time
Due-Diligence Analyst (AML/KYC), Red Flag Group
Krakow, July 2016 - April 2017
◦ Producing due-diligence reports involving English, Russian, Ukrainian and Greek markets.
◦ Identifying and managing compliance risk areas, providing with risk assessments referring to
international regulations and sanctions (FCPA, OFAC, Sanctions List etc).
◦ Maintaining communications with vendors/contractors and the Company efficiently.
◦ Conducting compliance KYC reviews and follow ups in a timely manner.
◦ Ad-hoc managed services projects management on short notice.
◦ Providing input on the report writing and peer review process.

Client Service Manager, Webtime (Online Gambling)
Kyiv, June 2013 - April 2016
◦ Technical customer consulting, care and support; handling technical issues.
◦ Providing users with outstanding customer service via live chat and phone in regards with gaming
◦ Identifying fraudulent cases and suspicious transactions, and handle them accordingly.
English Translation and Interpretation, Master’s Degree
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Graduation: 2014
Law Department, Bachelor’s Degree
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Graduation: 2015
Greek Philology, Intensive Course
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Graduation: 2012
Wawel Hill
Introduction to Agile Management for Non-IT Professionals (Certificate)
Graduation: 2014
Key Skills
◦ Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visio, Sharepoint.
◦ Strong verbal and written communication skills.
◦ Ability to multitask, prioritize and work quickly and independently in a deadline environment with
an excellent attention to details.
◦ Inherent understanding of Due-Diligence and Compliance.
◦ Proactive, can-do attitude and problem solving approach with a strong Team spirit.
◦ English - C2, Greek - B2, Polish - B2, Ukrainian/Russian - native

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