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Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Bielova Halyna
Junior Android Developer
location: Kharkiv, Ukraine
email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

I'm a Junior Android Developer with experience in developing applications on the Android platform. My
knowledge includes developing the user interface, working with databases, and testing applications on
different devices and versions of Android. I'm ready to join a team that is dedicated to developing high-quality

Education: Languages:
Kharkiv National Medical University Ukrainian (native)
September, 2012 - June, 2018 English (pre-intermediate)

● Trainee Android Developer at Space Whale
October, 2022 - October 2023
● Trainee Android Developer at CHI Software
October, 2023 - present

Technical skills

Java: Kotlin:
OOP, Java Core, Multithreading, OOP, Mutable and immutable variables, Sealed class, Data
Collections class, Extension functions, Companion object, Lambdas, Scope
functions, Coroutines, Coroutines Flow

Architectural Principles & Approaches: Android Jetpack:
MVVM, MVI Compose, Room, Navigation component, Material Design &
Clean architecture, Feature-module Material 3, Lifecycle components, KTX
SOLID, Software design patterns

Multithreading and parallel execution: DI:
Kotlin Coroutines & Coroutines Flow Koin, Hilt, Dagger 2

Network (RESTful): Google services:
OkHttp, Gson, Json, Retrofit Google maps, Google location services

Third-party Libraries: Android SDK:
Glide, Coil ViewBinding, Application components, Custom Views (layout
inflater, canvas, custom attributes), SQLite, WindowInsets,
Resources management (localization, theming, qualifiers),
User permissions, Location tracking, FragmentManager,
SharedPreferences, Notifications, Alarm Manager

Version control: Project management tools:
Git Trello, Jira

● Billink

Billink is a flexible payment solution for online retail companies. It’s one of the biggest and most
attractive providers of post-paying in the Netherlands. With Billink, customers can choose to pay for
orders only after receipt, while Billink takes over the full payment risk, from invoicing to collection. The
app allows users to check recent paid and unpaid orders.
Stack of technologies: Android SDK, Kotlin, Coroutines Flow, Light & Dark mode, MVVM, Clean Architecture,
Android Architecture Components, Jetpack Navigation, Retrofit, Google Maps API.

● Dobbi

The product was developed for one of the biggest dry cleaners in the Netherlands. The app allows
you to pick up and deliver clothing, pay for orders, notify a user about orders updates and make
regular orders through mobile.
Stack of technologies (Android): Android SDK, Kotlin, Coroutines & Flow, Koin, Google Maps API, MVVM,
Android Architecture Components

● Revizor (pet-project)

Revizor is an Android mobile app designed for fans of public dining establishments. Users can log in
and create reviews of venues, add photos, and pinpoint locations on a map. The app is available in
both online and offline modes, with the ability to manually sync data with the server. Revizor helps
users save memories and share them with other users. It is a useful app for fans of public dining
establishments, making their visits easier and increasing their satisfaction with them.
Stack of technologies: Android SDK, Java, RxJava, RxAndroid, MVVM, LiveData, SQLite, Retrofit, OkHttp, Gson,
ViewBinding, Material Design library, Jetpack Navigation component, Glide, Google Maps SDK, Location

● Clock View (pet-project)

Clock Widget is an Android application developed as a pet project, utilizing a custom view in the form
of a clock. The project aims to create an interactive widget that displays the current time
Stack of technologies: Android SDK, Kotlin, Canvas, Custom View, Custom Animation, MVVM, LiveData

● Paw Pal (pet-project)

PawPal app helps pet owners organize and manage their pets' care with reminders for vaccinations,
parasite treatment, and vet appointments. It allows users to maintain records of their pets' health and
behavior. The app also offers a quick access feature for creating a shopping list of favorite pet
Stack of technologies: Android SDK, Kotlin, RxJava, RxAndroid, MVVM, LiveData, DialogFragment, KTX, Alarm
Manager, Notifications, Room, Retrofit, OkHttp, Gson, ViewBinding, Material Design library, Jetpack Navigation
component, Glide

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