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Контактна інформація

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Oleksandr Kiosia
Python Developer
Highly motivated and detail-oriented Python Developer with a background in marine
Strong problem solving and analytical skills. Quick learner and team player.
Passionate about learning and eager to take on new challenges.

Contact Experience
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
TeamChalange projects
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») Python Backend Developer
Address Worked with several cross-functional teams to design and implement a web applications
Ukraine, Odessa reg. utilizing Jira, Git, CI/CD, Agile methodology.
LinkedIn GitHub GitLub Django REST Framework for backend API and React JS for frontend.
Used HTTP/HTTPS and WebSockets for communication. PostgreSQL for storing data,
Redis, channels for utilizing WebSockets. drf_yasg for creating Swagger documentation.
Education Used Docker.
Writed API Tests. Tested in Swagger and Postman.
Communication with third party APIs.
2009 - 2012 Deploy on free servers such as AWS(free trial), render, netlify, elephantsql.
Junior Specialist Degree Projects:
Maritime College ONMA DRF backend for online shop service PINI-PINO. With Django admin page, social
Odessa,Ukraine authentication, communication with third party APIs (payment, delivery and currency
rate services).
2022 Web Chat. DRF API, WebSockets real time communication. Private and public chats
Python Course for authorized users.

Udemy courses

Skills Freelance, Udemy courses, YouTube courses, Self Education
Python Trainee Developer
Django Started Studying Python language.
Django REST Framework Created several Projects:
Flask 1. Fishing telegram bot and small web interface for fishing enthusiasts which analize
FastAPI whether from third party API according to position and help people to prognose
HTTP/HTTPS fishing activity. Used django, requests and telebot libs.
HTML 2. Language learning Django web service for private teacher connected with telegram
CSS bot. Which give information about course details and help teacher give home work for
Git each student individual files in different formats. Were used Django, HTTP, HTML,
JSON CSS, Bootstrap, aiogram, MySQL, Docker.
MySQL This project help me to understand how Django works. MVT(MTV), how works HTTP,
SQLite how to communicate with DB not only through ORM, how to write SQL requests.
Redis Also I used Docker and Docker compose while developing.
Project was deployed on render.
This project give me boost to study Django REST Framework.

English B1 Quick Learner Collaboration
Self-taught Python language and other Had productive collaboration with cross-
Ukrainian C2 functional teams including Designers, PM,
new technologies. And successfully
Frontend Developers, QA, DevOps, Mentor
applied the acquired knowledge during
(Team Lead) to develop new features for web
development process. applications.

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