Резюме від 6 травня 2023 Файл


UI/UX designer


Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.


Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») I am an experienced UX/UI Designer with a
98 passion for creating intuitive and attractive
user-friendly websites. Skilled in, Figma, Adobe
Creative Suite, Shopify and AI text and image
Email: generation, with a background in audio visual
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») technology and client relations.

Portfolio: linktr.ee/alex_portfolio Looking for remote or hybrid design roles, in
a company with a solid reputation and strong
LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») value proposition, which is conducive with
my values as a person.
Pixward Studios Interface design March 2023

I designed the user interface of the community space of the Boss Fighters game in Figma,
working closely with the creative and development teams to execute the UX vision of the
● I built up a completely new design system for development and future designers to
● I designed the dashboard and many of its features with the goal of gamifying the
space and increasing its relevance to the game.
● The results were detailed prototypes which reflected the brand identity, and
accounted for usability standards.

Roses by Carter Website design and Digital marketing January 2021- July 2022

My job was redesigning the website using a new and refreshed style.
● I redesigned the main website of rosesbycarter.com to improve usability and
functionality and make it more visually attractive in accordance with the Director
and Creative director.
● I designed digital marketing assets, including targeted advertising campaign assets.
● I used the new marketing assets to improve the brand’s consistency and recognition
in social media through a range of campaigns targeted at ideal customer segments.
● I wrote SEO optimized text for the site and digital marketing campaigns to achieve
direct sales.
● I planned and ran digital marketing campaigns to improve sales, increase awareness
and brand recognition.
● During my time working with RBC I managed to upgrade the site to look more
modern and professional, create a library of marketing assets, and optimize the shop
pages for a better buying experience.

Flipify Media Website design and graphic design November 2022- January 2023
My role in this Ecommerce design studio company was a mix between graphic design work
and Web design.
● I worked with clients to study their individual requirements for a Shopify store.
● I designed the online store concept to make it easy to make it both functional and
unique for the buyer.
● I designed the visual assets using Adobe XD, Figma, Photoshop, including website
assets and digital marketing materials.
● Creative writing for website sections.
● Some of our achievements during my time working here were: A streak of
outstanding e-commerce sites designed exactly to client specifications with a touch
of my signature creative flair. I was tasked with creating the visuals for a completely
new value proposition with our unique service E-package.

BaxterStorey Configuration assistant(Hospitality and Events) November 2019-July 2021

● Based in Plumtree Court office in London, in charge of daily meeting setup and
internal events.
● Worked with high profile clients, which means high demands, prompt and flawless
execution of all work assignments was needed.
● Consistently delivered projects on time, meeting or exceeding project goals.
● Worked in a team to ensure timely and smooth delivery.

The Production House Events Audio Visual Technician April 2019-October 2019

● Set up audio visual equipment at various events in a wide range of venues and
locations such as The Round House, Royal Albert Hall, and many festivals theaters.
● Demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of audio visual solutions and safe
handling protocols.
● Demonstrated an ability to work in a team to tight deadlines.
● Learned and adapted fast, depending on the type of projects and goals.

Hospitality Generalist at Evolve Hospitality
Flexible shifts in major venues as a waiter back of house, and a bartender.

● English (native)
● Ukrainian (native)
● Russian (fluent)

Communication & Media Science at Budapest Metropolitan University (BA Unfinished)
School #58 (Ukraine) School #49 (Ukraine) Meridian International School (Ukraine)

● Google UX Design Professional Certificate at Coursera
● Agile Software Testing Fundamentals at lsi.ac
● Social Media Marketing at Shaw Academy
● Building Design system in Figma from Scratch- UI/UX Mastery

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