Резюме від 19 травня 2023 Файл


Программист PHP

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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Volodymyr Bachynskyi Tel.: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
29.12.1978 +38 063 631 16 05
Full Stack developer E-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Origin: Mogyliv-Podilskyi, Ukraine LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Current location: Kyiv, Ukraine
GitHub: https://github.com/bachinsky1

I live in Kyiv, Ukraine. Developed software for the Kralys SA, Switzerland (2019-2023) and insurance company
Naftagazstrakh, Ukraine (2010-2019). I always follow the latest trends in software development. Working with a high level
of concentration during long hours.


- ES6, DOM, jQuery, Ajax, basic React knowledge
- Node.js, Express, Sequelize, Socket.io, PHP7+, Composer, .NET Core/ASP.NET REST API (C#),
- Laravel/Lumen, Wordpress, OpenCart, MV-Framework, Codeigniter 3
- .NET Windows Forms, Windows Services
- COM, OLE technologies
- Asterisk 11-18: Dial plans, SIP-trunking, integration with existing projects, voice and video conferencing
- LG Nortel LDK-300: Configuring, made REST API service via telnet protocol
- Databases: MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL, Google bucket
- 1C:Enterprise platform
- CSS, SCSS, HTML, XML, CSV, Excel VBA, Figma, Adobe XD, cmd, HL7, JWT
- Git: GitKraken, GitGraph
- Docker: make images, containers
- Google Cloud platform - for deployments
- Unit testing
- OS Administration: CentOS, Windows Family
- Web servers: Apache, IIS
- Jira, Assana, HubSpot
- English: A2 - B1+


Kralys SA - Montreux, Switzerland 2019 – Present

Full stack Developer

Katarina App - https://app.katarina.xyz

Big web based medical ERP, case management system in the Swiss healthcare industry. It is used by dozens of clinics and
medical laboratories in Switzerland and highly appreciated by doctors.

Services and modules:

Access Control List module. PHP, JS, MySQL
- Create permission groups and application users
- User rights control for modules
- The concept of managed/unmanaged modules
- Special user rights for technical support employees

Billing module. PHP, JS(AG-Grid), MySQL, .NET, OLE, IIS
- Creation of new accounts based on consultations and treatments
- Collect created invoices, transactions to AG-Grid based tables. Filters, lazy loading data
- Generate PDF invoices, multiple download
- Fulltext search
- Implementation of Sumex1 libraries (https://www.sumex1.net/) as a REST API service

Recent documents module. PHP, JS(AG-Grid), MySQL
- Collect recent document to AG-Grid based table, multiple and single download
- Open, view documents. Change relations

Task manager module. PHP, JS(AG-Grid), MySQL, socket.io, Node.js
- Collect tasks, aggregation to AG-Grid table. Filters, lazy loading data
- Tasks creation and managing
- Notifications

Postman module. PHP, JS
- Based on PHP Mailer backend
- Attachments, mail templates, autofill fields.
- Customizable mail gateways

PDF merging module. Node.js, socket.io
- Combining disparate PDFs into a single PDF document or document archive
- Notifications

Directory module. PHP, JS
- Fulltext search by patient, medical actors, medical establishments, contacts, insurance companies
- Display results in AG-Grid table

Katarina Manager Service. C#, Windows Forms, OWIN
- Local webservice, agent between web application and resources. Provides access to local PC resources (Printers, Insurance
card scanners)

Swiss ICD-10 Module. Node.js, Sequelize
- Backend only. Provides fulltext search for German, France, Italian and English translations of official ICD-10 data

Fixes, improvements, etc.

Worked, tested, but not deployed to production.

VoIP, Video conferencing module. CentOS 6, Asterisk 18, AMI, SIP.js
- Ability of single and multiple voice and video calls for users inside Katarina SIP Network
- Ability of video conferencing
- Ability to connect external SIP-trunk
- Hold, forward calls
- Text messaging
- Screen sharing

IC Naftagazstrakh - Kiev, Ukraine 2010 – 2019
Last position - Deputy Head of IT Department
1С 7.7, 8.3: Enterprise. Configuring for accounting and insurance departments

NGS Spirit. Windows Services, COM, REST API, .NET (C#)
- Ability of real time search in corporative 1C8:Enterprise system from external trusted resources

Web API for LG Nortel LDK-300. Windows Services, REST API, telnet, .NET (C#)
- Integration to 1C8:Enterprise

Asterisk 11
- Configuring
- Dial plans, SIP-trunks of Kyivstar, Vodafone
- GSM-gateway
- Communication with LG Nortel LDK-300

Web development:

NGS Presence - https://drugs.ngs.ua - small web based insurance and medical ERP

- Creation medical establishments
- Creation pharmacies
- Opening and closing insurance cases
- Creation of departments of medical establishment
- Registration of new patients of insurance company clients
- Ordering medicines from suppliers, registering diagnoses according to ICD-10, prescribing procedures, treatments
- Importation of electronic invoices by a pharmacy
- Control of medical treatment by the doctor of the insurance company
- Generation of treatment reports, billing, invoices from pharmacies and medical establishments
- Export XML reports for M.E.Doc, 1С8.3
- Integrated Medical Economic Standard
- Search insured person in 1C8.3 via NGS Spirit application


Mogyliv-Podilskyi Technological College, Ukraine 1994 - 1999
Technologist, bachelor
IT STEP Academy, Ukraine 2008 - 2011
.NET Developer

Схожі кандидати

Python, PHP-програміст

Програміст PHP
Дистанційно, Київ, Хмельницький

Розробник PHP

Програміст PHP

PHP developer (Yii2)
57000 грн, Дистанційно, Дніпро, Інші країни

Junior PHP developer
Дистанційно, Прилуки

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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