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Front-end, web developer

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Дніпро, Київ, Одеса

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Ihor Safronov

Frontend web developer

Summary of I am an experienced and creative front-end developer with a passion for creating
Qualifications interactive and aesthetically pleasing web applications. With over 1 year experience
in web development, I have a deep understanding of the programming languages
and tools required to create modern and responsive user interfaces.
I have good experience in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I can work effectively with
libraries and tools that improve the development process such as SASS/SCSS,
Bootstrap and Git. My experience includes developing responsive web applications,
optimizing performance, testing and debugging code, and working in a development
I always strive for learning and self-development, so I am always up to date with
the latest trends in front-end development. I actively explore new technologies and
techniques to apply them to my work and improve the user experience. My
communication skills allow me to easily communicate with colleagues and clients,
as well as work effectively in a team.
I am motivated, goal-oriented and always strive for high quality in my work. I am
ready to contribute and take on challenges in a dynamic and innovative
development environment. I pride myself on my ability to overcome technical
challenges and achieve results, and I am ready to apply my skills and experience
to successfully complete projects.

Web development: Optimization and assembly
 HTML5  Babel
 CSS3  Gulp
 JavaScript  Github
 jQuery
Testing and debugging
Adaptive design:
 Browser developer tools
 Responsive Web Design (RWD)
 Media Queries Teamwork
 CSS frameworks (like Bootstrap)  Agile methodologies
 Communication and collaboration
Layout and styling
 Flexbox
 Grid

Project Description: The website is a simple landing page designed for selling SUB GEN 3 products. It
features responsive web design, ensuring that the layout and content adapt
seamlessly to various devices and screen sizes. The page incorporates smooth
transitions, creating a seamless browsing experience as users navigate through
different sections.
The website includes a burger menu, allowing users to access the navigation menu
conveniently. It enhances the user experience by providing easy navigation options.
Form validation is implemented on the website, ensuring that user-submitted data
is accurate and meets the required format. The form on the website is configured
to send product data to Telegram, facilitating seamless communication and order
Full Name
Intermediate QC Engineer

One notable feature of the website is the ability to select the product color. Users
can choose from a range of available colors, providing them with customization
The website is built using Gulp, a popular task runner for web development. Gulp
streamlines the development process by automating tasks such as optimizing
images and transforming them into the WebP format. This optimization enhances
the website's performance and loading speed.
Furthermore, all images on the website are adapted to fit any screen size, ensuring
that they look visually appealing and maintain optimal quality regardless of the
device being used to access the website.
Overall, the website serves as an effective landing page for promoting and selling
SUB GEN 3 products. It offers a responsive design, smooth navigation, form
validation, seamless data transmission to Telegram, color customization options,
and optimized image handling through Gulp.
Customer: EU company
Involvement 1 week
Project Role: Web developer
Responsibilities:  Implementing Responsive Web Design:
 Smooth Page Transitions:
 Burger Menu Implementation:
 Form Validation:
 Telegram Integration for Data Submission:
 Color Selection for Products:
 Gulp Build Automation:
 Image Adaptation and Optimization:
Project Team Size: 2 team members
Tools & HTML5, SCSS, JS, gulp

Project Description: The website is a typical online store dedicated to selling sushi. It features a
responsive design that adapts to various devices, ensuring a seamless user
experience across smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Smooth page
transitions enhance the overall navigation, providing a seamless browsing
The website incorporates a burger menu, a popular design element that simplifies
navigation on smaller screens by hiding the menu behind a toggle button. This
allows users to access the menu easily without cluttering the interface.
Form validation is implemented to ensure that user input is accurate and complete.
It validates user-submitted data, such as contact information or order details, to
minimize errors and provide a smooth checkout process.
The website utilizes HTML5 efficiently, employing only the necessary elements to
maintain a clean and optimized codebase. This approach helps improve website
performance and load times.
To populate the product information, the website dynamically loads data from a
JSON file. This enables easy updates and modifications to the product catalog
without requiring manual HTML editing. Each sushi item is associated with a unique
ID, and when users click on an item, the corresponding price and ID are captured
and stored in local variables.
Local variables facilitate efficient handling and manipulation of data within the
website's logic. They allow for quick access to essential details, such as prices and
IDs, for further processing, such as adding items to the cart or calculating totals.
Products or their specific characteristics are displayed based on their respective IDs.
This functionality enables users to view detailed information about a particular sushi
item, enhancing their shopping experience.
The website also incorporates random product display, ensuring that users are
presented with a varied selection of sushi items during their browsing session. This
feature adds an element of surprise and engagement to the shopping process.
Full Name
Intermediate QC Engineer

