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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Файл містить ще 2 сторінки

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Address in Ukraine: Kyiv, Stalingarda av.40,
Current location: England, Birmingham

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(wats app, viber)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

From April 2022 year I am currently located in England. Looking a job to
Banking Sales
moving back Ukraine, Kyiv. Have an advocacy certificate, experience in courts
more than 10 years (civil, corporate, finance issues with tax authorities).
Finance professional always open to new challenges, with over 14 years
experience in growing multi-national Banks and financial companies.
Debt collection
I am a dynamic, sociable and hardworking individual with many skills in finance
Drafting contracts (including invoicing, bookkeeping, statement reconciliations), management
and analytical skills. Having wide knowledge in Banking and finance sector,
Litigation process accounting.

Customer Service

Communication and
Employment History
Negotiation Customer service adviser HSBC bank (England, Birmingham) (call
January 2023 - now
Event Planning

Private advocacy practice in Ukraine 2018-2022 years
- Tax disputes;
Languages - Family law;
- Other civil cases;
- Corporate agreements, etc.

Chief legal counsel of Real Estate Division in international bank
PJSC “Universal bank” Ukraine Kyiv (Subsidiary of EUROBANK, Greece)
Line of activity – Division caring all Bank’s immovable property, managing rent
Hobbies relations regarding Bank’s property, making decisions regarding collection
mortgages in voluntary or judicially way, cooperating with utilities services.
Travelling, reading, cinema
January 2015 — February 2016
Driving license, car, drive • Management of the Division (setting priorities, tasks and controlling their
experience more than 15 fulfilling of employees, auditing results, developing of strategies for
years mortgages collection with high interests)
• Development of collection strategy particular mortgages with high interests
• Negotiations with borrowers regarding voluntary settlement debt, secured
with immovable property, which requires management (factories, hotels,
active business properties)
• Issuing and supporting eviction processes
• Registration of property rights – ownership, rent and others
• Search, recruitment and training of personnel
• Searching potential buyers, approving contracts on the Bank’s
committees and supporting sales agreements of property, from on the
Bank’s balancesheet.

• got judgment in a favor of Bank in Supreme court of Ukraine, which
allowed to safe high interest case mortgage;
• Exceeded the annual plans in „cleaning” objects for more than 160%

Chief lawyer of Nonperformance Loan unit Risk Department PJSC
Universal Bank
Line of activity – Real estate on the Bank’s balance sheet and collection debts
June 2010 — January 2015

• Collecting mortgage loans, auto loans, unsecured loans (operation with claims
and lawsuits, issuing appeals/claims in Supreme court, etc);
• Consolidation, preparation and consideration bad loans on NPL committee in
bank – making offers, solving different issues, approving valuations,
discussing markdowns, coordinating voluntary and forced sales.
• Participating in negotiations with clients;
• Participating in court hearings, cooperation with prosecutors and
enforcement service;
• Participation in courts of any level, in other regions, including in economic
• Presenting Bank’s interests in Bankruptсy processes
• Issuing and supporting liquidation processes;

Head of Bank’s Branch

BNP Paribas, Kyiv, UKRAINE
January 2009 — May 2010

BNP Paribas is an international bank:

• Organizing work of branch and implementation of business plans;
• Developing strategies for the development of branch
• Fulfilment of planned indicators of profitability of branch
• Creating and distributing of sales plans
• Searching, selecting and training of personnel
• Conducting motivational conversations with subordinate staff


• Best sales results among 60 branches in three-month period.

Senior Sales Manager SME

BNP Paribas, Kyiv, UKRAINE

April 2008 — January 2009
• Attracting a new clients for deposits, pension programs, insurances, SME
current accounts, cards products, guarantees, acquiring etc.
• opening accounts, issuing loans, etc. in Banks programs;
• working with problem loans.

• Exceeded the annual plans more than 200%

Master's degree, Advocacy Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, UKRAINE
Civil law
June 2008

Graduated with High Honours
Bachelor’s degree,
National University of Shipbuilding named by admiral Makarov (Nikolaev),
Law Faculty
September 2001 — June 2005

Graduated with High Honours

Sales Techniques

Become a leader, personnel management, time - management

References available upon request

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