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Контактна інформація

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Olexiy Mostovy
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Mobile/WhatsApp: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

I am a professional banker with over 20y of experience mainly in
international banks, including 10y in ING Bank
Background in corporate lending, credit analysis, structured finance, risk
management, debt restructuring and customer relationship management


OSCHADBANK (largest Ukrainian universal bank) November 2019 – present
Deputy Director of Debt Restructuring Department / Head of Corporate and FI Risk Management
Responsible for underwriting (lending of large corporate clients and municipalities, establishing FI limits), debt
restructuring, development of recovery strategies for large corporate clients classified as distressed assets,
industry analyses and setting of industry limits, stress testing of the large corporate clients’ loan portfolio,
cooperation with Big Four accounting firms in the preparation of Independent Business Reviews (IBR)
 Successful completion of several long-term consensual debt restructurings for large corporate clients
(Metals & Mining and Commercial Real Estate sectors) covering 70% of NPL portfolio of the bank
 Large tickets lending (Energy and Infrastructure sectors, Renewables, Agri and FMCG)
 Implementation of de-risking measures and temporary restructuring solutions for the portfolio/clients
impacted by (a) COVID-19, (b) the renewable energy sector local liquidity crisis and (c) the Russian invasion
 Clean-up of the bank’s BS from the foreclosed assets by ~40% in 2022 as a result of both direct sales via
English auctions and conducted long-term lease and lease-back deals
 Initiation of the process of sale of NPL exposure via Dutch auction and successfully completed first auction
among the State-owned banks
 Developing a new Corporate Credit Policy to change the outdated

ING BANK 2008 - 2018
Head of Corporate and FI Lending Division
Responsible for lending business in Ukraine: FO mandate for lending limits establishing, negotiations with
customers, structuring of lending transactions, credit analysis and preparation of credit applications, preparation
of loan documentation, support of international business of ING Group in Ukraine, debt restructuring
 Structuring of complex lending transactions for large corporate clients in cooperation with ING Group
offices as well as EBRD, IFC and other lenders (syndicated loans, A/B loans, club deals)
 Originated strong loan book with international clients – more than 50% annual growth of local currency
loan portfolio during last 3 years, aiming to mitigate FCY risk and to improve match-funding
 Simplification of the lending process for parent guaranteed facilities
 During 2016-2018 participated in ING Innovation Bootcamp as an innovation ambassador from Ukraine
 Considerable NPL portfolio reduction as a result of long-term restructuring and sale of the NPL exposure

SEB BANK 2007 - 2008
Head of Corporate Clients
Responsible for development of corporate business in Ukraine, management of relations with
Ukrainian/International corporate clients, supervision of Treasury, Custody and Leasing departments
 Accelerated onboarding of large corporate clients
 Streamlined cooperation with PAM (Parent Account Manager) offices of the Group in limits allocation
 Developed diversified loan portfolio
HYPO VEREINSBANK (UniCredit) 2003 - 2007
Branch Manager
Responsible for management of the branch in Dnipro (Ukraine) covering several industrial regions of the country
 Launched activity of the branch (fully start-up project for the bank)
 Created strong loan portfolio – after 4y of activity, achieved No. 1 position among all branches of the bank
 Performed solid return of investments ratio

Senior Relationship Manager
Responsible for managing relationship with large corporate clients, lending deals structuring, preparation of credit
applications and presentation to the credit committee of the bank
 Arranged several large lending transactions in Retail, FMCG and Machine Building sectors
 Initiated relationship with core clients of the bank

Deputy Branch Manager / Relationship Manager
Coordination of the Front Office activity of the branch (both corporate and retail customers), onboarding of large
corporate clients and lending deals structuring
 Lending – expanded loan portfolio as a result of set up of relationship with several large corporate clients
 Corporate deposits - negotiated attraction of deposits with several cash-rich utility companies
 Salary projects - sold large salary project (over 5 000 credit cards) to the industrial customer

 Master’s degree, Economic Faculty, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
 London Business School, Strategy and Leadership, Executive Education Program (2010)
 ING Business School, Business Administration and Management Program (2013–2016)
 Euromoney, Advanced Corporate Credit Analysis (2017)

 Result oriented, energetic, able to work independently and take the initiative to drive value
 Strong leadership and managerial skills, proactive, able to challenge different stakeholders
 Commercial acumen: understanding of the business environment and objectives to develop solutions
 Maintain relationship and business dialogue with clients, develop loan-based ideas, make
recommendation of the loan structure and risk mitigation for the bank
 Sound negotiation and presentation skills
 Strong analytical skills with attention to detail as well as ability to summarize, able to prepare credit
application / comprehensive business review
 Understanding of Basel III requirements, experience in preparation of risk appetite statement and in
developing a new Corporate Credit Policy
 Collaborative style in building partnerships with others to meet shared objectives
 Able to manage multiple tasks at the same time and to deliver under pressure and tough time frame

English (fluent), Ukrainian (native), Russian (second native), French (beginner)

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