A shopping cart feature is implemented, allowing users to add selected items to
their cart for eventual purchase. This feature provides a convenient and organized
way for users to review their selected items and proceed to checkout.
The website includes a feedback form that enables users to provide their comments,
inquiries, or feedback. Upon submission, the form data is securely sent to a
Telegram group, facilitating communication and customer support.
Furthermore, the website integrates Google API to enhance its functionality. It may
utilize Google Maps API for distance calculation and estimating delivery costs. This
allows users to obtain accurate information about the distance between their
location and the delivery destination, as well as an estimate of the associated
delivery charges.
Overall, your sushi online store website combines responsive design, smooth
navigation, form validation, minimal HTML5 usage, dynamic data loading from
JSON, local variable management, ID-based product display, random product
presentation, a shopping cart, a feedback form with Telegram integration, and
integration of Google API for distance calculation and delivery cost estimation.
These features collectively create an engaging and user-friendly platform for selling
sushi online.

Customer: EU company
Involvement 2 months
Project Role: Web developer
Responsibilities:  Implementing Responsive Web Design:
 Smooth Page Transitions:
 Burger Menu Implementation:
 Form Validation:
 Telegram Integration for Data Submission:
 Color Selection for Products:
 Gulp Build Automation:
 Image Adaptation and Optimization
 tests
Project Team Size: 2 team members
Tools & HTML5, SCSS, JS, gulp

Project Description: This new website is a modern and user-centric platform that combines responsive
design, a burger menu, smooth transitions, image filtering, simple animations, a
slider, and the use of flexbox and grid block models. These features create an
attractive and interactive user experience. The website's responsive design ensures
optimal display on various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.
The burger menu provides compact and convenient navigation, particularly on
mobile devices, where it is displayed as an icon that expands to reveal the available
sections upon clicking. Smooth transitions add elegance to the user's interaction
with the website, providing seamless animations when moving between pages or
sections. The image filtering feature allows users to manipulate and sort images
based on specific criteria such as color, type, or size. This functionality facilitates
the search and browsing of relevant content. Simple animations bring dynamism
and liveliness to the website. They can be used to highlight key elements, visually
notify users of actions, or simply create interesting effects that enhance the user
interface. The website also includes a slider, which enables horizontal or vertical
scrolling of content. Sliders are commonly used to present images, banners,
promotional materials, and other content, providing a dynamic and visually
appealing way to showcase information. The development of the website utilized
flexbox and grid block models. These powerful CSS tools enable the creation of
flexible and responsive layouts, simplifying the positioning of elements on the page.
This ensures efficient space utilization and easy adaptation of the design to different
screen sizes and resolutions. Overall, this new website offers a modern and user-

Full Name
Intermediate QC Engineer

friendly platform, incorporating responsive design, a burger menu, smooth
transitions, image filtering, simple animations, a slider, and the utilization of flexbox
and grid block models. These features contribute to an attractive and interactive
user experience.
Customer: EU company
Involvement 3 days
Project Role: Web developer
Responsibilities:  Implementing Responsive Web Design:
 Smooth Page Transitions:
 Burger Menu Implementation:
 Form Validation:
 Telegram Integration for Data Submission:
 Color Selection for Products:
 Gulp Build Automation:
 Image Adaptation and Optimization
 tests
Project Team Size: 1 team member
Tools & HTML5, SCSS, JS, gulp

SoftServe HTML CSS JS fundamental tries WL N.
8542/2022 Certificate.pdf

Education Dnipropetrovsk Oles Honchar National University
Faculty of Physics and Technology
Rocket and Space Technologies


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