Резюме від 3 квітня 2023 Файл


Unity Developer

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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон.

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Alexander Tkachenko
Unity Developer

E-Mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Telegram: @Algelion
City: Odessa, Ukraine
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English


• Strong knowledge in Unity 3D • Experience with Package creation
and 2D • Strong knowledge in HTLM/CSS
• Development of mobile and • Experience with Unit Testing
desktop games • Experience with custom editor’s
• Strong programming skills in C#, and property drawers
C/C++ • Experience with API creation
• Strong knowledge of SOLID and • Experience with Git version
OOP control system
• Strong knowledge of • Write clean, readable and
programming patterns reusable code
• Experience with Visual Scripting • Quickly learn complex systems
• Experience with Animations and new technologies
• Knowledge of algorithms • Handle player input by using new
• Making UI by using UI Toolkit Input System


I am passionate about game development using Unity. I first noticed it while studying
a few years ago, and since then I have been continuously improving my skills by
developing various small prototypes to learn different technologies, apply different
approaches, and use design patterns. I also experiment with new technologies such as
UI Toolkit, Input System, etc. I have developed my own extension methods for
standard classes and structures in Unity (vectors, collections, etc.), and have worked
with coroutines and serialization of classes/structures to files (binary and XML). I
developed a runtime map generation system using blocks, like MineCraft, using Perlin
noise, manually creating meshes for each chunk and hiding the sides that the player
would never see.
I have 2 years of experience working as a Full-stack developer in Salesforce, where
I worked with HTTP requests and database objects, processing them asynchronously
and chunking them for larger arrays. I also developed some UI elements from scratch,
from design to backend logic. At work, I gained experience working with international
clients and collaborating with a team to develop solutions for various tasks.
In my free time outside of work, I develop tools for creating my own game in Unity
and play games of various genres on my computer/console/phone. Some of my
favorite game series include WarCraft, Resident Evil, Half-Life, Pathfinder,
Civilization, Fallout, and more. In addition to entertainment, I also find new ideas and
inspirations for my own projects while playing these games.


Salesforce Developer at Synebo
March 2021 – February 2023

Develop modules for Salesforce applications on different phases of the development
lifecycle, from initial technical designs, implementation, testing, to production
deployments. Design, develop and configure salesforce.com applications using
cutting-edge possibilities of the Salesforce platform

Experience prior to professional development

• Electronics store "Citrus" (2017-2018)
• McDonald’s Restaurant (2018-2021)
• Freelance projects (python bots, front-end on angular)


It Step
May 2019 – November 2021
Software Developer

Odessa National Polytechnic University
October 2022 – present
Software Developer

Схожі кандидати

Unity Developer C#

Unity developer

Unity 2D, 3D Developer
Дистанційно, Дніпро , ще 3 міста

Unity developer

Unity developer
20000 грн, Дистанційно

Unity developer
Дистанційно, Запоріжжя

Усі схожі кандидати

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