Резюме від 24 травня 2023 Файл


IOS Developer

32 роки
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Rostyslav Didenko Email
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
iOS Software Engineer LinkedIn
iOS Software Engineer with over 7 years of experience in [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
designing, developing, and deploying high-quality iOS
applications. Proficient in Swift, Objective-C, and iOS Phone
frameworks. Strong expertise in developing UI/UX, server-side [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
integration, and testing. Good communication and team
management skills.

Work experience Skills
Programming Languages: Swift, Objective-
Sr. iOS Engineer, Depositphotos iOS Frameworks: UIKit, Core Data, Core
May 2022 - Apr 2023 Animation, Core Location, AVFoundation, MapKit,
HealthKit, Core Bluetooth, StoreKi
Developed and maintained iOS application using
iOS Development Tools: Xcode, Instruments, Git,
Swift and Objective-C. Integrated third-party
JIRA, Agile methodologie
libraries, including Firebase, Google SDK’s, and
Integration: RESTful API, SOAP, OAuth, JSON, XM
Crashlytics, to enhance app functionality.
Databases: MySQL, SQLite, Real
Developed custom UI/UX designs using UIKit and
Other Technologies: Firebase, AWS, Google
Core Animation.
Maps, Google Analytics, Fabric, Crashlytics

Middle iOS Developer, MegaKit Education
Aug 2020 - Feb 2022
Developed and maintained 2 iOS applications
Bachelor's degree: "Software Development",
using Swift and Objective-C. Worked
collaboratively with cross-functional teams, 2010 - 2015
including designers, product managers, and QA.
Implemented server-side integration using RESTful Languages
API and OAuth authentication. Developed custom Ukrainian (fluent
UI/UX designs using UIKit and Core Animation. English (intermediate
Russian (fluent)
Middle iOS Developer, BHM GROUP
Oct 2018 - Jun 2020
Create new applications, fix bugs and support for
existing apps. Migration project from Objective-C
to Swift. Upload and supporting app in "AppStore".
Organization and management of work processes
team of mobile developers.

iOS Developer, Devlify
Mar 2016 - Aug 2018

Support for existing apps. Migration project from
Objective-C to Swift. Upload and supporting app
in "AppStore".

Depositphotos app gestgid app

Search, preview, and buy Royalty-free stock An alternative to Booking for the German
photos, vectors, illustrations, and HD videos. market. Booking of hotel rooms and
Explore a library of 230+ million files right on your restaurant tables.


In this project, I worked with:

In this project, I worked with:
Objective-C, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core Data,

Swift, Objective-C, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core Data, Core Animation, Core Bluetooth, Push
Core Animation, Google SDK’s, StoreKit, REST API Notification, Google SDK’s, StoreKit, REST API

and other Pod SDK’s and other Pod SDK’s

Taxi 838 app Disconto app

A client application for a service that provides
The cashback service is where a customer
transportation services for people and goods.

receives cashback from a purchase after

viewing an advertisement for a specific
In this project, I worked with:

product and subsequently purchasing that
Swift, Objective-C, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core
product in any store.

Location, Core Animation, MapKit, Google SDK,

Firebase, Push Notification, Realm, StoreKit, REST
In this project, I worked with:

API and other Pod SDK’s
Objective-C, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core

Location, Core Animation, Push Notification,

UMNION app Core Bluetooth, Realm, StoreKit, REST API and
other Pod SDK’s
A mobile version with the main functionality of a

large web-srm hotel and restaurant business

management system.

In this project, I worked with:

Swift, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core Location, Core

Animation, Core Data, Charts, StoreKit, REST API

and other Pod SDK’s

iFeedBack & iTerminal app

A service for collecting feedback on the quality of

customer service in hotels, restaurants,

amusement parks, and cruise liners.

In this project, I worked with:

Swift, Objective-C, UIKit, AVFoundation, Core

Location, Core Animation, Core Data, StoreKit,

REST API and other Pod SDK’s

Схожі кандидати

Mobile developer (iOS, Android)
120000 грн, Дистанційно, Кропивницький

Программист iOS (Swift, Objective-C)
45000 грн, Дистанційно, Одеса

IOS Developer
Дистанційно, Одеса

Unity Developer, Project manager (Android, iOS, PC, WebGL)
Дистанційно, Харків

Senior IOS developer
Дистанційно, Харків

IOS engineer

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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