Резюме від 25 січня 2024 Файл


Financial Manager, Commercial Director

40 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

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[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

§ Commercial Director with 8+ years of experience in senior positions in international and Ukrainian companies.
§ Excellent budgeting skills, including managing budgets and developing business strategies.
§ Applying working approach to reducing costs and allocating financial resources.
§ Successful experience in creating and writing technical specifications for CRM development from scratch.
§ Experienced in structuring transactions worth $200+ million.
§ Excellent negotiation skills.
§ Advanced user of iOS, Windows, skilful in administering computer networks.
§ HR management skills.
§ Ukrainian, English, Russian languages.


August 2019 – Group Finance Director
November 2021 Magnise | Kyiv, Ukraine

Analytical and - Built well-functioning financial system in the company
business development - Prepared P&L, Cashflow, project profitability reports
skills - Processed timesheets, managed payroll for permanent staff and independent
contractors (FOP)
Banking skills - Prepared documentation for banking transactions
- Monitored contracts, invoicing procedures based on national legislation as well as
client legislation requirements
- Opened and maintained accounts, made payments, including currency transactions
- Worked with alternative payment systems
Client skills - Issued invoices and monitored clients’ timely payments
- Liaised with clients on contractual terms, bank details and other financial matters
HR skills - Conducted interviews and onboarding of the new staff
- Selected recruitment agencies and oversaw their work

July 2018 – Commercial Director
present IT Dream Service/Dream Security | Kyiv, Ukraine
Budgeting and - Prepared and approved budgets
reporting skills - Set financial goals and monitored their achievement
- Developed and implemented commercial strategies
- Ensured the company's growth and implemented efficient ways to reduce costs
- Monitored contracts and payments
Analytical and - Researched and prepared markets analytics reports and key market players
business - Prepared business expansion plan and identified opportunities for business
development skills development
- Conducted negotiations with partners.

June 2012 – Commercial Director, Business Development Director
July 2018 Ukrainian Motor-Car Assistance | Kyiv, Ukraine
- Prepared and approved budgets
Budgeting and - Set financial goals and monitored their achievement
reporting skills
- Developed and implemented commercial strategies
- Ensured the company's growth and implemented efficient ways to reduce costs
- Oversaw financial reporting
- Monitored suppliers, service contracts and payments
Sales skills - Projected sales and worked through approaches to increase sales
- Developed B2C sales system, including work processes, tools, distribution channels,
Analytical and - Researched market potential as well as key market players
Business - Prepared business expansion plan and identified opportunities for business
development skills development
- Lead partner negotiation processes.

September 2007 – Investment Director, Investment Manager
November 2011 Trinity Russian Retail Partnership, EFG Capital | Kyiv, Ukraine

Budgeting and - Prepared and approved budgets
reporting skills - Prepared financial reports for company management and investors
- Developed pricing policy
Project management - Created real estate portfolio with further management processes, including
skills negotiations with tenants, development of tenant mix, tenant rotation scheme, etc
- Developed and supervised real estate sales transactions for $200+ mln.
Business - Conducted negotiations with market participants to identify new opportunities
development skills - Liaised with international and local tenants, government and local authorities,
consulting companies, landowners and intermediaries
Analytical skills - Conducted in-depth market research to confirm hypotheses and business plan goals

October 2003 – Senior Commercial Manager, Investment Manager
September 2007 B.C.Toms&Co/Active Solutions | Kyiv, Ukraine

Budgeting and - Prepared and approved budgets
reporting skills - Carried out payments
- Identified and implemented efficient ways to reduce costs
Project management - Ran negotiations and concluded contracts for land plots acquisition
skills - Increased number of successful deals and transactions
Business - Supported and consulted international investment companies and HNW Individuals
development skills in negotiating and acquiring land plots and other real estate sites
Analytical skills - Conducted in-depth research of the real estate market, key players as well as supply
and demand


2017 IELTS 6.0, English language exam
2008 Ernst & Young Academy of Business – Advanced financial modelling course
2008 Acquisition Workshop – Financial subtleties in real estate
2008 Corporate Value Optimization Workshop – Strategy and competitors, 3-day workshop
2005 Kramatorsk Economic and Humanitarian Institute, Economics of Enterprise, Master’s Degree
2004 Kramatorsk Economic and Humanitarian Institute, Economics of Enterprise, Bachelor Degree


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