Резюме від 25 березня 2024 Файл


Team leader

34 роки
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Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон .

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Logistics Manager/Customer Success Manager/Team Leader in Dispatch and
Customer Care

Name: Diana Pavliuk
Date of birth: 5/9/1990
Location: Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Contact information: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Key Skills:

- Managing and training a team of professionals
- Strong soft skills and fluent English
- Fast-learner that is used to changes and stress
- Understanding of how Service Desk, Customer Support, Dispatch, International Shipping
- I know how to work with different ACPs, CRMs, ticket systems, callers, email systems, etc.
- Highly initiative and disciplined
- I know how to create thorough and comprehensive training materials, guidelines
- I have a lot of experience in teaching and mentoring
- Level-headed at times of stress and escalation, have a good understanding of how to
manage the team in force-majuere situations to resolve any issues efficiently while keeping
in mind both the interests of the company and our obligations to our clients

Work Experience:

Diya Pro (Outsourcing at a 800+ employees Logistics company) Team Leader for Tech
Support. May 2023- Febuary 2024

I am a Team Leader in Service Desk for a large multinational Logistics company. My team
supports different TMS and CRM applications and programs that employees of the company
use from Logistics Managers to Accountants, Director of Operations, etc. We have an
understanding of how loads are tendered, dispatched, how carriers are found and assigned
to loads, how TONUs are paid, lumpers, multi-leg loads and cross-docks are created,
DNUs/compatibility profiles within TMS, etc.

My job is to manage a group of 4 tech engineers who:
- create rules of email flow and tags in Front
- provide/remove accesses and change user profile configurations
- create email distribution lists
- troubleshoot and fix different tech and/or user errors in the key systems like Front, 3GTMS,
NetSuite, MacroPoint, TruckerTools, RMIS, etc.

My responsibilities:
- ensuring the proper time-management and execution of tasks
- creating guidelines and SOPs in Confluence for the team (documented over 100 pages of
guidelines and SOPs)
- creating weekly reports of the team's productivity (from 6-8% of completed tasks in Service
Desk my team now completes 30-34% weekly)
- increase team's productivity by communicating with the team, the management abroad and
requesing more accesses and permissions.
- daily monitoring of charts in Qlik to ensure the invoices, profile changes for both carriers
and clients are synchronising properly
- actively participating in various daily meetings with higher management to emprove daily
workflows of the team and Service Desk.
- be the leader the team relies on during escalations, unfamiliar issues, etc.

Programs used frequently: 3GTMS, Front, NetSuite, MacroPoint, Jira, Confluence,
Teams, Outlook, RMIS, Qlik, Excel (CSV imports), Teams.

I am currently reporting to Senior Director of Transportation Solutions in Technology

While working here I have completed a coaching course on principles of management by
PCC ICF accredited coach Inna Chernyshova.


Dispatch work: working for a brokering company that hires drivers for their loads via Central
Dispatch: dispatching loads to carriers via phone, text msgs; handling payment request via
internal system; email and texting, communication with vehicle auctions, carriers, looking for
carriers, monitoring the progress of the order (including late p/us and deliveries); handling

Worked as customer support for domestic (US based) and international customers, then as
a dispatch agent, senior dispatcher, dispatch training supervisor (training and managing

Training supervisor:

- Approved dispatcher+customer support candidates and interviewed them.
- Created training manuals for both Dispatch and Customer Support in Confluence. Created
and handled testing of new employees after training completion.
- Fully handled training of dispatchers (2-week training), partially of customer support.
Provided employees with trainings when necessary.
- Managed and supervised 7 dispatchers at all times.
- Handled weekly meetings with the team and meetings at times of escalations/force
- Monitored success of each agent to meet our KPI and IDP goals.
- Distributed tasks between agents.
- Ensured we hire only FMCSA compliant carriers.
- Ensured long and trusting relationships with carriers.
- Provided weekly feedback on calls (handled calls audit) and progress to my manager
(Director of Operations).
- Provided feedback to developers on how to improve our internal ACP for our better use in
case of errors or need for updates in the system.
- Handled escalations with carriers.

Ring.com 2017-2019 (Technical support agent, level 1 and proofreader).
My responsibility was to provide tech support (L1) for the customers of the company via
email and chat, diagnosing possible issues with the devices by looking into the vitals of the
device using the Admin Panel and other online resources provided by the company;
handling difficult billing and shipping cases and consulting other agents on peculiarities of
the specific cases they are handling on their own. I was also proofreading the emails of all
the agents during the 12 hour shift (11-12 agents) and providing feedback to the supervisor
about the English level and growth of every agent; providing mentoring to newcomers and
assessment of their agent skills to the supervisor.

Helpware 2016-2017 (outsourcing for OneHopeWine, Listia) (Customer Care Agent)
Answering calls, replying to emails, consulting distributors of the product on the nuances of
hosting an event, fundraiser; managing shipments, payments, etc.

2015-2016 Online Sales Agent
2013-2015 for 1 year and 8 months lived abroad and had no permission to work officially.
2013 Customer Support in Telekontakt
Consulting the customers on the website, product, handling the orders, etc.

What I am looking for:
- An ethical international company that cherishes their employees
- A role of Team Leader in Loggistics, Customer Care, Customer Success Manager
- Possibility of career growth

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